Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

IMIENIEMMII) Nollomo TI)icago Dalin Cr.ribunt, 15. It te. Lase, Le011 01 tho ilerw 'rho Crams LOCAL MATTERs I lilt' 11:1 It IT st VFW, vicw or the tretle tbt the wets 1 Ile Ilewaa War." It.te ha I Vt0.4.111. 6S h. II Pritlike tit article 3 A u.

A 11; Aristocrat. Mow, yiaoikY At IttL 3. 1 a4rantage ta tionant-to ol the Northers an Coat "tab him hto entre totally. stoclutituog to o.n.o. uy ogot tort evostiont, we tatemlect no atoreo I A.Attv.--Str.

Friak bag tall. 1." tl.vArtta. ni pro. 1.4 rot Alr. Iltt orhAtta la, 1,61, 94 juror's that hot boo lba fined ICU hor.

IH, of I Ir. to tr. D. 11.m kw Vanilla WO, in e0M11.411 t.f I ro. to Mr.

I), 11.w whom we, in olusit "II 164 I larono wa that ht. boo M. fi r.J IMPW THEaTREe gib IMMO MK 41011, TON tligamell. Pti hie. 111.

lbsom I 4rt eV TUB IMIPARICASI Wat legestry. Proms. he. NI MIN Idt. Itrir, MA; thaw W- Rd "On 1.1(ore Isal al alter i )11 11 0Lqiit 1.110.1 ALA- A Lott, faa bard owl Ili 11 4ato.

Inda 1 I lse. pt. Is tag 4.4 Pram. 91 low. waatoa 4110.6 .17 t1.11..h.t al I I on.

oar, ao taf IC Or. .9 al 41.r". th maim 011064 LOSAW1-1 Mr, IattraP liktwaba besot awa 1111 mi 1 "OK WU OM IA 11 SAI.IIS 4)F l's" ,411 waw9rwe I AI I a Way 614. it-rg; a kaa 0.1.41.rcr0. I aloall ram Waval awl odor kr Wir TOM -A amnia, ma woke, 11.

all -114011 al, Va ALtUA 1,1111 itamt. 414-1 LKfil-1. sit fury a co, ,04, It.1.717's4 111 "I 47::4 ala01al tUr tt a ow Winos 113 3' t) 111810 ler um ast filA Fanny mok-m, owed halo an, 11.1 al. alma. 0000 99 alert 1,11.

i dr. try oa 17 ao I gua Proindtet Polk. wan 1- l'ro wttlw hey w. a Ivo' Prolwit et Polk. wan rent.

c4 tv krtilw hTv Imik eiwol, se imid.ts La. trul route 011, 1.4to Caw, .1 the ilbsktue ea be ottg.i. 1 1 cowl. Tbo ahort.e; ii route 'no ialortee; 1 I no ottotee. oa 4,1 tea Oak Vries Pawner tetrr000rter roots tot ot0000asot twee Ettotorti Arta.

te, tile --it Jen( Tay lot 11 to appoi litra Pr ott oot lmg rattle 1 soy trorcort I rune ttortitototorly. tike e-ol wets( tqlortly otter hie Lime Meeet. I at. 4 1 none sertinsosterly. teitestii.o ti.

dent reirrin atter Iii, reunited, Lane 14.10',.4,tst Sitire ib MI him. loom to Atee postil081 Or thifloCS. To Itpt coot ide "anise ia an aael CPt ak. tissiws El, 1 ea poreh. through whoeh le tide marline to 1 I To with your runotuturn upon thu, haute.

In the Ulmer esrnor of this. 1 orrr. off VHS 111 AWN. la Strirtrfree Mr. keened: in us day's Tribeue, yon mr- the dry eleithoards of lite house, Ole of slot.

i nue Sos t.ntl, WI it uP. he. tue008.01 Tinge trite It I I A tunas al tames. Aimittweee ee tint euvis wil twv.mic IA I e. tor Cenons lintoon, J.

lb ti. 10e liow, EN, i ihnry in iiin wm, bnarnj by sawn persona Ithae la' 16.4"11 A. the o.lksoo 11.14 prOptIMOT Of 1110 Neve lir- 1 aittamc gp, mid itimulpilat nlitnn True I Le lig I art4 Owe 31111 I PesSI Mat loons Commer for I. 1.4 oer.n but the fir ima ri hr, uprir. eh.

I sears Mr. bt Dols Iota been eousul I Tet THISI 7Trttt A.1"41:te' -741 Itir. Ire Allow hoe Wien; wiereally eisissi4 a a throuota whaeh ink a J. emirs to K.6. 7 TOP THIK orrrtrimso or cum el.

toir lam Itauklt 110448IT wrirvatt II 411, in, 1. SPRING SEILLINERY 01111 111. TN the. Itoomboto of Nene No. Onoloor Otooit otofo PI al "16 1 111 1 a If s000 Meilit of ilho 111.

C000dio, toroomoOSOo ooroo cl? 1400tt totot mod Noy Or ,41 iLalarlba4 low a tWoossag Si. ow" At. and koo "woof. ow, It lift 111.1, al.o.,,,,oltiff I A tuns, bowl kok oto, moo, fro oaf vervia Nita oveleet, ANKiN A COOK -17:" to m.sof inotiom 1 .1 onwwwwww 11,04 a 4 Trwavoklmas A. 4 Els481T wrirvatt II 411, 617.0:4...LOON0 AO ,,,,,00,,,.....

nee NN tolmt 1f 4arly then turning westerly it peensr pc at Teo. sea to repreeent the territory in Vow. bane eo a esteem reeoe ge, one of the Aleittion Oen dt. ft ItIllinflo 0. fre'l so Os son- .4..

I 1 north. Ilene. steeeelj bet.1,1 alai Anigeot st the 461OAst l't totktirIA141 1 ties ttennan rbaer. vat tistattata Won ili totat Pot latua, Lae Sea, Jliptf fa 0( 10 Ir en ti4ak OE golt steainhoste at the Port oit ihittlio hy the lion- gald ea iu fool 16401Z IV the Saila, Treasury' wir ths," 1.1.unst or i 7.i...richer). a the th uy' under the nw law.

reales, art so i grcnt Oaniff Ilof cotioL ar lis repotntitie a toeing so Chita to Co. oi Califon, Vtrulalt filo s. a partato441 alnefiaaaa fi. apt Waiter is ono int Or It.r 1444.PAS a inf.reMet Coorgeonts end t'hinese See. te the i Lim el the haat Itt1 ion i the eldest aptitots on lio.

Isko. no commandntsasA fee sko sad aatwonel tUratatraa taa t'of eit tlia the flint upper tains lesedt paps The dietanieee Seto are fitilicei otennier lanotelied on the lakes and the hei.t ts tea Akt, r4r, I. tb. vl. 4 Th.

T. 1,,.....7... 1.., t.1. ter day. 'lie sill be ta valinitte is i ...47,,,,, the potion itt which be le placed.

BreaeA ere a. frit 3-Ad mood 04wIttsa tip t'at 7 Archipelago I ed the the tinit upper eatita 'teenier latiotehst on the lake', mut the lo-4 a Thai from sharigai are I. wit No-oter 4 vs mr. I. 0 0..

the .....1.,..,..,,, 4....... 1.7-6......,, bar day. Ilia eliperiataer will be ievaluithte in i the poeition in which be is plaeeil. yrs.

to roprosest the territory in t'ots ticTeSt tir esp. Aufristss and.V.steph Itray UM, tIN lisss Sills; test loaltPeloro of St.t.aext,st4 at rh Pun "it ituttnia hy the lion. of tho Treasury under tho new low. tt 1.0 the reptttatt a 1.404 so Nil PrSyto lawlw anal harottar at vat, 4riat ootsmelegi 1010ta evarr kra 0 tea. jlakk pm-114061km Nowak.

rwtva 4 ww, Onlaretill ITC 1.4 Arliratto 0,4 PT'TINA "MUT. CITy II()T 17. any Las aat la rail, a a at. a-- neat WILL those al atatdas 6 CITY- HOTEI.1 I sgek.w.. 0--- ars it oamtut.h.d.

Lig hal id be I Thom wt. flot Eloortottl to 'Mot tho ammo aketheeici burning la the hem shone tatreehh the Tel Si of tioecepoi Cts bo OttadOol WwW 'IL! Uto ititiott Or Liao ineonidiary oh bane and indeed he hoot hove hoed clime by Vw.66'm bore tweet. .111.11140 Woe IOWA soli tic of than. deoperate daring ic almost A rryss-rum iocrodiblia No resume in kmow for ouch per. The awry RELL Kmou'a '411 ellas eee ie trt tor to Imrn down Mr.

Friars al tab 6'7 ''s at.tenot ia to barn down Mr. Friars yea ea arms -paomil, if onequalie4 Ma'am. ciao. IA: hes our lIosertonseat was taking the steostre they rintirettrif Vat to thla a Orin for tit I presume it is this same towhees ieloptel 'Sou will, therefore. tortoise that we.

the people's interviste hare sort been sseritieed. and as an LI aml so teemed trieud of Mr. De Bow. wilt you to make the amend, Yours. truly ea" eleag the liee a U.

II" Fork I.NSatt elMr.td4.00..,. gels. saii to New I w-IL. 0.7 um. 11,0 R.z.,,Ima1 btolo JOtrozo IRS SAtir Ser.

All. To root Sw Nes .0 'OW tea f'. real, Detroit Free reent save that it wait miatakeu ia Mae rapaitte U. travail tom a Near Ts, Ira, -c 1- V' Ea that the inititietion grant in this IN' on so lorg a route must have. a do- i traltianle eoniatuaktilies WA 1 1 WWI by Julge Johneost, at Ile Court.

klew 00.1 hall nay. 4 in oar irsiat route to the attention of all interacted the Aleet. eni 1 I ass grantol hy a cireaA ceart 1 in Waalwittier by Ilia name of Van Cleve. Ht. I.

towed am a 1 T. Sei r'" 1 atatiog that the ittionetion granted in tiiie eam 1 ''''''reeee e'l ee k''" a VnW't watt by Judge Julawma, ur 1.1.s.14. Cgorb-- Tho foilowiog trainable ocamitutioatios toll tar 0..4 hall uny. 4 nn, 1 ee'lt' te the teethe (4 ail tlis Aleutian L'aiid. th; gni Vancon- 1 1 houge.

Three times now, haturday, Sueday sad Monday kaa hie ileum heels ore ea lire. If any one niAes to revenge himself for an itn arra a sir 11 A Karl a rkoroca. ow- a I. nano, no44 es CataArtamtata OaA-4ttt St lAre4soll an mita. ti, AA Nell 0 A CkMk' Orfrak" 0.1."nt...1,'"1.1.Lkl, 4 war of a r16 at.

at as at K. 1 :10 ir VHF HW, la OM a TILE la a 4 91,0101 V6 1 or a 410 part at IPA mad vs lac afiwroes fiesatt.g ta at- A stat- bi tat ImalaNlihrumll, 00 IF It, ik.a.4 lartAAg 0,41 too 0. 'ciz 1,014 I 4 frogs an, tree of caws, trtat 1 14, IAA. A II Criallig WILK. Ilk MH t111111101 if $1144.1 scary, et Ow sea by Mall OM 1,4 I L.

414. a PCJI a a las Lati. ot. rarri," ...6 a a Aar TAIRA, die' -4 arry; I a roao ity 1 .1.4 or Om 44 .4 Atm, 'n '4'1 a --r must lik.norr a4 is al At at A 'papa an4 aft Oa Yarnitara.PAatiotatag tar I Alf at I ao bri, 0.4 .:1 1 in but" tAmmizit Ott, 1-4 ,..1, AA 1, 11, Maw taw, Matta art4 ala 1 Iowa war. so SLANCklualufr a aa daawat A At.

attaAtott trt a .4 hr. 1.4 et t' pm II V044.1 bola so4 IL IVIIVIICIII IA RUA Oil, a gpal. mat WA tArttal arAl ail OA apit 10 awl a Al CI IAA 0 Fa I rrrt. ott. iii lattottAr.

tti 0 to telt tuna. It ant.44.1. ----EtAINCtatkillOrd I rrst. ott. iv.

0 to czumi. k' F. wrong on Mr. Fri.nit. it soeum as it be 1 BRADFORD WOODWARD, RN Mar Virrai In ir berwar to all danany, 11416111" 'I 1 -1' aka ILar nty at.

At ell He li Van 0 Hltarraddell MERVIN ape II OFted tamp 1.1 titat aato In, tddy Taao nye dew al a ad, hti at C. act. nauttd. IL. nit U.

14111 day at Marc. 1 am-Thom a it a. I No. SOS Lebo letwera. INAL Ant.

lir. datnthaaad lb intadring dayard.1 tot and dtt ad d4-- Ap i gar radii aotrawserrle nee nt itynt Lot number I ie tinda aumnor ad ttandart.d.pardy WU Milli T. Lidt, Sabeenew a A4 I "Warr ERN. La nd ta .1 ita 4 tay. at mAl OPIPTO Pe UPI 1.1, 1.1" i I A ant Ate INV A Mb dth1111014011 MCKIM 'VMS 11..

easel Met se tee ea One the 'Pall. tow Pda. 1 Nah I Leith ththedad dt 'A' t''dth, la- the thth day of Marfa, I lotraga: tharthaded the idkArlair dethrthol tht thaeed erreea Iddr Cain adrawserro MlAelffAMMMA Uwe et leet. Lee number I le Meet isteelar et beeeem IMICI Aid IN 'I Litt, athothadd A'' I NOtirki LE.N. Loud ta 41e erar.d.

a I've Ila 4 that the utiaa erthoodied ee rql 4elt Hardware. Cutlery. Jke. prroi el. rrrot ce roorul AIM Nati al to Vetotra ead 0mkamm owl Owhory.

are to tee evetotta a see tm4 wroll weak-wet holt 4 mr, loMm, to- so gram the" otttle the Mtetsto. lawaterat Italemeal tototrattletrat eakepeatara aott others. lietatia ihestittee toe purchasing opal Itt thee 411 Tort whom, orr iAag Metta ea aa terw to not woke, It ear datont to ber Iowa tottureoteote WeMette aa 4 tomb. then bad 11 at liordwas too ma thereat toema u.ete the weeetme 4 travettno awd temetateeMista fro. Ited Tort ff egher Lemma Id ha re ot er.4et ealptareta A tura.

Low katwIe met other, hot. holt threotwa. itio.4. Harm' mot Parweith Orttath throteomt. and Atari aaaa met eve Iwo Fottee sod lionaelente Wee het.

Motol JWI KU tatothactetosta Ihmelk ao4 PtS.SOPL rub, nod Parma I Itseatt. end wie 4 we. oatIOIS Tabu and PorkK Cothert, Wm alma, tkol Ir lAtlet, aet air Ail takteta by Mail tor ealmetehe trot whet with hotall4 Mt.U.SS vruIN CO, alh Im4 102 tate. 1141 atm, MC. 1 bkso.

1 0 0 a II IkithJoel rter I WM 4 IL Itchtte VMS. Na. I Clark, tak DREW FKINPIII 114MJest hew Imk at tioutocrrn. 111111111 N.w at Pototocrrit 1 ver's Island at til an.1 conveniently tOROMOOlt Pen4v44 hi Trifr11 Wt i tbAt. arth-le.

yeeeele 1 lite-fa 31Eactiax-re Aprg ha. et Cilkmurt- IV thit; tIAL" ea2 611'15 to the Ntrai-l'ee- derc it it there this alio isslite Monthly, eo vainoLle for its thadanyor liek-re has tha rulilic Itcert favored i chnni. stAtiitica of traits and aad thorough dioy to Aie tumet gull tLe Saul- on ita.ner uriciona rcaenta.a.,4,,,,,:t atatounect of awl Thy 'At'''. a wieli for I ecal distgace then I ita 1--ut-ete einiciint of selections, Ilia folinwn iit art 1 Lbentenoaretneatitoottorthby ouroarreepoodent, 1 be 4.4,catiy Front slicuttai to i or ind, nn 4,,,11 onmiro, from i "an bl sPredeAtAa onlY 11 bei4lt tri'-'1- i 1 thete it, tnAec. tnakutg Iii-ve-toary time to time: 1 1 hetwei-L and by tlient to Soo Die- The Manufactures of Paris.

Lieut. Maury's i Tien Fac ti ilknolve Ineatailled On Great i erni a 0, to 0 sr, ana uic circulation or its e'ter tee. mtoris i mato, time gicict the Northern Watem; The Trade 'ma Commerce of St. todid, it 61rtli Inc.wnt1'Igh n't 14.1waYt' 'a i I 'onir'al rout to Chit is .11 connection aitit in The Law of Lankruptcy by Bon 11 Athld. that in eegioLt' lAetAe" m'P' "a i Alf.

0-. uis .1., sv 2 It ii, we! fut always' i Astoria time giving, the Northern Waters; The Trade 'ma comma, of Si. totes snail, tbitz in beiwnin; dieanara aad I Central C.111111 :11 coanection witit* in The, Lew of by Ilm. D. Porter Alabama 0.t"'a th' C')ntinc0L 61166166 F.

Landir. Marra- See. b. A- $ILModd. Athodththd pelt Crockery, China, GINIVIerfere A gemeab abbe me INere eel met Al' A rertox CONSP; XlIZNT.

('144 rk "141A16 lbs 16' "6" 616116- 6661 Darlif-m di led Mc seet iof 476- A A rertox Mal. I. it. I might finI some betthr way than to put its Sao. Reported' asituatieseas eat lase nitric 'quay the lite or hie wire ana aibianu An thew not to be ollowtsi to sleep ib pewee! Must It wail he remembered that a few da)s ago the-r atartie4 night with the horrid ery a despetrh on the arvival of the Euro.

or ottre.s that. tile threstentac trouble between Rua. ease which demands the peel awl Turkey eras eettied. By the mails we eation of lb, city satheritiee Should mot is this out a sia tat the foliowing particulars of tail -intoresting i the mayor ett-er a liberal misard (or tin. dAse, affair tioa Ct the Soda spread Peetsitithes received by the Turkish Manaster the whole cry a freliuit or inseeteritY at Puts, and al lowetoont by the at Let each am, hrieg the reel home to himself.

London, say that Prince 3leaseliikotTmade some tooditleations ia the pretension which, Its at and stimulated by tbs sympathy owl realisation fest stossainvech ant that the Sultan aeeepted cannot fail to see to it that -whatever of the propoeitiorist At a f4Unei1 of Min. ai1 or rouse. he two Ore b. bromptly istem hell at the Tuillerie, on Monday. ttlet, and over 17 Napohow.

it was eonsid- Faow For tato Itilsrevitee tea- 1-- IgeW MILWACEIZ For lat.) Malwavses From MIL.Atrune. For Wm Milwavime vs' nun Ir VoolD bATEIRD Al T. obo I alb Or I Oob MILLCV a go. 1 i (AAA enettege the 640 until the Week is Acme.) 1 Pe 1 MAU Wye ek eshat- CO ht Ilk eutherihort met WI the "Akirtagt Seism out reee6t.44 wed ba thte he 01.thir k. reek.

rtmentelet AO reet I paered that the affair had terrninateAl, and that ail 2 wale' I 0 I) t) LBW. MEW VI ArLat Mt AA. sad Masi bluidadion. io ern had ari I 000 laatarrttlwa I '4 (1..6, VII omaroa SPA woo Sups asP104244OSIAAts, Is, btala ea a rtd AT wiLEr a co.s. I telt.

OF LIME MPT. AD VASILMI Milt-0141111, A ..:4 4 on Platows 0. pvssost Vo04110 1 .4. Pac hens 00 Anot OP 00 SIA 14 A PER FINIAL is loto OA mit PAP rue, Nat, at it tor, KAI It It rhoo.ers., Ipso tams 00 soss Ks Tows, Poems ss4 assoss4 ORIAo A ppLIAA loojw rumAiksa isrgq, Ipt AVOW ILL, sis fpfar Jon. ANA Ott Alsts-essit rouse WWI- tam, lo it olL, nallt leer eis ISA.

As IA. II. so. steoss, to' bad Ammo. Coots CLA4010041, tigs114104Ais Is Resta litT la Po 4044410.

AP-. L1hM WAIT io iNza. 44440010, 4..0,,, ISA -b 40 re 14 T1010141 SI Ao (Asa i)1114 111 WA IlAsis Et jialliji SOULS 4100, 001110110,4 7 Thank sA4 PAL 1 0 )11 100rantent, Is 4 iiisoe 140,400. mosts4. 10.4 stooges AI 40.

14 0-1, Aso 0 it iiiiiiiLEPI AA I ILL .10 T. qe, Um, IF, IA CooCi.ta. Letss44A140- ChA14110.04 "044, i go If 4 1111-A Teri sk Ts milk. wl 'mat, fiMit 4.4.01,10 ISASILL r4.1..

a. 1 KS AAA rrs--40041 sem- ILIA, Tx- 1 Pittitt.Ta et I. ses1 stiniAgte. Cama4S, Ur 0.1..14 Al III- ALA rime os Mnas. wad Isups.

44 A- 01- tianata.g L. Nam 6. 1140 dio. aloud ILA! 00 'A. Amos Isms ssd if, 14.0 is IA Cs i A10 It CA.

I 1414 asils006111 TT 11.40144-411.. 0140. se abash A.40.40.. It11 Az, 0 'I' ri A 1 A ir A itt: --CNNalatitad Pols. TealPet 110.Asra opee trus, bpi, 11., mad Ir-rs 4 A 4 4 P.

14 mrsAms- as ss4 Ass at we oitin Lsa As ir tito Iwoolen, le lona OIL T. qp, Um, I talo Lot000tOaloa IrVrITO'T IT tte A tele el 0.,,,.. Maya 4.1baolia ISASAL r4tsifitmla.t,T.r.1 1 0 .1011 it01k aTo teem' et I. beat otataltto.

Camat4th, Ill, TotTel Tt AloaCsetorit tense hem eo. Nee aed aolloaratalt MT it amok Avat WA ittlflotaglating Or CAP, Pee L.o ft Ow Ono day ot Wee pmts. howettleat thetde ell 6403 et. seatt mad Nere sie thew aD15411.11 toor a go abash Aveggee-. ICAbob tonu Om Snot dn.

et Nat voloorrri Mb IMPOtITUD (11411.1816,- ()0 011. Than dias rtoomi Wiseonein, ehrsrtt co ara apt to be dred, by i 6 its Th True Mrhant ir width are taot its reality SS abort on i bT el, a at's. conditio end prspec ots ec atdier. Lai, 1 Dut samlao great Circle racitic strarnerPoute. Revive, of th.

market import. and Ea. on flat, roes. are arra ur It is the shOttoatt 11.1,EO for the lelinantepoo. poets of the u.

i.t pauroant ma, irtita at Nen linos; and the error, witea 6r.g6, l'Itulm6, "--1 lin of Skazurts t--.) lurk; Amerieeut Marbles St of Populs. we Lane whole eaa tinente an OCSOKOI to ItSSOSS I Lion. 4te. tin is nnit.a by ilie d.i.p.d. T-t es4.

r.x.a. issos 1 1,.......,, ,,,..7.1.:,1. in.ts.;s.sor uTtittjetirAtfillianspmretty in representing by flat surface. rim shortosis lines between any two points on .10. 4.1.,tiv, 1,...,, 1711 apiary.

are oprinv.ts of 11.1.0... the letiteeni The Fulton and Dixon Railroad is going under the patronage of the 11144sia they are esrocieireles in any direction over I Con, es thp r.101.e the planes of whdi i et entil F. rnFur', ns Tenoantepe, by zte lonerts 1 'to the enema the ch. D. I w.nito tuotratwe 1.1..

iis itS these twzments are the tree "air tea wee, sod is 111,1410 is Mtge. traitbeam Teherreek .1 mesa. te wa 1 Tha aLovir 'w. ma a.m.., .0.1 1 in representing evherieed by flat surface. 4, ,5,,,..,,, ahead under the Patrousee of the Michigan-Oen: Th.

shortest Lots between any two points on do 4.1.,ws Intl Company, g1 v4.b. are orinpv.ts of ee the letiteeht The Fulton and Dixon Railroad is going ahead under the patronage of the 1114 SO uthern they are ealleci--eireles in any direction over the 1 Conquinx. the isurfsee of the globe. the planes of whi4 et rmtn Fos by steamer ti Ian sax-e the Chicair Dniotratwe hors iis ils these Fqrilie rtt. are the tree "air two aose.

sae te is smiles. serf to 1 TEASTSilpulik. mourn The above eras me aesetcca ag eould danger of a rupture of the pea, was at an end. i "re el we at. abligati69 to It is certain.

howe fen that the French Cabinet Copt, Itutha of the Aretie. The propeller Genteel, ninon writatios at the endue of 1 trill Taylor that left here on Tuesday morning. 'the cave. belotsehe Poet states the demand of put int to have been 1st. the expulsion of all that pun et evening on soeotuat of bed ret-ea: the Rue weather.

Oa going in got aground in the 2111 over stl Christians of Ate Greek Church in bend of the river. Capt. Duthie reports a er Turkey free paceoge of the 10iwin's duet I sets ashore. throuzh the 4th, to Russia of the port of listo014 4th, asveral I We notice that Mr. N.

B. 014 lote to the follower. of '1, ft 21 follower. of ttCrem4 Church. e4peolaily J.

2. tIC warm di (Mt am IL if J. EILKIILL MI gt Dom. GNAW Id ey.y and seamy. nv J.

B. ISAmtli MI No. I QatiL CI eol.m. Lamp. otel I It Tea ralw, 0.kzigtse.

teLtkete li Ike birtell St.o-en he le D.o.T....rat tat. valaaare ata Cow toot reataeoro Taantortao 04,4 P.O., a Oto TO kat It.T.TT4 to t.e ael. aP14 tiOtae a Mu cleto Porme lavAanea, 10 aaa mm nor. a alethal sub wire varsty et otaleff tottaaa ovrasen Tan Tar. att a.T.T.TT"T of 1461...

rifts: 111D Ill'alrir It PRO 7 lbe le wall tat otratad at eon, taco The stock, ant oolovord el oaparaer (tonic well se I It 0 () 11 leeed .1,1 atplat I NI. I. let at roaorre Corp 111-rotatsto Hetet Orooatro sod althere ulactured by B. F. Bane- tt atuatee to unre.

ler ee aak alPP.rta.a,t1 attn. CLAIM arnmET ho*r the Pest Of belt i 9 Let, 'steno. HYSIT Itetelarty and ettregivetv tee N. II se tbe iinek ho, 1, ebere be pagArd to low Oallio.afitera 04 ovrasion rums: 111 IIMITICH PROOF ROOFS, manufactured by B. F.

Barrett CLAIM Isms the Post HYSI ROOM, thetelarty and meletesivetv Mom -Iterrett's V.t esst tlotspeesese on. a larga Comemimotow Mere ltaut wilut Prodmv thot4 -lit It 11.4. a.0 mato tvlored paC rap. inaS imt mat alai Lill rig Pelt 1141.1K Ail? tittela 11111114iAllt MIMI Rom 44 at Dark atallan II stoaltaarel ne Aoreaur aaa aaAk, apit ta-AiLA A it.DUCri. vouiaL IrhLI daterant.nanle city IIto tiara att tree for tho trooloctioa 1St, riprwut piastrolk.

as In. ir-C th-er tocc---M; -is nes 1 of produce and communion baseness. Ls the locale A. th'rt'r tluta I Fiver tsar, C- vio Air lizie auk- SVe would now sat. tbat a Minorite of Manta and Wallachia it.

i54-0; 2,1, annulment 1 large fit proof bliscl, South WIWI trod. by any oiler straight line or curve eitt the Imp csoc 1.sts the Mock in bn han th then. in thds of 1 01,1 iron. atm ica ressazo.s. by aAill liti" Isiln14 11" tli the c-e et Messrs- IL IL 11444tell ut the r.PecluW t6e an'i the all of Meson.

IL IL MitA411 I 8. 1 8 S. W. 2010111M.1 a a atRaibi. petthnneot of the eontroyPrev rat-or of the 1 Greek he' a co Church.

It is probahle thore mar borne stvr.t, clause beyond all these. listivsan. The Parasager train of the Nicht I bt olorkomNop f-rovo A II toriovoosoby mottlowr. so IL IL Gloatan. Itarthods mfroaselya EssolirmonoodoAdi 11 RAM KR AT Al At tho woodworm? Wro.

hollisdr. carom Mho oust Who roe emote. on Tt, Mots April id I As. IL. tbo Pormlons or sol hom*o.

ermolohog osAwsosh solos. mho do 4 Ohl. loomed I rowt.o, sr' I cord 000rtrus Sabha. issi Amortt bostoorado. a4troi, sod hall gIrsodolso.

Isodmst oh; lor sr odoos I so.dsogun I do oh Word. I do too I sos risk too sr 44. I blast o-staat otYd new. do to mho? hog Nohow. chows.

dme throb, I Arwood. I ASA. 4 togrottd and I omir I stroods4 Pismo tom sod cisamistr Wont mad I Atoms with oil Ito Paraitstro portoloing to Iho Kitchen lichortaand. Tors. oats.

oath MCALAII601. Anorr-- S. I too.dto. awe dot? sidordsrd the at thsorrom oral bo lensed by Inabast oho i oarmed tho .4 tiLst And the aerostats at t'boosess. LA Joossm Perk, who onti contanom thP Tromportotioa Coasas.onon ts IL M.

ITCRELL Co. roe ARDIAG AIM I IIIVIS111.14111 Unit tn. F60Preg1 anck 1 itn.14 W. ze CEICALNI. Liberst aalranevo -of al 111c11.130 gl 014oprAl 110 an Southern Wedneeday night, arrived gas Southern tin.

due Wennooday night, arrived Manial I Irol 01. It 'weaved a In ret to ma Mewled front the tilted IttAteer ct eeirt, Iher to 1 hote gd a La in tater ot otateaft P. I. Lneoano Krvern and r1 11 Oahe. and adstatot John IL 111aod.

1 boivo le rood on tha atedeerie. a One and anne a On aet 10,4 vt Irvot 1,14 (ft, vv4 halt of tba north eao anartee aeoaa, 47, 3n, teeny one wren range tneteen 11S, east ot Oiled V. N. in Unea arteen 1 venom. to rmmte tto 4.7 A.

le. at newt ot mid Ceall to te, tweed and bean toridee ine made tandiev. Veda I. toaatnenta bee tweet. hones 4 nninet A nt and id Wed 11A.kd thia th.neenih ley at Apell, BON V.11- Mara iwoot at lal It.

Littao it. D.v.tty... Knee Lam ta. esultursc ros 4.14,4Lst Co. am tie anonsoeh 1.1r espossor kwod Arm tem oseriehee In the bessono.

semi from mem Mehemet Impheremeets Is Mew a-- the memos of caterel ehmerrelhoe asse emerreeme-Me time stearithere ere contstent or heml atie se postme se en wit It their Me. whert menet be suremed. wet Meet II it can be our cuontrl 'Me pmes It teme Mir mei MI ether. Me be sod am. es stem at tro, whet meerso'Ite resent te Mess dee eght reels ulrr bS throwsod, so Ail enters esmostnt promptly, et the hen meioses, east Lai the boa moansa Lassa HARRIS A LADD'S "Mosso sea Resal Mrrs all-ga, cli, 411e oc.7 oir7 IA I JrAra itiLLSIINEA $03 Loa mieeo, timismos.

II IL ere ass reeervent tomintest et wft they offer to the trete Wore et trot Mum pram they Ma Os Oseeto saNeS New V.ig astoa CI attis, CAFONSIKRIN YEKTINGP ot immure styleh etch they sal wake to SoSol It as moo toeisoneas arms sad Nowa ranety tilNrS- rutNo.0mo ANTICLIDI, -rrz Ihiseeser TIM FIL tkonsrmr Ft.ata. 1111NriV V11111CUM. Signed PIDCK. Oweiro. Mar.10.-all D.

e. urrLtionx. antorila 3011 'MIASMA thOLWALK AND CIA ELAND AUL loAti I I It Kill Wa.P.61V12:-.1a ratt wtri.s a taw unit 3 trat fa to a p-rparr3 to show war trtrapto aot Ate N.01 ft 'le city OtiotAll WAD, tA A 0, nrib larnal la AMMO FUN lit et It4Trot tertrat Prraaarat flaw made. from Pore la lawa arat ail who want grani r. It.

a 1,11.. 1 rnowaalt)y ika.04 itranalar c-arown (nano Pt to now port at tOo ert tr00 Awe 00tA CD AALAZ CULA out. a 11 gm 1.. f.zIK IAA a0sett lot a 33 mar. 1.r4 oart rwnroteri 11.4.1 ler davit Msainal oiled waive Irrell Conn- It ottorte of Writ of reei from the rotrat etmtor (Awl- for the Deplete rot litttioo.

of Lowell MielhAra, Nathan Broom. awl Rotes ot1 atom. Jobn K. Cam. I have lerwal ort We thg Peolootp.

ti? tnt tine twwirioi and ntoety Woe la sores of the eat half and Av had' or north luartef of iet We Areal ,7.) toorwhor forlyowe worth ranee warther it it in ooot roonty. Ants 7 litt ch 1.1 ail expo. 7.77 10. 'WI ,1,0 At, day of Ma. A.

b. 1-SA. at the Wooer ware of said C.L45 erratIty.t. We hwheat and beI Wider the goody money. ttote oronitienere We be W.

sod Atwell A 11.61 das Dated thra thietorwit Way of Aorta. A.D. tiAa. BENJ. IttOilk V.A.

It it rao of 1 J. N. Wm. Mammoth KO, Airy. "pa' 414 go S.chn.

II. weer, ekb 1114wem. Thread ibline do Crawass. 1.41k Pluele. ikaprodits.

aril Lamm Dr-merle. iteilL111 It011-4B tow Onr ti Iltn J. T. RI F.R,UN. JUU Irt4e, Iat In o'lock, yesterday morning.

no delay Ad occasioned by the failure of the pump valve of the Locconotive The train doe this morning was sevetiti hours by the wools ing away of pint of the track near the Lake, is the lute II levy stormtont which woo repaired so that the train ella3t through. TR EUONT Yesterday, the entrance of i the Messrs, Gage open their duties aa propell etors of the Tremont. was celebrated with greet eclat. The guests of the house and several of our caucus eat down to a scuiptuous dinner. The real A uhagutilils, the rarest delicaci es.

and the choicest wines were freely meeted out to thooe presenttheir opcniag le suspicions and we see nothing to prevent their enjoying with i us a prosperous sojourn. 1 At-slower. Britt It Hollister cam. iu at the height of the gale after losing the masts the had iin tow for T. yer's vessel.

building at Michigan City. She struck the North Pier coining isi. do i ing sonic herself damage. The steamer Traveller kit for Milwaukee at 7 1 o'clock lent evening. with a large load of pas' et quite a nunitor were left behind to take the Aretic this morning.

Now that the storm is over, these fine boat will tnake their regular trip If Turkey has these conditions we may regried ter fate as sealed. t-Ataggering for years with an ineurable weoknesa sht ha. at lad souk co ier a prostention whiah eaa OFITy followed a reedy diseolution The Lx-Prentillent. The Butuo Commercial of Solara tiSyl: Mr. Fillmore bee bean somewhet indiepeened for several days prod and has therefore heen net-able to reply to any of the numerous lettere of sympathy and eondolence which hetes reeeived from valued friends einee hie awl return to the tome he loved so well, now mad.

deeolate by an inserntahle dispeumtion of the INS- I pooer of human affair. We have reason to know that he is dteply senolde of the hind in- I terest exiobited in his over wheiming artiletion. arid that he Elle appreciates the dntereeted manifestations ot respeet and eateent that Lave greeted him from almost every point which he was expeeted to visit on his contemplated Southern and Weetern tour. For two or three weeka past he has been in the daily reoeipt of cornmimic-mien, from gentlemen along the tine of Lis intended routo breathing the warmest senti meet of regret that he was constrained to forego his purposes of traveing that section of the country, and expressing in becoming and delicate hinguage the roott profaned eorrow at the heavy calamity with latch helms dwell We are sure that the generous friends who have been prevented from reeeiving him with those clemonetratione of respect and attaehment which los patriotic character and eminent public sea, vire heve so richly earned, will 'wept this ese plenation of the tireninstahes under whieh their letters remain tnanswerest, and regard the event, deplorable in itself and so distreeeing to Mr Filimore. when considering in conneetion with his as a sntheicht e.X.C11.8 for what might otherwiee he deemed ungrateful rmgtee.

Anil if he finds himself unalile hereafter to remota to their lettere in a formal rammer, they will a-crib. his silence to the incideets above named, and not to the want of a proper eitase of what is due 14 their i 1 1 i I I 1 1 .1 litti LAND riareireals tug tepee et the t.ras V6 Int, tkeigneg LILA trii riariebrar turrd at the Haag Werth tette. ligairra wept ed A Mag. pewee. ne ALAI- UT.

41: ater-H. rmiga MTH I-Wr a tail ambit Pre of rmi hi io a. km, de Wie ge keg. 111 AL. 144 let Water arta 14 kai-aga.

E. gait aw H. He at alt AUX-WHITE-SI PIM? ta AraA thigh Hippie of bright buratto tier teaa. regt received atal tar He at ata WRITE. IV an I GOLD LICAtrtror oak hy tbr part er bah- at ITV ALAN- la 1.11C AltrAPIOtalli COritba goat lir: artile.tiWilr.

NICHOLAS wrecK. hook stilly, hoperter of Foreign Bents, Prints tft, Ng. 201 Lakir Ht. brtarrein Wells CHICAGO. Ilia 11.

IL All mike tar firrarae. "Wei twat Wieka Hama graegarta. aka eon tom, Mee, Obitroarr ter glebo. Take. for In-stance.

Son Diego; ae L.7,..,7nor.:.'...,,'" the friends of the Aurora Fete 1 Southernmost port in Shwegsithe Tir7i, co oed wit, 11 ro3 mime them to as to most coneenieut seaport for our trade with (Id- ram tea Nee teem tea Lima. eive both Albany-and Fulton a railroad. ho eon sd) in the ASZie latitude, the elis- mad a UN) and Chicago will have all the advantage that mom hetoom them their Toireate of 3 It is nnneeeseary to the of the nmnPlollon nt' web roade ran give them in lase i et)o miles, while en their great, 104 Ittentes, the different-es th" an hid, the pentad ee gt being more than lie- tit* Tehuanterwie and Pane- ali'n lire agnIne inehleon le per i ft la but CO iles rna reepectively. baps you may hit the third aliall entei you the tremble by stating 'dm fmrt, la Om To apply this; prineiple to the measurement of l' uni up the ease, 4 that certain gentlemen of thia city, a per the Pacc reatere the great the Air Line use, route fro Ne is Rboeter thsn the tiOn of shorn are interested in the Aurora Ea,) eataYerofkeilLgkee bZoo te' ntion road, bare taken a majority of the stied l7' ime ee. by mo ae, ia the Miemsappi and Rock River Junetiot the Strade Pass or die North Park etencesg the me je, see c000 0, front Intha to Fulton City, which wit Monona, wittletnents near Lake tulle, knI the the emeteere and 40, by IOW tuo.

Sierra Nevtela where the Carson river and A- Tt.a..'"..1.()'..n l'' P6hej to a Completion. With ill, to A44 I.14 ranyu.s. mai TetWoontepee. is shorter Albany and Dixon road they have nethin, nIfiricen Fork of the Sacramento head on either th.c., the route rUf Numuis OY4 use. to Jo I keemil to I reetieelele Fee a ,.1 tIrn sod oluelas Air Lis, is honer thou er be eIlied Ube CaaTsas.

Rome. The sr Itanenceamteace1en b'entki i Poen-memMom Linn Boyd, Es-SPeak7m route b7 lines from New Tor to Aetorte and Pus me i oar-woo-toe-se Air LinessetsfromChimen 1 the House of Representheivee. le a lo gets Sound ernes Lake Mielliaan North of elicit-n'm eft. fr. en-Inelinn to no whig Conven'lee go, smith aharteat prsetimble line ler a road rt.2,-,ei7n'ebLie,''.

.2 r.I at Leetesineon has put in nomluation forContrren tie-I Ex Governer Letelier, who ie iippeeed between those Ninta will be monad Cue Solidi 'retmentesee mem. ler WTO butyl of lake and Ma Dubuque, St. re- lentei nu' Itreekenbridge ter's river, North r.t, tl.e Columbia; me reel, ee e.o....., SAW um- Wile or tea S. Paula the Upper Missouri. and nesr svemeeee nr.rr than the Psalms Albany Atlas states that the doubt 4 154 traok of the Ilutd.on River Railroad will the parallel of 49 der to Peeets The When th taesela eystem td RMIrosels from tompleted through in August, when the espro great circles which eu San Francisc mid le t.

Leta; sail and reeroetieele, Montreal. ite to PeLroiljs completed, the saving traine will make the whole ilietanee in time strike the Attantie oast sear Albemarle Sound of dieter ec le, tween Europe and -Aela by the hours. and the ellIcienev of the road will and cape Fenr in North cinrotine We see th Northern sr: i Cer ire! Air ditie Routes, will he l'antlY inerennea, that kaearde the Mai apr Lake Ifiehioan. conies-9C11 Or We understand that Mr. Wm.

J. seeu eil the airline. (rem pleifin port. t.s. A fair itertelvelou weuld seem to he that either Eugineer.

has aocepted the post the Northern or Central Lottte must and wilt be Tork end the East; and ere know that here Chief Er -Ineer of the Erie Railroad, and at egein they aitee*ze to yariuus poiula ce, tht it bui in few that there tire pereoas now that of President, to take effeet i liteng than the Mere of the Tr ibeat, who April. The company have beep fortunate in ow lactic- and the Gulf el MezieM Col. Eetton will gee both ret.tie iii full operetiou, flare is as hae compared the proem of tailrends comen- little doubt. le question la lee to ques- curing the services of a man of imeh high rept treeing at Ste Louie to a fan erpandeel tewarle talon and great ability. tion the further progrees of Northern eaterpriee.

the Atlantic, with the Paelfie Railroad for the handle Mile feorether a loeg hand ben Tile esi'l'''il nhee'lY in Raiin'aan 14'" irk 'I' eaneseace. wielded by the veteran Senator it to tween the Atluitie and the Mieehiaitipi, sad all The following partienlare we rather of tit omit the nine eeime; ii rett, that may hereafter be together with the rapi- loss of this steamer; ninth a paper far. as yt. tal invceted in othei leeela, ma in reel ovate, "Th. left Pahama on the 19th.lau e' ell nleng thet-e lir SE Si, le the Cortes tailed three henry pet Tile systemot Railroeda aoseentratiog at telii- sea, our nominee' wealth, and impeople I tern- at Arruleo February eth.

at taro may be tompareA to a wheel, ay aa iron eteeiner.wheetwith one air iiieo ie tiie n. 11,1 toriesvorery AtOtriegn eitizen. in ireg on aud 121, Nt. toe sefte eiein outline of the Atlantic and the Gulf, and the "'ay 314. t1" l'iniug uul.

hour Februs7.31 14'1'14' 3' t7' 1 Lake tea in sieht. Miro pained the Paretic ththin other sweepiag oottna to the vase of the 4 7,4 i I 'll au3 of itesinAMIteut el. The Tennem, Motmains on the West, and to Irme.t-eg at'- ---A' an' Mill latli.6:41111171-1 Iii the morning eka Bee oe the North. The i re tee mauve-beiges and eTearanteas for the ear- the nth, and went aehore nate and a half '7 7 I ly ewornple Lion of nu exterpriee which nowt so earthward of the Ninth Head, 1 nest th it la in a3iie titude, the 4 4, teem thezn their parent a 3 tie, It is nnneeessery to give the fteeures of the 4 web r101 ran give thew i Pnet IL la 1' eoo whilo en their greet Nirnrsu71 14 r'1rien itntea the difference' than "ne IreAr'-t'hie2 11rin'ore4 eirele, the pentad, id- 51 degs-Ns beiogmore thee Ity tho Telmaidepee and ft i ut oo cet steam i rn a Teepectiveiy- i Another tam! Fire agaimentighlior per- baps you may hit the third tidal rove twee you the tremble by stating the foot la the Te apply this ptineiple to the measureuMut of 1411 lIP the '11nIts; ease. thet certain gentlemen of thie city, a The Adorel own an 4 (wean Vr iue route Into.

New tion of where are interested in the Aurora Ex the Pacific reateie the great tint, the Air Line and the Ecosi, to AM. is Rborter then the from Nes York elly to 5-11 Frandeoe emit the se Zdorile atot do rout, hw tension road, bare trken a majority of the stock 3.there eel of Leh. Ar c. ia At the roweetil and 0Wwwie tear ehort er than the aud do. br me.

in the Ilietimippi and Rock River Junetioa the Sonde Pass at the North Pork, crossmg the me je, see cee tee. L. t'r taws Railroad from Dime to Fulton City, which will Mormon, settlements near Lake truth, anl the the and itotwsi teal UM be Nee re puehd to a 'lively completion. With the Swls he the Carson river an a A- T1111'11 6'4' Neel lork to a mrin Fok of the Sramnto had on i 4.1 el4 raneima aioi Tehio.ntrnee. la shorter Alimony end Dixon road they have nething ethe the route Niands.

bw.o.. aWi to jo. I Li to I preActi.yable a a ,,1 end Iwetal Air Lia, ia honer thau the rtaa etantekeeesnitileineterieh Wanda er--2 be celled rim Ceorrem Rentz The atr re Linn Boyd. lines from New York to Astorte and Pa- rie ettee*z itie theiseierrem emcee. die House of Representative.

is a eandldeto for gets Sound ernes Lake Miehiwan North of Clica- 11m ch. Te111, Fr1611' 4 9'1 re-leelin to The Whig Conven'ion go, end the ehortest preetierible he for a Toad ye, mb, no. at Lexington bas put in nom luation for cone, I between these Ninta will he the Sotell. 7.hla.,,k1., IIPT 9'n ,13. Ex Governer Letelier, who ie oppoeed lev Mejor enge.

eve bend of lake end via buteeetue, St. re- 1 11i "1 Itreek th11 F'st ter's river, North Fee, aud -lown lihe Col ri ombia; au, reutr.1,3- A. Wile Albany Atlas states that the double or tie S. Peals. the Upper Missouri.

and tear Ad the than the Panama 4 154 twa. traek of the Iludeon Ritter Railroad will the parallel ef 49 der, to Preets The When th theatie eyetem tt Railroads from tompleted through in August, when the express great circles which eut San Francleco atid St. Leta; see Dievi end, memrhie reve4iiee1r, Montreal the to Dezroit is completed, the saving traine will make the whole Jhuance in three of dieter ee strike the AtJudie oast ear Allierearle Searid le tween Europe STA -Asia by the, hours. and the efficiency of the road will cape Feer ie North ceireheits We see then Northern tied r31 A ir letie will he vaitly ineressel taint twaawda the hani el Lake Michigan. 9t11 Or We understand that Mr.

Wm. J. sceu ea the airline, ftscet eeepeeifie rerte A fair (tertelnAon weald seem to Let that either pin ts'rate Eiginecie has meeptea U. pod the Northern or Central Rottte must and will be 7 York end the Fast; and Ire know that here uluel Eeetneer of the Erie railroad, sod alio agein they i liver ee to yarieue the bwIL in that the" now 1 at 1- reaguent, to tale effeet t-iig ol then the Mere of the at, who tentic, and the Gni(' el Mealco CoL Emden April. The company hare beer fortunate in wit! gee beth reties iii fell nem tiou, three is as has ieitoptered the proem of liaihmeds colleen- curing the services of mon of imeh high little doubt.

le question it wendl be to ques- noting at St, Louie to a fan expanded tewarde tattoo and greet ability. tion the farther progrees of Northern euterprise- the Atlantic. with the rseifie Railroad for the handle of the ine-rether a lesg heed et ben The esi'l'ei nh'ee'lY Inve-AA in l'e' Tke Teinneneoe wielded by the veteran Senator it to tween the Atlititic and the Miaidesippi, snd all The following partienlare we gather of the ereiee the tried. eeme; it le rett, thd may hereafter be tether with the rapi- hem of this steamer: ineh a piper far. yet.

tal invceted in othei busiems and in real eat ale, 'Mie Tommie. left Pseama on the leth.fau;. et a all theee routeo-o- ur endereloped reeoer at al It. the Cones sailed three hems The systessei Reilroeda aoatentraticg at Oil- see, our numined wealth, aad aupeeplel terri- titrricoyed.1,k710Arruletio February oth. Mt 7 tore may be to a wkeet, eav aa iron with mt.

eile 41,.... hi were, toriea-eeert Atuerican eitistei- in ttregon and 1.,4 peeite ti, be pre ectace of the and 6101., 'La the Califorriaeomed we may a.14, the testiniug inii- one hour alter. February '7 2 to litareh 3, 1 ot te tio thee sweepieg ayotna to the lease of the li''' ''f. "4 '4'4 in sight Mareh pained the rael thirty on the wee. eta t0 Le10

1, China. and and the 'demi. of the Zeila 1 et't .1111 La thThke Tenneeemi te; 0. th4e The i sire to pledges end eTeetrantem for the ear- the Ath, an.1 went four and eempleami of nu etterprim which matt so northward of the Ninth Dead. az ea.

and Chicago will have all the aivantagte that eompletion of web roads tan give them in 1 than one yearChicope Delmarva. Another Luisa! Flee again, iseinlitior per-bps you may Lit th third shall we save you the trauble by stating the fact la the case, that certain gentlemen of this city, a pet, lion of whom are interested itt the Aurora Es. tension road, bare trken a majority of the stock in the Mssippi and Rock River Junction Rail Mal from Dixon to Fulton City, which will he pushed to a spetdy completion With the Alharty mei Divan road they have nothing to do. 1 Linn Boyd, I the House of Representatives. is a canLito for 1 re-leetion to The Whig Comeetrion Iat Lexington has put in nomination for Congress Ex Governor Letelier, who ie ol he Major Ilirtekenbridge IAA 14 1eTe11 1114 OP 111 KO I C.114 PHIAE-Jtat reretse4 bee boa a 2 il h.

aosioty. tir ober at at 4 retAt by 4414 ki taki-J) a lei Laite-al. set3 I- a CAJ- tee Lablest. fQ1.11111T Li te. et very soderier sueSty easmeta-teart aootwu-T1 oll.

t71, area ter Mit by J. H. KIF I WO 1 arm et 4441172, Mt-KNIGHT le be-eas Alsedest 414 .14 to liblandil Oeflanit- P. W. ii.t.

10 110.110 Wart.nrtOtd A 0111Wilet 11 ISIOLAVE TOP CI cabeeell the oiebie seat eetate tee bemuses al Ile late Arra. deLS .1 IL LIU, A As Lasest W. ta AT VS Peg 114 1.11.--ept2-1 le TO. 11-- BT. CA IIIN IYE E.

nit K. D. la wisesses Dos----, Tr- having peodussel Os boos ef robe- lila ar a al '01 Ells. tateltettbla te the tete erre el tassel, A voll mole- TI ILK. ems TO web Ok se the smarm de' Name Lames kl ece.

eery end ear 1-vid- re eye I ore 1 i.e. et Us eel sane. 0..4 Casa end ealseetoesda.M est a 170f V. MIT toe Seed moment; ea load 1,44 bat, r. W.

16.4 mei. of Caterat a sre ear. y.14 ar-4 It, aura it. 1013-- sot end tyka4yearel an I' alt San ata. me, aas se ben-I alst made lo erase Mao ask i a if rrrvit VIIPVIINI) PlarkeleClea sem 1st bee M.

Febtate, beds. II, A mod leil A- H. a Ili. 101-11Li. V.

A end leasain Censste ami osss el sal2 11' tlettnIKar4t, 4.1 RI tarbeetattetb ett-. 11QPIRIT hal, et rem tellimelat and an mit hi J. Si. K1F a as Joie 141 FL ToOr121141)111 01.21E Tett J. LILO a CO- OS) Leeeea CAIIINICT IT Ult E.

D. 21112421L artheasaao Matouta.sars ate E't)! TO harsh alk Itate. hos et eta I soh es. 11, bee, MIT he hetet essessaroh ea testa end moles of Cateroat orit can ar.4 wash an4 on S.1, Saco aok, ar beet ale) suede to ergo Liao sod Lhasa hat tower. Feather beds.

hetoatetrs I an( tosteate Cane-1, mad fare, er deeceiteemt Honttelteetrever mete. 41, laTORE RENT LAkisber. TUN is w.11 sdloveil ter a wrzs Atsre. spiv (LARK Apt Pleb al, () SWIts Landow M. Prunes lust ibr very 111 Mar b.111k Lehr Peomit Po.

Om day rirrrirsil. I .1. at redateel pnr. pt 14 ilk011111-. n.

bbis (sir mat name Whale. 1.10 VP, tbe ap le 111.1 a sko.truka. 3450 POMO NT ITION MOLAR. Ti)4) iik .11" AsodpeTato adZpo. 11.

i4 i.t 00 It'll 11 Gm MO 4 it Malik. la( eft of toroth OS toe set( et the ootacal mooloca poet owl pees, reretha aeon) lotarchhethe 221 sater4T 2.4 It telbee asasere to (ail cotoontre caro 4.4 eleeehere Noe 211 2.411111 V. U1jA4. thei 1 em-Mc Wallas oc. 71, TattailICKer ShALF- 111CMCIR ti hereby cheer.

that bT refers, are 12 tees Deed .4 Tram execute 47 OLE to tLis iLeg lit. the Voretal WWI 4 A. 10 KA knot which Orel at Tree to the CoUrey at CoLett otod ait ea oa wag al Dere, axe et. stet a hoc. saes heel o(T, ssot a to el.

to seem, tI, pee.ent 4 tea P-reoatontr sea aid heel Treat eoetotalmea. so-4 wee male te the payment semi ieatec 1 aso the oreor, ot of Aeru heat as IS eetere a IL 4f eat (e, at C.on Moues after to She Ste of Chrovor. te the of Ole. a the etato a( 411 as pat tee, NI tilWr tOr met. all Oar nett.

tole. oat .4 tar Getiotheoe Oe se4 to Moe Seemed. 4eacesioet la Lot twenty Tee CTS) ante the eaat bat( at 1,4 torero -Low Tko se item twelve allo la Tee-berry Aeir homes. 1,14 LAO (0!) March SL OrtIl4itN1 CITY HOTEL. AO.

Bet MAIM Tti KEW. 0AL1006 ILL It 0 010008. W. Pratt'? :13 t) 1r LILY blittrritot, ityCIPVIN4J IMO awe Parebtotat Nye" vng gLi Pagod. solonor to nun kbritie WV.

tar --AJkA 1111.C. 6911.4 1 tA4 I. und for 1:1 KEN. MOTH a PHU TE MINIM the Phosograrbin tsons onetttot, et --rostototed to atertrd coespieos sod tOososth to those Oho Mee lb. the anamoanne of on ornt low Isn, Price at mato.

oak bg EL.N. bitur it LI Nickolas Wierk, KONILLER AMID 1111PIITIKK, SOS Lob Me Welb and Yroalitlin abler MO PM SALT Elk GOOD NEW Al! at LAKt 1111111Vt. Ela WON irre. (limbo. FL Ft 011114114011110 pat reamislat at ay 14 PIANLIET is 1111 11124, aLL AW)LA MILata-- ita 14 alANLLII netegiNs qv.

KW A garlic t11011 OHL, Arm alteued1 at nailat-1r a 11114 i 1 n. ay 14 fa Late t. a 1.1114140! rm RAT or 1111.1LCK LICK )111-111--ost rat-4A rad- at ago 14 Ka- LAK et. 4,14 Ncs he Pane-I per- 1 I id I be be Mietl- of in Pe- pre- Cor- WWII of the wheet are the 'carious retires-le, toed grently beneSt all-which will tura the rich lite moment the danger wee order tr th estr the altd 1 "11. release ef Eastern COniErttel from its pree tit kkelutparilkdttelteue ni 4h runne to N.

h-a'ri a36' l' 1: 1' a s0 I tote'. wardeover enr awl arm. rli it foetid that eh. would not haek gfrm 're skill ac00.321.4 ro.t.' :6 at'ndwater c.cte t0 the Icicle, 1 our arteetee-etwohatring Iliw rrrele 1. of etre lee, shoal water, headway wee ewe 'lYPO.

to try, region. of Ben etc, scato the I en fr the nix4rALL tee and if POleihle, tO dear it, but all'to no purpose, the 4 -N E. et N. E. the water route ea ere.

a Lad bizznLtr: ent ireantrol of wher ak hsee; 2 i to Lake Superior and the lower lakes, end e'ee 10.1 the g'eg'''' "11141 During this critical time, the captain', pre; and eille, the perfidoese the noreelsies, tha ear- mime( nand never forsook him. ruatelyto.ttee a to,atii, peetie eed wee. of the The ship streek several tittleu and so heavily the tirst time that doh. were thrown Irma the of Kilthit4gaiimti.i.cp,tea,e0 Lost, riet lememer liberty to labor and broken. sh lied to live for their pieyarbial luduatry and inge.

h1.1,1Y for short fl the wheel. rilne. Mmost not soon as she had struek, the brat i 'Ly--111 mete of our enlighte.ta free otheer threw himeelf into the sea with tine, 7, 8 E. N. et E.

by 311ehigas i ua 1,1, a their herherie wegeitieenee, axe mem fee the machine. it tie to Boketia ad Montreal iit' service menthe returned. in a Illehrly aythanened condition, to E. A 11 Ly TheMiehigan SouThera to In render that oanintance whistio hie position do, i unkirk and New York and Allem es, A -1V- mended. 12.

It te bro.sida)rtidelY after Lad erater'r aeaPzresd. ti evolieuD ros! l'n which was high and dry at low water Th icighis and Daltimorve naively free, estiocilally when the cribelty eit4 eordusion and excidemeit when she Enti st 13. 14, sE s. by the Lelshrretateed 1 tjtrioni ti iv of its tdthieor Au a. stri are brought to was great, but order erne PromPtir reelorel itti eonnect mind at the Anema the ut Durirg the forenoon liismal guns were heard.

roaning ultimately with Norfolk 1 I Wiltalgtom the Gieed Duehy of Laden stands tireat. gbrYeeta atraidut -a. ---i i 15. 14,, a a ii. S.

by The Le.yett,. i rrorninent. La- it rohtleal, literary and social su- Tentiensee's landed, a vassal was and New Albany route to, Lordsviile. anl I retiritY lint what is its freedom By late erital in th fog. hut whether a steamer or not arleeton and Savannah.

I arrivals from we are ihformed that a could not be made out. It wan euppmed to he t7, la. fted S. by 1,60 road, most, meow plished prOttANOr MI of Tim, the Paeilt't pngent were landed, Ae soon eseeON. hyLyameyllie aud itli Nftille ta Penalea.

Lai! en Unterreity. Professor Arvi ton na has been tar tants. Wer brought from UM AV 'd .4 the mitteie ceetrai to to brought late a criminel to the her efjtootice, WA-. the pamengart with tito-exceldion of ahoPo't "one hoe Net, der the meamtion of haying tittered reoht.ican hundred, who had left for ilk 2,0, a EL W. 1 S.

W. 1,7 the r.dio Al sentiments ill a regent work called 'An Intro-whom were four ladies. were making tion. to for a short time, a camp lite ow Ia. le, s.

S. by the 1 tTranur of its Austria are brought to IwilB promptly J. mind at the tan. lini AW.114 the Statist of eonneeting ultimately with Norfolk I supposed to be tired be a vowel in ibutresamme ermatiy, the Giand Duchy of Eaden stands I --i i four miles dirtant. Front a near which the -htleal li tees and social su- nueesee's 1 l5.141.

a 4 B. be the Lafayette, St- I 'm rY Pam" Iterm arKted, a 'roma wal dem- iite. Brit what is its freedom By Ism cri--4 in the fo g. hut wketh er a steamer or not -1 and New Albmu.Y route to, flrAisville aol I Por ld no be made out. It as supposed be eleetee eta I arrivals from we are that cou a the peehle 11,18.

S. by 1,60 Vincein, road, most meow plished profs-owe MI hio oriaa of the As soon the paseengere were landed. sails. tecied by soad Nashville t9 Penmen- i r.ailert 6 ervin IM 1m been Ac" 1r were from UT aL.Lut tso la. cootrat to coo etee," brouht late a criminal to the bar of j.latiee, un- am Imamgem with the szoolaioa c'lle hundrea.

who had left for among eed New oritttoe der the mentation of haring tittered wh ig, 2 S. B. W. ki. W.

by the rvadto Al- sentiments hi a room work called "An Intro- tioo to sdapt, om were four adies were making anew''- or short time, a canp hi. ea I 1 i i of I MICA To TUE PUSLIC--Sote that 4.11 rytee N. booth lay olio. ban tort toy tod and board. loot I tootle bo sib tor noy dyhto nooyot by too and I tootbe Ott Mum iwatt.ruke hot oo toS JuliN Chsehoo.

peP U. letdo-ditie a IA AMNIA AT Wilk' VI1IWKw I94Iq1. la ley teen Alcohol. pee palm Opt is.rtung Aram. st root too Annan.

WO blow do v. per pest- at pep take. 0.1067. et pay oynt ot tot pr "Ikms. Thy, shoo.

are marnayted op to own, tow bornos 111111.1AM LILL A 01- Ofiso rmtir goenmster Aeretelor exigent tortoome 111716E bert Sital.deno mod hoe. hoot, talwitl Um CLOAK, el It. WOO A CO the day detehrod consent. AU iyaIng Ormond. Andel the tato Ore whoserd to promest them Lr paTibout to P.

MOM. dors. tiby, KARL. 114nrt todo ithltAt H. IPAIT V.

lit-maks. oZtt PIVW0tMe1rIG GRIMM, IP ItICTION A 1 --tmooso and Naming. wad Oat tood 'org*sm Netbonom I moo part to law, ammamors -414 tvmsut i tr- Tiott to the only Dialkonsty wthimit eve a eid tkaa of the lemma- gab Finer "teem same Bartow. The Brig Mill Besot, apt Jo 10.1,h Napier, arrived wooteetteg tornoom from She camel through bout Iwo mama ice in the Straits on She reports four vemele near at band. from Lahti Erie.

FROM CRAND Taal-Flat- Brig J. Y. SCaaMMOM mime in last night fiom irand Traverse Bay. she met the brig and another brig on off the Manitoust ur A passenger by the Melia rforta tho propeller St. Joseph at anchor off Wautegaa noon yesterday.

A.MoILIK. The sebooner tilyanaeoor. USIACli.laadala Mali a earg0 Of liM11.0T. WOW Maori yeeterday morning ORALS' the Amerieen ear Coos panyi works, end is badly damaged. Tux SVOILIt.

The tebooner P. Boyden eaMM, in InOtOTeriag, Minn both after hos off and on all Asy to leeward el this port itertaxem The Oleander run beck and omit to amottor off the harbor after eontendieg with the storm abont twenty hours. A Washinzton torrespondeut of the Ns Y. conrier says; "Geo. lax hee accepted the appointment of Aseistant Tressorer, and has rettirned to New York.

'tie ezpacted that he will hold mime about eisty days after which ho will probably reeeive an important forgive appointment. It is that the has resolved to restore Sam Juan to Ificartatma and af ter eoneludAnz a temporary of the sheer loestion, toga forward with a treaty adjastine all pendirg with treat ain, inellidinzr reciprocal trade and the navies-lion of the St Lawrence. DU MAKI 111P14 0 En SI 11111 E-PN, Mb. ba A OW A IdILLAN. awe- Anadk4alk ar-asa-ma.

oteraven ewe. ago ti 41 OTTO. 1 vroir LICTrants.Ar evr Orr-ov-- it ALNILY we, Ws. filitellP111110111 ektig Awe ek.nebere kaeolorLavrient Miasma rv, IrelhiC. Ht.

Lg. LV Lel, rt. rimuc 7.001Aeei ALL eaSIDEN As levitate-0 se it a youth of imth memo to contemplate animated It ntierini Tie Mat piccaninny to the best and PPM CO atonal almoners. 4 to boottill eery kaad emo to Meth N. aib lefeelk OV TISK Se 641Lia--A Pataite tee A IMeat-tem mod InglOinabnit .41 be 11.b.,bA at the price et ab cut.

VW MIR lerge lac et Oteredeetrallo ae4 lek deeeseaabbr WA stamen tee past am-prod by alb Ie. II. Vovtik Labe et. IDUKT WIN bleat ASee SS ALIZTIOTbe beet wawa mama over damtetieot La lb me, el- all Mee MI Me. Let adWe he D.

It. COWL DO. 13b Lake M. WALD a Waco and IntkeeS Wear beak, M. ettiK I la t(i.

alb IrM Itelmta, ONO KIM ABM illA'k Mt lite of tho telt Wei- it the Ow heathens Ittearaott. 111.1 NI, atit a Catlett atal aaahted tat the b4. The Trusta fit teetaelerabis astra- ast armee pea-hat et na.ami at hothaa mated at teal. coda -J L. PIKACL Mitre.

ki, The atom. teal be bb.I es et ri te Truett and oustaltak ati CLI 0441 iteda No. et bowel oter-eL gt 1101144 ANION DI .41.41104. LAD Not Alin IIKKILAGIS Pi. LAIN1-44 LA444.

as the 1.16s4po 41 to 14 OS LAZO ST. 1141144 ILA 61040toots AAA D4404044-41 ao OTANIXT A 11011444 AND 'APT POD ALIA 4111,11 EN r. MIND HO411.4! V4D LOT toct-ntry Ooe. t44Ptt, 1104441.. 411 ode.

meet the 14 rt4ist Ita4v1. t.t.4 tn. twat ma env. ami 'Jet ect Gov. oat.

Itrart A.4c emier the trh.L40 P144 Onvets mid off muted on remeomble hm4 pasomo.o (het" tathes1-41e't MP 14 A CO. New101111 No. 11-4441144-441yed 44 Ail.aC,LLXY. tis 111111110LIAIKA FOOL APIALlitr- apj irtt AN. or the WoOttata 041414 of Antatestont 'Ant 41 IA Coa.

Dom C.A. A. hoc mac to A. ILA O. BC ILLEY 11w oriDkotot oktost Nod Ant Anat.

ID Pt PIEW M1IL ADD 4.744.1KIAIENT. ihmtrrhhhat. el :00 P. M. tiaLta them.

ap 14 CottEL. K. YOU It of Rt. di. domes SL coatesnime memo et ail I.

th. re se at ito car 111.rt, aff.r,it rat. fat ..11 MO to CLARK No. 7 Cuolcol. 111 ATEA owdwwwwwinwm team thas atShsatt She Slat sisay are MI a.

Irish given, sirtscio nit LI UK. hie brim ant thie tinsanaisi Isne It orer Si alp Tram i-sir Iasi taiiali we v.v... aim Liu. casts-oat A WrIt wawa tans, VU4 tri be s- Prue 4 uvr Lao I. ase .4.

Po avaass per Intwilord. luve alio ass haitail asail 1,,. Quack Latuo, JtO tOi.a- 11011ANIC. Agrat tor rip Nees 011iTillt 1 lic41 auworvit LA ILL LiAILDIN(14 (7.1. 4 LASTThir Prick Nix PP Plate Kesel.

rimor r.elmor Apptir tw ittutot-rr. or aritt4 a ow The editor of the Eaton ItoglitT gives the following just aeeount ot himself. It is not every ono who eau say at much; Now nearly three years ago. Le present edi tor took charms of the oditorml department of the Register. In looking over the peek we mai, be allowed to isay, that although we may have committed errors, we are nueonseions of any ift tention, at any time or on any subject, to mile, lead or dereis otr teM1117, We have never on 7.

mu Leek IU a PM Ariel. et WILMS us K- presessid corperesty ere. tree tree, sad. aria srarreesesi see to reroute feet tare. superior aerate et Wrielog seal la alit lie A kertaiseesiere Rot.

Shoe matt illmeat lert. prepared las et4i1 at ti lki11 trrt b. ckuutb a Co- uk awl, teeth ea. 4 Istosee, ail alders preisedist salleaded tie DIMINO CO LAMM PIM SALL 11E4 bendood apt weep merle ot whole rise Land dart, met ata or At Ut000 on the a elegem Len, Those Wade wore rieetei tad and oseeteneed Lumberman. Ut MDCI rismhty to .104.4 So onio la Om It vto.

The Ultab, twrge. o- raaist And oral peel WA so tal rlitiolm0 MOM, IS MaltaME IMIre 10 NOM lb bolp WUm Sim, man Mir M1MMU. UM SO4M611 A tams noedo. ilbri 4140A A 4 Lao Monde eta too Itantsevell. ORO forthis Of MO bs basses at WS.

A. it 14444 baq The Wets be fold Ants bvt met, AAA Ate 'Memento be Wad al ory raSo- 1...111 MlTH Vetema J- AtAls 1444, ClucasA, It tertained a sentiment which we were afraid to or advocate a principle whkh we did otos Ist111 ofiiere. I TIMM VIM ClOcnotrz-tre GaLl o2 TO etaitorniat or Ittestrollet. 11 woll lopS end owe ear TEAL 11X1.711,1 ce, anal ilseTtomme Oilfl err lb. lad asa, kw take al IMMO all Itratmata, 161 Latoat.

Illantity tar tote al atattatartants toncom. J. IL RIAU it 1XL. allobazittem: Wttt Water IL. et at T10211.1 it4lX11.

Waatit 4. 4,4014,1 1.1t411 at rmtatt-nt iltm (44.44,,d -m4 mm. mom oral law 0-- to tow rt. ft oot. aramot itstito liawo saebottom 'bnt I.

op, es 44,41. KA. sod Mao, 44-44 tra im -See Nock lOs PO" N.kotoisin 0 -nor ma it L. J. it LIGHT 00- 11rimns.

1 tog KT wvokrsc hoe latt lig Mil II.LaN COo. kononoo 'ow ato. irmommiftp. no ce spar WMAN it tek Poet T. A It tam.

BLi Innba Ooli 1444.4 at 414. mpg s44. MARINE rzsvRANCIL WI ta wallop Oa the abliaala Kra at, at camas maw it art tom prrporrol t. molottortat Ott the tolloolog Piro Vot4 too at tortoni Moo ital sod St Lows sod sad Mi.i...; to the Ilistory of the Nineteenth Ceuta. the shore.

Provisions. lied soil beddinz. were neer. la the isidepemivace and eslin, insight also furnished in abundance. 21.

22, Nv. s. W. by lv tha Roes Lilitd of his 1.14ot:ca1 Indies, unkaseed by After the mails, been landed. the pm ear of mogere hew a A.m.

at whid, re.o. gaid tlf Pera La and the Illinois and Illicit Than or al' Ill for aolirt favor, he ham at- bItzon orrtronovo of thoir hiwit few expressive or thew high esteem tor AMMO ARILINGICASIDAT. APR 3 FOR NEW YOLK AM) LoSTON. Bu ffalo and Albany Railroad. .7.2 1,11 WMA lloodmon OWN of Harlan Itallomods And Pietas Lioo of Strootors to New York, AIM arrony SAIMAA AD 11100r311 lel.

AND NATINT 114 THE WORLD! t)Tp half Ann tab. la Awn Tar flt AVIV r.4111. the MARINA mina 44, ahrbmina Annecy Ilaanson ()Mom. WI Dotty 'Twain. 111114do hop om Tort.

IL I prvm TrAna -St 2P A. Pt, I A Plpeqn le A Id elnt 13 N. an4 rk Ivermai A P. IL Latasnas Ihnenn4 II ONE TRAIN ON (trentng IIRWEINO AT p. w.

Naloomeom IPA Inn. Is mind gnat Al. thole PT nem ea ow Ili proms Ai Mot eVtimed lo 1OCIals. Ow-m1 pimmbnalLos, Lake bin n4 at Sur IP PVIf1 te N. ATIW.

miet IA a pt rovard AnSI As JAW pw. AI 4.7N..4 SW' IAA N1144T011. N. Tort. 16.

IL GULP AimnI.Chzcaad, 1pI4 Y110TT 'attorneys Com p. sailors al Lair, 1IS114 orm.Larritn., ANCON. And LAW IAA 414APLIPAI elt onecto Wed maingided1 ioldtussioNtit*4 so t.w. Toonentionok Attdovelts, II 4 1, 1,0101, libeltisan. Indiana, kes4ocki smut, rtsie lo Um IL A.

deem VS amen 11.161B.TUF ItradAY.1 NA 11 01111 VITT. alaweweert altaattat There are now lying at our ortiee door two huge blocks of iron ore from the Pilot knob. Tlo neigh six thousand pounds eaeh, and Imre best' prepared and forwarded by the company working the Pilot Knob Iron Worim, fur exhibition at Use Worlds Vair in Toth. Iney Cr. c4ruee their way.

It is proles. hie that few persons have ever seen emit a masa of metal. (ttiaut eitimy per cent) in one body. and we believe there is not mine or deposit of iron ore in the world thst can equal them specimens. Vet they are but drops in the wennthey are but pia heads to the immense frees fit ore at the hlot Knob and the Sheperil Mountain.

They are curiosities of but those who have seen the immense maw at the Knot; well Suusit how ter short in we or weicht of the asteeeroom naisMve blocks thin-v. Imo oi them epeci 1110.00 is of the clime. ter of ore trout which iron sad comintion owning are me le. The other is specimen of ore, now extensively siiioted to various (ratter is lie primitive fortu for the purpose of being man. factored into steel Tests, made not only t'tis calvary but in England, show that na good, if not a beuer, article of steel ea be made front it thin any other ore yet diecovered, and at leas 1.01164 iZep.

I.rLi Te eri every me ao-d each -Wan lb PeelPelleen le ease of lea. ewee, labes en one ma. i T. Tett Invereage 01.... Awrits.

trIpmre 1 The lgetranhb how-Aare Amen ill Swale The hewers, view lemeraere irieceel The Lisleet ICklaug ineuralmer Cm elude Elea II 81111111. Armes. 116 Vinet-eg NEW YORK kNi) cALIFortmA 115 Steamship Compaay. 15 Iota, to attatta ANA 411M A4.411 is 1111.41b. ail EAULD P1101.01AlAt wtil be r000totee of Uses en, me i't C.he 0.

WY set SALO ler ote.piele. or 't Not es Oserfoosees foe II. tereoloolefees No emery 14 of Otto ors01 of eho of 11.4 romersee.s A al the tenettem, sob p.o.e1 sea lo aukMs woe of Cfsfroeto. oat aziewito. le We resifts et we el ume bee 11.k the lien metes be atbares mad Pat ate Ott taw all 04.14.1 maw Pereiene tr sheet esesso eeteso fo leuttsk The awesome meat he pr, ket Om- S.

ereeeta .1.1 1, Lbw vett iell be reada 1., Abet et anti Commas sa Quake es and the leth mr Wes nest- Me 4.,...1.4.1 MOW, the rtgbat tdo.v..4. nab anew 1 IWO Oast Al itesal Oat steseOls sissne s-, 1 AN Al 14 Wa. Laatamaialer. Asa II. kW 4- 1114T 444,4 Th.

cAarrv NALL. 4 414144.4411 moonlia .4 CA It or ay. a. paces Iteeteerammetar itteetera I. Towentre 'Waimea le Paperaler Itertete.

I Wiwi ink be ewe .1 Mt wee eaeb artA ULM. e'en Carpet kali- Pea La A LI Lee el-- eso lemma, NNW NUMMI etit Irk, owtoortro olleillikE IA petdr, plUla raeerred tram the Ort. qte ga.1 44 was et lit Laiffe.4. vit eillittittACULAt ILL (02 I NV MILLINERY.ra, Mall. T4411411, WA atfc Ito Illifes ALK I SS Lake Ikeerea, 1811 voloAsiart.

kr veep Illevell Awe et patronage tt. a 0.41powleva. haewee )eat thee Neer Telt ti, ttlie and chow. hot et It Ili ef.if Imo. et lbw term iaLLe.

11, 4 lie rlib fir, 1..,..11,11. A.A., 'welt. WI; aret Lette4 Staley, etti. Owe, wee a- to sem etrioj Hose llosetess Aff 6 N444 -44. th.

te ttleneept awl we t.eLoytn Tie I u.s.S, a T. lath Um 4,.. "It sa; 14.1. ste. orreatoebroff, fee c.w.o.

losseseseell I. 'Wow der Owl tale. ellie i tAse Lb. sew. woe.

ellimeowsrlAR We enshied to state en the authorit of the Pi itkielphis Rroleter that the health of Chief Taney a eo far reetotea that'he ie shie to go tint Tlit Honed John rode out the storm at anchor off the l'osis, owl emu in Thursday Wee; ide-ortiernent of IL D. Adams I wholesale and retail dealers ia Ladies' Bonnets. Straw asol Silk Goode, Lc, rte. They mull 'he large store Ind Lake target, have a full assortment, and are doiag a driving limitation Paesoracrso moos Dosaar.M ieels who has lately retied a Forsiga bookstore ia our city. has headed tie the valuable prosenncing Dictiooary by Peed toehisebleger, ef well known not only as a teacher Cl modern lanziagen but ma the author ol as excellent German Reeler and a pronouncing English Dictionary for Germano The work before us is the only oue Cl the kind ever publielseil in this emintry, and most be ed great aortic to rdsose learaing German- mason (serreat.The statements yesterday respecting the works of this road at the south pier give a wrong impression.

In our desire to bo brief, rooto was mule for taisander atendium It I. true that the injunetios of Col-line I Co. hu been virtually 'moved, sad the sissy is elver for the Compaq to prowled serum their front, but the of Walker Sone la. junetion is Isom before Judge Caton, and pending his decision is temporary initusetion as been snowed. or rather an agreement between the parties suede, ty which the work is suspended.

A few piles were driven on their fruit, but of CATtlio this woe discontinued. Timms tv ON TUE ArrimarrismTlis old plank OR Wells st-, betweta aide and the river, are in proeem of removal. They have been layiag bolter skelter for some time, end the inTeet been nearly impaciable. plf The passengers by the Michigan roads report some vessels ashore at the bowl of the lake. Asolusim MAL A cowpony of live Indians were in town yams's.

boys and papoosea They furs with theta for side. They seemed but on their own bunnan and were se eters and unmoved as if ea boom grousd. Perhaps they felt it to be their' home moil. and a sod and eisilling mortificatioa posaion el them in the busy crowd of the white okra los ludiens over we or look gawkiy The two Climbs liCharies F. and Robert IL) bare eleared away from the Baltimore iteposittO ea most Arras, and Mr.

11. IL Richerdem has assioned the helm. Tan Lore Moe CsimThe National Ingellie fsesieer ears, of all the estimable ladies who have resided at the sent of government. with their busload. bahluult publie stations, Eat Obit WM more ceseensed tor goodness and sweetness than the asembile sod stiletto wife it Gem Cass or the MO MOTT of oboe Virtual wili hit MOTE Trarnly and eineerele cherished by the survivors of thy intim ia ilia' she Wail Wet known.

ma canal and Lanois river. rived at the penal cott-elusiou that the constitu- the ta.ptain., their egret at tit; oceurresice 23. s4. Ir. S.

W. ky a. the Aoeore tiousrom et Greet nni the republican. whieb. in their opinion, was purely accidental, ILLImry Tr thurinibst owl st Jobs ism of the L'aitzl are superior to the nod to It neglig'nee c't bill.

were end the Pent ftoek bland and Council tu4-1'11's vf thsr the egrrrat lite lad account trona the ship wore, that 2.5, it, W. sit by the, Orritrat Air Line Lava are trringly end plainly and she wasgoing to pieces fact on cement of be mow, to Folttot city et4 seetotottt etta to eke inevitahly rett.Dg toward consttlutioael and re- err Eouth Pam presentative governments. For this. Prot. Ihe Teeneseee hail en board mx hundred pas.

lenders. one hundred of whom were women 2T. 23, Tr. iv. ik IV.

W. by the Catena TIMM "MT t. but triad, end' enit.tre II saved road extended by Dobrerut to tbe Upper Meeke 1 1 a. to point Di proi, he is in the setteuee or the eourt We Iraeleiwrion teem Du I hope the prierwer, when relvesed, wal tome and solar' Borland Gov- IN. di.

Bolo, Da 1 breatim serh.le ot our free air. and tix his error of New Mexiee. Malone Sanford. LEtylison braneh extended to St 4,1 the I1 Er fr" 'Ed- tor of the Mobile Pesnaier, Colhootor ut Central in iit maelisee to Fi.nd A I PostaneetereWmALCarroll wane Bronco. ht Lake Superior.

The rh.troit Is in error iu static Walsh Montgomery, John Bunek Thecumbia. SI, 2.N. N. W. A N.

ty the Minnie and tott dot o.els coik a Is. yi.i.k, Alabama. and John C. Listrank Mary. laud, Solicitor of the Treciartry.

Walker Ander ena Itoek Liver rAllel route. aad I Gr C. Bronssin. is a Parnburner. Ile is an a Fox rt rced.

to the copper and OM Il th eul the are at 'Lard we wee gee. NeTY Airtet, Penaleola- -All region of isle tinperion 1 1 Ex-Senator Clemene, started for Alabama en SUMO st 1 ag4rat gore than half of them the- wahr I w-potu. But Judge Bronson is a matt being in a IlleaSUre restored. tha captain, their et tit* occurrence. whieb, in their opinion, Was purely eeridental, and attributable to ao negligence ot bin, Were edm The last from the ship were, that she wespoing to pieces laid, on accomit of the heavy surf, The Tenney.

ha en board ma hundrei pan lentters, one hundred of whom were women and eislitirenail saved tei Alabama and Jobn C. Listtank Slaty- I land, Solicitor of the Treasury. Walbet Ander Greene C. Bronin, is a EstoLtirner. lie is an sent, Navy Agrnt, la-,ste,..-11,ar, 'hied aVaal we pre.

Pensaco Ex Senator Clemene, started for Alabama on 1 slime Ord the are at Q. appointment. But Jud Bronson i a matt health being in a IlleaSUCO teetered. ge "Alm 11Alr. Olphylk Co, Mot ft I.

Work. kw. 11 It th.N ra 04110 IL k.4. lizoL F. too 41, Dr, sootier lieu Iola Janwo 2 Volt Ellitbat bKIWY MLA.

prk corrolt. AsK a leen. of the Ohio hy T. tbe 1.4voron. ba4 SAA tAAINBAUA mow by A Nary Ube Pogo, ao liamiravely omtor et Laud.

tbneok Ayr growl to Emmy Voltravoty, T. tlyorr.oa or Me thm.iyms Nam twk; by A.A,TA T. or ao4 I no4o.ot hy A etherJi ro.rol by ary14 A CILL eL $AM VIA PANAMA. Meng errithAthAtell 110111PlhelAhe TIM WM AllUg letiweie Pewit Ponamwi end Pesti. lit Minnie ittT.

Wirt Deno: Veit fleet LAt Theht- Creepier. Pierimeeimeimiew Now For sod Ammemositt. Mee tows: Itlitheri Mom Ceemosiagett "VOW heiwooise Owbowie owe liehemelein. tflK oft TOIL Lb tee. lc C.

The UNION will he dispetteeed teem hew Vert etat Silt of each WA- 4t 3 dee- tee Ahtatteath Iwo that ditty t-ila teutttlty. the ere-enema le eider. Tee I tt Ttlt WT IT ha trees haw tereetle eit Cie ith el ewe ottestOettert Ale tenth The hem wit I randaillb Wit the lee devilry sheet, Thew miteeneet will twee abet plenteset tie lett toteeettl tree et eeletteet obey tee ete eete, ate by tech weed to tetteast Wee an I tree theme tie trent to It woo let to Peteme ette era el the Otenseert weette Meamere 161W in mettn e. to ewe We. Id MK ihN OGIS nL a.poj he teeth tteet The tree" et the Detente to el te hetterreer hit Wanes tree le to let dreesdom tree et-tether welt or net teen etemeete ere me itt et legato, Thee epeeLen are It toe, A the I to A with 61141 Mlo, ear to the trete toe theottetto etratastel eted temeneetel et met tt keg etre-Wee aeolt Memo.

cat ehe sn etpreettel M.4wo..4 twe to the mew it, erste Prim-fee weave efetY wee et 11r.w..y. Nett Toth. DA Vat a C. tetanal Aattate latiNte a Steil it. Asteem.

le Chirit etemet Chweas 9411101) Alt VMS! a Denee hee the lea i Itmothe tape Iltioeht Celt rat 'leered. The terlette ot the eattee pewee. eel et in teethe ea otta mrclane the ik.a. If tetein ate already teterertett etta Phetretteet tweed es evert tete an Sten ocetesinedate the thee, attrottee*ts dI in eel teteattif the Ith ot reel toteth It twee welt oe heed that eg kw a huge tweemes n4 hew ler Ihe SW.t setae. One irewentte wet beenewIeel free Meer, le Ow work hp ateetuts we teettettret et GRA a C.

LVItt tere loten Chkeweth DAM, lea -ettiotteeleet IN RPM NW ININtetit. IA. Izmir, tore, to, Maim Oil 111,10. kg Masai I Wow le Lo mt cot PI VIOL the Imonotwo PATteo "Kap Sly LI.J-LN LAX C. a breemotay ibery by Jamb onnII i ter, KuLatt Itotrolg.

ley Mute Not II prtry rbyyyyyy by ay 1., AN it VA kit. LU WflJu, gooIra an daily fare Yeti Ito ttot onoex to Me bait Vti otti, 4 Conti; s.loant tool Liberal eiteletioal Mak 10 It t- tt. at liaraft 4ALT1Y. At-otot. Of lictr.

raIrn von out apt I ILAN- saw, Nanoraga a melt catischout Peet asol ti.titN.A42u CLARENDON. palmy, OV0111.1 OM, ell otemarere harralar geed the oral Parer It itla tare airra, sotatoetuo tot 1.1. pothi, tr It, Ltil pot, "-haat thev-ts rolttrIrtolLtti ft. It4hooll ttpur fuotOrt. Witt.

Ilk M. tuol mammaa tioar art grtttstatrkto 4 U. 11-st. to Med tots4 to It, trot, Seat Alto ralirt.1 L. 1,, to-4 a the I.

tove 4 itotioo toot imorAUtoormA obnatitrit titat, ottt to kaki Put ettY, tat 1. oo Lite L.064 to ds Ot.rodorto of piootama toter, to tt. tom thee. plattos.or, Mr tmdela on Ittaivit was amotr ot-4 ban re of aro assergAr. ear Craw.

lard L. arra ,,.11 solo. tre asterranal la gam sa tAN LIAM 1r LA AIMS Vat LOT re NAM IllaAstbr met ea Pare al arra. ala Uro tirarna ialbioti 8. ten, oe A r'sr ao, too-.

at Wito hotfoot a b. tettrec- at lit. 14 Lea arta, dr. err rad 1 era rre "Low; ba rre aGa 1. dr gaseartj.

raa arla. aePW J. iL CiragilLta.91L Cr, gt risokerimair A. mom- Arai a MIT amagarerrat aaa mardra arm tar sweat, kat IM OSUMI. Sita.rt Malt, S.

a Ir H- writiorr. tat Ilan ILILID-rot two iky Of Ogle COLN 10011,01 dk ITILLI liotIoa. a. It Oberl. gitrz.aral is, as 41..1 WA, OuthaMbloll 110 vs4 sji prertti4 Mitt P.

It LA tat Att LILO a C. Fbroterds ay dia41 timwerof nmuts.mout Dart uSTATOIL IDer. Itortto CooIt boa Otto Coast. Olt VIP Le. I Abe Selir.lm Pot IllrallStg, net ikAt .171.

ILIWJA ALkis Jag 1. Stalrar-a IL C. ao.IILEY.1 UP- Cada notnmemo vow, ot Omegah. Ai, a Pr 7. TOIL mat teraLeara wart Solana Ititoiditt tit arrhoonwo.

is AND ALTO listmosa--Tho totegratili eonveyod to us yeeterday, the agreeable news that Jersey eounty ban given a large majority it. favor of making a county subscription of so to the capital stock of the rood. All honor to her intelhgeat and enterprng Mti7fDA for this glorions irsult The coustruetton of the At arid Jaksonville Railroad is no longer a matt or of doubt and apteulationaction of the citirens of Jersey and Gretna. who arsonist deeply interested. has tho project wpon a firm basis, and it will now be pwil ad forward without Tchyroph.

The Chesterfield jail. in South Carolina. wee consumed by firs laet week said eight of the the new roodmaater at New Or and lofty tkereeter, and of moot sup. is not tbe Mot atilities no 11.10.Dg the test Ile sonerntantory party nt senator Foiden of as euntry and wa Lim the rev- was trowded Me speer ea ere a MQva Di.Ainson in point of intelleil. More.

of aoLle and lolly thateeter, Ascii of 'met Nutas rior IllmoDg the Leat of oi4ty. Lim in pewit at intellect. More lilt IL 11,4 ANIII till 1APIrn, lonnuivtion Forwarding Merchants, pm, Lents he the nolo el an kteda el pitoptxt. IS the 4. dt it Stam I Mee Kabinsed Iheek Vensetsamet nods to maws st onsososa Unseat le, 41Nanono mode am anwhimmeat ILK PLY.

4.1111 JOHN gAnklittP. COO (100 Ls 1 tinir n- am le, as IPS Lelseet- Cessespk or partially, WA Witty of ttein arhay aPaatx" a'w All Ins rt are anci will soon Le eutopletefi. W. is our iron wheel; sad to starry ant the figure, Lake sun ropromul th pobjerwill erslik; i Give, ne has ant teen oneh a man pooslor ftcd tali 11, walkin4- I leirelnlIcr. The enoonotv mar adler lakei bar rims acd th walkin4- Tho eonnory may ri sea teeent represent, tit ponderral erank; i over, ne has not beet; esteh a man and po- other lakes, baps, rivets and fella the walking- Rory, mar LA .6, greogive order, awl brilliant and the wines are I prisoners tn the flames.

The jailer and ehoier. The sane. eonspaay evinced I 0" dekor sseoPed wimiation of the new I 11 Pulsky dined with the President MO IS Howell Cough AlrelliftleeritATRI I IIALIEIM etre. ea er4er end et the Ceetetv Ceerl et Cm.4 trymemork ota Aorta Term tamtroot. Utr mrob-rmallmmta AtImm.mttrarrts amm of N.

Mamma. amorom4 t.ffre, am, molt al Lt. Lh 0.1.11 MI mare tO tOm tre Cromomat ore tato Oop of limy. 1,4 al Om how tat LI actomit MS obri I. matoMmt.

urSo ottormot mit the moot aormaeo4 ha oat a heeeruAe ge.nortd lammtot ten Lttrm I atm4 peeeriegleg ese I quart el emease IL le ited.e, mat. AimsL.1 atts Won, ape. ktb. R. la Ube eaves Immo.

card Atom, im loM. being Ora Mtl or lot to 111. Mo am ito pm Sur tempt-, tor. roortortrti AM mm4 lama. arm to 111 11 to.ormt Storm et 1 flitrarka amol marOomma to be Ommtml-tatare spomarm to tom anti IMO ammo arm It, Me IMAM le my 6.4elomt cash, CHM itirri As, ded Aank.ualnit et 1064 eert.

1 reP6 "IN L4ol, PiPoz 1624 ish, fieki 'nen sutli rw.a ow. IR at iot .4) at th rugs of th'sir PrraPaalaa aa thu rLgfk) Lhat thi8 nrid go Ritt.4rity ei'unt mitY reported beam, piston, pipes and valves, (1,4 fird at oft their perepeafee en the tnap) that irive this riobi ,1 1 Count larLael xa powor; ana ttio e4i.a of 4thatje and urrightnowc Yet yr 4.04114 shmA MA. Pawl to, far lorkaitt I ma UPA et we tht kR 11.4 la ha pat ti.o man for thee ploae. Ito Love to on lot ouoy spiiug up at tha, tods of Ito --e -w efete AU.Ter"Mt ia deya emee, and bad an interview with him Fri day terming by appoionneat He ure.1 luei do id possible in his foritign relation seek Hungary she ohould prove able to make a When Bronson's nomination came into the Senate, a reform. to a Committee was moved.

Bra on Mr. Seward proaonacing a brilliant on tho ho was IL 1112LG tit J. 110.11T. EXCHANGfr: BROKER. SS LAIL STKICET.

CI Illit VS aa4 4 se bombe as 1 .44 a4tht anew I aw mu .4 Nara.A.Ca. a P'a 101.144 atria Oho. 4 illumoos lir Lama Wortaat tor aaelapa. Alma ktaaar -day. ELT htalaliaiTCH, Du arrnal AVM II.

Hawn ft VIII tor i ISIS 1.11 I uttt I'LL tlittoa 1 It tiatatti. matelot. SS DIttilitaili Rif Warthiffint 01.141111. 1 oar rat. Vaahana mmoval amontIa.

apd a run. IttltraA 6qt saw at III I.k. at mayi It a oa. I alamaas to aara anat. 14aran 1.

kar 1 a ntMod had tAINNIEnt SD OMANI A ldrvalill. 1 um I tient with lawn, a otiterent erey thsa he hoe limy, thbutktul of ha lat. the I IV Lo on the fie west etrrenge w.ith 1 mediae 0, tad lemma. mah the eerkoe roes of butigey eftpliretite for en tronieese rood that three, dot boas end truer. Of for job it msy I oe AL strengthen 4,64 tonteset the whole.

1 24 I idar But oto ries and return to Ate. I tittles by the Air Line rtnallie tiVIII 15 evr i onr to time Plbeitie soma ere es taiewa icy to the Pfeifle comae are as looMitalTeut TIti-tos wtt rit. rdak Woos. Weisel Wee Mmarmg SSe.iU$ Ammer, miens I L. D.

OLIAIrit II Avn beer epee fey erel Mee the we crime. wee etelh o4 "Anstalt tor tatatrta tag that they hew. wen bees tee to Deer be thnt moue. ore I ell the moven Me WOW deekreek, tisk. et Ikreee Uwe.

and Leatteetertee bare bee. yetratbee1 by thee 410410 their try ateeetienthee le the mutes- 8.1 they tehMil by beylhe to the eeperteteet et trade, be Were btersettelt she etersea amain eceseeeteees 01 her articia, maws tl'OrLD rmeeetren," inems thee' frilowto emt the peb. In v40 V. that they 'AM, Jo ohoomea4, 4 JIM, LI,, 11.. 17 "Wm.

11.1, nee "me the Warm hash. bit tb, 41.00 on pew. hamettnent UMW. a ail 10.4.11. EittWoto SW car.

ry en-4 tre.M. Imo. theft ineettehiee ote limmteml b.they. theetteet ehA PdUp Itinabied ID. dol.6411; I confirmed triout I 1 crt almr 1 id ovidenee takes in tho Gardener on rtoetnorr.

loom to Paget" 1-14 iaritd. It nom pant or for a hitt ps 1 im.1,As 1 ife do tkl kr A wrts TO 44 owl Power Premium. wg OT 111 TO I 'tl OF 41 WHOk Of II 7 6 beret', by the late rottootto, boa to 1BotatOrti to appear ft, ntliet of the Count, Oast of on 0, inot tnrjny to Aprit 4.4 tk frhtW and rt-tottvt to too at Ave. In pB tort, to Ito to tr, rot too no to sad to rartriva inana taataa no-rulat taw We Paper tt.toc O.ton rn onp aka rat. Van af at Val, Oaf.

all tha Aar antroaa.l. It nolo, tlia wait tLayttf tna tontitA, taw Ws 'wt. odaluourd. E. JOHN B.

HANSON. .111 I Ifil 1 ll'Itlall-ftitt anktittr-ilt AI) NANt- It At 144 V. etyni tot hCrr.CO ali P.n.. an, CL.giry. am.

anti Wood 4 al-ta arta kt Iakak land Itif ref .44 Mi erwer 0...4 Not et lirtoivolo It II tv-tng 04. I banana. trot, a ton rears ea leant otWatant bet aa far, I. at wad iv, atot a E4 a. mur we FS .1 New oak Coy.

Ad wawa tearrattarat at at wow. aattlar abs krakaaa 112JS. (lbws. o. WO 1 ITt I I "41 A tiit.

LT. laza at ava if-cranial rtaa al waaara ltin 4, kw Latoot.toant.,41 la Um ant aostotaan Ia ata finaalt allti WAN thaw tor moor. A- Plaid sad Illoarataili Mira attn. eLikti A AA.) t.4.14111. Ltd Likabta.

1.4.4 eLikie do. Some mad nidk traitidi nhisband, Ladaii. Praia. Obeniortos. Onnare.

eAdb Plkere ifl Inns 21, Match. Isss Fromm sad Slossys was 11114e tins .1 a-ls de do Wel kr.pre Kaska sad fasi, Tars Es LI sad Ink tin rs.Asuis e.i dAbstass, 4c. M. I SIM 1114 Kletat Uralic; 4 4.4110.--Th. 41,41 meat 44 do hue.

-e h.D 14 4414 Itroono. la1" frel041114 .10. 414 4. Amo 41- 44144UL or more I Saturday, was deemed rather favorable for die VA Ckentral oo i al! rer.ives front itg Ate i It ie doubtful 114 in both via se Alottid tt, ti4 40 VI' i 1 A Le Ile town "6 then lte e4 CrWrt above a 1.4 1 tt lir' Slida will b'e al'1' IP "ewe' the met' Ile Me the rar It now in the Inn. 1 ceted by Mr- Soule la tile Situate The ao- LleneOt by tha Air Lines, Ore not great, tat are i it i 3, au 1..9.1.

a thia 0fAd of e-xSonator Downs, recently of th. 5ertben111" Centrsi 1tes to' goatarv. It, 'I ri i.lt6 thro 6 thi Collettor of New 01-lemma re thought te be the the St. "Auto and Soother and so far ara prat, iatora a4 ..14, 'I beet. 1 ant a 11.1 ru7Cwrs, ill be propt owe huodred mai swwatity pmmtne.t.

It is Rr1 much lees deduction free the Air Lincw and awl fleuriehlug and exert aa rarni sube.sittios tor th bene et fit the eae in going on tie' only lighter staZio" wid 4 ittlid 112,1 lu the nood of the eAtntry whirb it is ilopoteig meetbazda. but toaay anti Eregitelo and Lati a al the met ia awl Central Llo I ALautietule lave eeatnbutott Aluirrcan and Foreign Agenvie ty A.attuairk. a. C. 2cHit unAogyaraarl 06.

ear Wt. 0 0.41.4 in.a tbe row at danas co, 4 say bleadmil aLlani. the CsPdoL Ilueneek tho Peft.t. Idual or or .1, ad u.

la. or tat the (- C. was rao an a peamirt 14 tan, so Iber as 1141i imam, k. roospatas-L Our tbe dosi umr.op.rtaU.1 4 P4 4 and Maawala4, 1044 tt. at r.rgu ca.

Ur' turo.rd at: eh redr.oree lia arttrear Ikea rearkl. the at Lr JA.t.0 ILANNI.DY Alba os sg- bet. Pm, 614 so. aut. atat 1111111Kbri ri sat by AL owe Mc a I Lla ow, Kauai 41.

E.t labottaaA TWA. rIP1111 Ort Ityrytratry eyttalyy swat, alto Ilk alie attl'a L.L.,atlitat:mayawaa,lt aa-laytta um. tLio atayttytt ay atataal ot4yety, al kir IE.b14Sa 0414 Sm. v.p At ta Yrty, lianas aughonnild la any. Ott otayoria Lla.yasa.

art kat tat. rt-A ACIPSC 111.41,11.3,11 a 1r irlinKrt lbq ammo' at ottrq etovituto 'mom a. a li la Mamma, yams payataaytt lt tttet maw Yk eartt, cw lb gt.041 C86.108 kuo4 tarswit alat-a. sad Mabel lball a 'tibiae S. ableatakaat The Luta Vetae save ota aulia.

of the had an it rtielee from 1w Yankee one of thole on -bataat te a peteue of the Welt et hippie, who, inapt-owl of being thankful thaw he at a eenapiesang es the the artigial Ir0111 IW 1Ww16 'wig WW t. pareua el Um 844t et itippiee, lit le, of being thankful that ha Ind twatte4 at la is asitapiaismag aa the am. 1 00000 it limas datcrtpthordi IS OR Um I sod ortmelk we IV kw Lad, arrlyso 1 trl 4 Atolfraikey Lka AL oda of the Atlantic that lam precious imitate. Itom Rtu wortuo I-- ---trfraWWWW, ILVII4 sp Wit LJoolgetalli OP WIN IiiiikAgowstA. adiamfa ,11 'ill" roc la D111-.

war ILA VTOL ILIJIM lir 111111144-4a lair b. abe oval att. to AI M. ARAM dISI LiLAAJtai At LIAWIT003 I WM. was aittred sad atai.trki:" ebit bid Wit.

it OW..

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.