Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ... · Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (2024)

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (1)

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon

considering road inclinations

Balazs Nemeth and Peter Gaspar

Systems and Control Laboratory,

Computer and Automation Research Institute,

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Tel: +361-2796171; Fax: +361-4667503; e-mail: {bnemeth;gaspar}@sztaki.hu


The paper focuses on the design of a platoon control system which takes into considerationsafe travel by using the string stability theorem and the knowledge of the inclinations of theroad along the route of the platoon. By choosing the speed of the platoon fitting in withthe inclinations of the road the number of unnecessary accelerations and brakings can bereduced, thus so can the operations of the actuators of the vehicles, i.e. the driveline andthe brake system. Although the longitudinal dynamics of the vehicles is formulated in alinear control-oriented model, the non-linear performance of the road inclinations and safetyrequirements based on the string stability are taken into consideration. The design of theplatoon control is based on the robust H∞ control theory.

Keywords - cruise control, platoon control, H∞ control, robust stability and performance,

optimization, vehicle control.

1 Introduction and motivation

In the paper a method in which saving energy and fuel consumption are taken into consideration

is developed for platoon systems. The term platoon is used to describe several vehicles operated

under automatic control as a unit when they are traveling at the same speed with relatively small

inter-vehicle spacings. Platoon operations may have advantages in terms of increasing highway

capacity and decreasing fuel consumption.

The thoughts of platoon control were motivated by intelligent highway systems and road

infrastructure, see the PATH program in California and the MOC-ITS program in Japan. PATH

”Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology” involves vehicle-highway cooperation and

communication, and ”science of driving” investigations on driving behavior. In terms of platoon

control the concept of string stability to a class of interconnected systems is generalized and

sufficient conditions to guarantee their string stability are sought, see [14, 24, 26]. MOC/ITS

”Development of Energy-saving ITS Technology” is aimed at saving energy and reducing CO2

emission in road traffic and includes R&D of automated heavy truck platoons. In the project

the between vehicles in the platoon is reduced, which will save energy and reduce CO2 emission


Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (2)

[8, 10]. The European programmes were based on the existing road networks and infrastructure

and focused mainly on commercial vehicles with their existing sensors and actuators, see [4, 13, 25].

The main goal of the projects was to examine the operation of platoons on public motorways with

full interaction with other vehicles. The safety and stability of each vehicle in the platoon is

guaranteed by string stability, see e.g. [23, 26].

Several models and control strategies have been published in the topic of fuel-optimal intel-

ligent transportation systems. [20] proposes a simplified powertrain model for intelligent vehicle

applications. The model is tested using field measurements and is demonstrated to produce vehicle

power, fuel consumption, acceleration, speed, and position estimates. Paper [5] classifies several

modeling approaches for vehicle fuel consumption and emission, such as microscopic, mesoscopic

and macroscopic modeling methods. A road type and congestion level estimation method com-

bined with the principal components analysis is presented in [30]. This method is used for a

variety of purposes, e.g. traffic information systems, intelligent real-time vehicle control systems,

and energy consumption/emissions estimation. [2] proposes a modal-emissions modeling approach

based on physical phenomena associated with vehicle operation and emissions. An eco-cruise con-

trol system, in which the road topographical data is involved to optimize fuel consumption, is

presented in [22].

In the Hungarian TruckDAS project an automated vehicle platoon of heavy vehicles was devel-

oped. The goal of the project was to analyze the control algorithms and synthesize the experimen-

tal results, see [27]. Several questions which were related to junctions, coupling, driver behavior,

technical failures, etc., had to be answered, see [21]. Within the framework of the present project

we are developing a system specifically designed for commercial vehicle platforms, where tradi-

tional positioning methods (e.g. GPS) are managed together with other data (e.g. speed, lateral

acceleration, radar) supplied by sensors on the vehicle. Vehicles travel in a column by using a

distributed control method. In such a system, amplitudes of different types and sizes may occur

due to the uncertainties of positioning and communication. These are primarily longitudinal, but

some road sections may create lateral amplitudes. In addition to the lower comfort level, these

amplitudes create risks in traffic safety. The preliminary results of speed profile optimization are

found in [18].

In the paper a control design method which calculates optimal longitudinal forces using the

road inclinations is proposed. In the control design method additional knowledge such as road

inclinations and speed limits are taken into consideration. The method is based on the assumption

that information about the road is available. By choosing the appropriate speed the number of

unnecessary accelerations and brakings and their durations can be significantly reduced. Conse-

quently, energy required by the actuators and fuel consumption can be reduced.

For the better understanding of the control idea, a few typical traffic situations are presented.

In the first example there is a downhill slope, where the speed of the vehicle increases. If the

driving force is reduced in advance, the speed of the vehicle decreases before entering the slope,

thus the speed increases from a lower value and reaches the speed limit later. Consequently, the

brake system can be activated later or it may not be necessary to activate it at all. In the second

example there is a speed limit on the road, which imposes different strategies, e.g., rapid speed

reduction with sudden braking, slow speed reduction on a longer road. In the second solution

the adhesion coefficient of the road can be exploited therefore the activation of the brake can be

reduced. Similar results can be presented when the speed limit has been lifted.

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (3)

Several methods in which the road conditions are taken into consideration have already been

proposed, see [11, 17, 19]. The look-ahead control methods assume that information about the

future disturbances to the controlled system is available. To find a compromise solution between

fuel consumption and travelling time leads to an optimization problem. The optimization was

handled by using various methods. In [9] the approach was evaluated in real experiments. This

idea can be extended to a platoon system, since the method can be applied in the leader vehicle.

Here for safety reasons the interaction between the members must be considered and the string

stability of the platoon must be guaranteed. In practice the prediction about the slope of the

road can be obtained in two ways: either a contour map which contains the level lines is used,

or an estimation method is applied. In the former case a map used in other navigation tasks can

be extended with slope information, which is applied next time along the same route. Several

methods have been proposed for slope estimation. They use cameras, laser/inertial profilometers,

differential GPS or a GPS/INS systems, see [1, 12, 7].

The purpose of the paper is to extend the string stable platoon control with the road conditions.

Using the different performance specifications a control-oriented model of a platoon system is

formulated. Uncertainties of the model, which are caused by neglected components, and unknown

parameters are also modeled as unstructured dynamics. The controller of the platoon system

is designed by using a robust H∞ method, which guarantees both disturbance attenuation and

robustness against uncertainties. The schematic structure of the controlled platoon system is

shown in Figure 1. A platoon control requires various measured signals, such as position, speed

Figure 1: Structure of a platoon system

and acceleration of the leader and the preceding vehicles. Thus, the platoon control requires that

information about the position, speed and acceleration of a vehicle are transmitted to the following

vehicle in order to ensure string stability. Besides these signals the road conditions are assumed

to be available in the vehicles (road slope, speed limit). Since the safe and economical movement

of the platoon is determined by the leader vehicle, it is crucial that the leader vehicle use the road

conditions. From these signals the control system of each vehicle calculates its optimal longitudinal

control force.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 formulates the road conditions and presents the

optimization of vehicle cruise control by the appropriate choice of prediction weights. Section 3

extends the optimality results to a platoon system. Section 4 presents the model based H∞ longi-

tudinal control design. Section 5 shows the operation of the platoon control on a transportational

route with real data.

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (4)

2 Consideration of road inclinations in cruise control

2.1 Weighting factors according to road inclinations

The relationship between the optimal speed and road inclinations was a topic of an earlier paper.

Thus, the thoughts are only briefly summarized. The results in a detailed form are found in

[18]. The route of the vehicle can be divided into n sections using n + 1 number of points as

Figure 2 shows. The sections of the route are not necessarily of equal lengths si. The rates of the

inclinations of the road and those of the speed limits are assumed to be known at the endpoints of

each section. The acceleration of the vehicle is considered to be constant between section points.

0 4321 5 6 n

vref0 vref1

original reference velocities:vref2 vref3 vref4 vref5 vref6 vrefn

m od ifi ed reference velocity :˙ξ 0

α 1

α 1

α 4

F l 1

s 1 s 2

s 3


Figure 2: Division of the road

The speeds of the vehicle are described at each section point of the road. The speed at

section point j should reach a predefined reference speed v2ref,j j ∈ [1, n], which is usually the

maximum speed of the vehicle (speed limit). It is an important goal to track the momentary value

of the speed, which is formulated in the following form: ξ20 → v2

ref,0. A weight Q is applied to

the momentary (initial) speed and weights γ1, γ2, ..., γn are applied to the reference speeds. The

weights should sum up to one, i.e., γ1 + γ2 + ... + γn + Q = 1. While the weights γi represent

the rate of the road conditions, weight Q determines the tracking requirement of the momentary

reference speed vref,0. By making an appropriate selection of the prediction weights Q, γi the

importance of the road condition is considered. The optimal selection of weights has an important

role, i.e. to achieve a balance between the momentary speed and the effect of the road slope, i.e.,

a balance between speed and the economy parameters.

A control-oriented vehicle model in which reference speeds and prediction weights are taken

into consideration is constructed. The speed of a vehicle is calculated:

ξ0 =

√ϑ − 2s1(1 − Q)(ξ0 + gsinα1), (1)

where ξ0 represents the actual longitudinal acceleration, s1 and α1 are the length and road incli-

nation angle of the forthcoming section, g is the acceleration of gravity. Value ϑ depends on the

road slopes, the reference speeds and the prediction weights:

ϑ = Qv2ref,0 +



γiv2ref,i +


m(1 − Q)






γj , (2)

where Fdi,r is force resistance from road inclination on the ith road section. Consequently, the road

conditions can be considered by speed tracking. The calculation of λ requires the measurement

of longitudinal acceleration ξ0.

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (5)

2.2 Optimization of the vehicle cruise control

In this subsection the task is to find an optimal selection of the prediction weights in such a way

that both the minimization of control force and the traveling time are taken into consideration.

The vehicle cruise control problem can be divided into two optimization problems in the following


• Optimization 1: The longitudinal control force must be minimized, i.e., |Fl1| → Min. In-

stead, in practice the F 2l1 → Min! optimization is used because of the simpler numerical

computation. The advantage of Fl1 minimization is the consideration of driving and braking

maneuvers simultaneously.

• Optimization 2: The difference between momentary speed and reference speed must be

minimized, i.e., |vref0 − ξ0| → Min.

The two optimization criteria lead to different optimal solutions. In the first criterion the road

inclinations and speed limits are taken into consideration by using appropriately chosen weights

Q, γi. At the same time the second criterion is optimal if the predicted information is neglected.

In the latter case the prediction weights are noted by Q, γi.

The first criterion is met by the formulation of a quadratic optimization problem. It leads to

the following form:

F 2l1(Q, γi) = (β0(Q) + β1(Q)γ1 + β2(Q)γ2 + . . . + βn(Q)γn)2 (3)

This task is nonlinear because of the prediction weights. In the first optimization the prediction

weight Q is fixed, and this fixed Q is modified from 0 to 1. The optimization task is formulated in

the following matrix form: Since the optimization task is linear in the sense of prediction weights

γi, (3) is formulated in the following matrix form:

F 2l1(Γ) =


2ΓT ΦΓ − κΓ (4)

where the matrix Γ is Γ =[γ1 ∙ ∙ ∙ γi ∙ ∙ ∙ γn

]Tand the matrix Φ comes from the rearrangement

of (3). Thus, the problem leads to a quadratic programming task. In this paper the trust-region-

reflective algorithm is used, which exhibits strong convergence properties and global and quadratic

convergence [3, 6]. Trust-region-reflective algorithm is the subspace trust-region method based on

the interior-reflective Newton method. Each iteration involves the approximate solution of a large

linear system using the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients.

The condition analysis is crucial, since it is related to the appropriation of the numerical

solution. E.g. with a flat road and constant speed limits the values of βi(Q) (1 ≤ i ≤ n) are

approximately the same. Since in this case the elements of matrix Φ are equal to each other, the

matrix Φ is singular. Consequently, the computation of Φ−1 is difficult or impossible, and the

condition number of Φ is very high. Since in practice several similar situations can be obtained, a

numerical algorithm should be applied which is able to handle the poor conditioning system. The

Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm used for this purpose, see [16]. In this method the original matrix

Φ is increased by an identity matrix I multiplied by a small number (δ > 0): Φ = Φ + δI . By the

Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm the condition number of Φ can be reduced significantly, which

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (6)

helps solve the optimization task. In the next step the quadratic optimization task is derived:

Γ = −Φ−1κ.

The second criterion is also taken into consideration. The optimal solution can be determined

in a relatively easy way since the vehicle tracks the predefined speed if the road conditions are

not considered. Consequently, the optimal solution is achieved by selecting the weights in the

following way: Q = 1 and γi = 0, i ∈ [1, n].

Finally, a balance between the two performances must be achieved, which is based on a tuning

of the designed prediction weights. The first criterion is met by selecting prediction weights Q,

γi. The second performance is met by selecting constant prediction weights Q = 1, γi = 0. In the

proposed method two further performance weights, i.e., R1 and R2, are introduced. Performance

weight R1 (0 ≤ R1 ≤ 1) is related to the importance of the minimization of the longitudinal control

force, while performance weight R2 (0 ≤ R2 ≤ 1) is related to the minimization of traveling time.

There is a constraint according to the performance weights R1 + R2 = 1. Thus the performance

weights, which guarantee balance between optimizations tasks, are calculated in the following


Q = R1Q + R2Q = R1Q + R2 (5a)

γi = R1γi + R2γi = R1γi, i ∈ {1, n} (5b)

Note that in this method it is necessary to normalize the values of Q, γi because of the comparabil-

ity to Q, γi. Based on the calculated performance weights the reference speed can be determined

by using (1). In practice the numerical computations result in optimal prediction weights, which

may change very sharply as a jump signal. In order to avoid this phenomenon the prediction

weights are filtered by low-pass filters to obtain smooth signals.

3 Design of the leader speed based on an optimization


In this section the method will be extended to vehicles in a platoon. The main idea behind the

design is that each vehicle in the platoon is able to calculate its speed independently of the other

vehicles. Since traveling in a platoon requires the same speed, the optimal speed must be modified

according to the other vehicles. In the platoon, the speed of the leader vehicle determines the

speed of all the vehicles. The goal is to determine the common speed at which the speeds of the

members are as close as possible to their own optimal speed.

In the first step the optimal prediction weights are set {Qj ; γi,j}, i ∈ [1; n] where n is the

number of division points. Then the modified reference speeds of all the vehicles λj , j ∈ [1; m]

where m is the number of the vehicles in the platoon are calculated. During the calculation

the road inclinations and the speed limits are taken into consideration, however, the interaction

between the vehicles is not considered. In the case of a platoon each vehicle has its own optimal

reference speed λj. Moreover, speeds of the vehicles are not independent of each other, because

the speed of the leader λ1 influences the speed of every member of platoon ξ0,j . The goal is to

find an optimal reference speed for the leader λ1.

Before the required speed of the leader vehicle λ1 is designed a second - intermediate - step is

needed. It is important to note that there is an interaction between the speeds of the vehicles in a

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (7)

platoon. If a preceding vehicle changes its speed, the follower vehicles will modify their speeds and

track the motion of the preceding vehicle within a short time. The members of the platoon are

not independent of the leader, therefore it is necessary to formulate the relationship between the

speed of the jth platoon member ξ0,j and the leader and the preceding vehicles. It is formulated

with a transfer function with its input and output. The output Yj = F[L(ξ0,j) L(ξ0,j) L(ξ0,j)


contains the information, i.e., the position, speed and acceleration of the vehicle, which is sent to

the follower vehicles. The input Uj = G[L(ξ0,j−1) L(ξ0,j−1) L(ξ0,j−1) L(ξ0) L(ξ0)


the position, speed, the acceleration of the preceding vehicle and the leader. The transfer function

between Uj and Yj is Gj,cl = KjGj/(1 + KjGj) with the controller of the jth vehicle Kj and its

longitudinal dynamics Gj . Similarly, the effect of the leader and the preceding vehicles on the

(j + 1)th platoon member is formulated: Yj+1 = Gj+1,clUj+1, where Uj+1 =


0 I


Uj , which

finally leads to

Yj+1 = Gj+1,cl


0 I


Uj (6)

Consequently, the speed of the jth vehicle is determined by the next formula:

L[ξ0,j ] =



Yj =







0 I


G1,clλ1 = Gjλ1 (7)

The value of Gj is used for the computation of the optimal reference speed of the platoon λ1.

In the third step the required reference speed of the leader vehicle λ1 is designed. The aim

of the design is that the generated speeds of all the vehicles ξ0,j are as close to as their modified

reference speed λj as possible:



|λj − ξ0,j| → Min. (8)

Since the speed of the jth vehicle is formulated as ξ0,j = Gjλ1, the following optimization form is




(λj − Gjλ1




λ2j +





− 2m∑



)→ 0 (9)

where Gj =∏j−1

k=1 Gk. It can be stated that in (9) the only unknown variable is λ1. The optimiza-

tion leads to the following equation:




G2j −




)= 0. (10)

The solution of the optimization problem can be achieved. The deduction of the optimization

of λ1 is as follows:

λ1 =


∏j−1k=1 Gk)


∏j−1k=1 Gk)2


Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (8)

Figure 3: Architecture of the control system

It means that the leader vehicle must track the required reference speed λ1.

The calculation of the longitudinal force, which is illustrated in Figure 3, is performed in three


• The optimization of speeds of the vehicles is based on two criteria: |F 2l1| → Min and

|vref0 − ξ0| → Min. The simplex algorithm is used.

• The optimization of the speed of the leader vehicle:∑m

j=1 |λj − ξ0,j|2 → Min. A simple

matrix manipulation is used.

• The required longitudinal force is based on the robust control method. The robust control

is designed in an off-line way.

4 Design of vehicle control in the platoon

4.1 Design of robust control

This section focuses on the design of the control input, i.e., the design of the longitudinal forces

of the vehicles in the platoon. In the previous section the required reference speed of the leader

vehicle was determined by taking the road inclinations into consideration. The speed of the

leader vehicle must track the required speed. At the same time the other vehicles in the platoon

must meet the string-stable requirement in order to guarantee the safe operation of the platoon.

Consequently, two types of controllers must be designed: a speed tracking controller for the leader

vehicle and a string stable controller for each vehicle in the platoon. All the controllers must

provide disturbance attenuation and robustness against uncertainties.

The design of controllers are based on robust H∞ methods. The control design of the leader

vehicle is a tracking problem formulated in (1). The aim of tracking is to ensure that the system

output follows a reference value of speed with an acceptable error, which is the performance of the

system. The explicit mathematical description of the optimization problem is λ1 − ξ0,1 −→ Min!,

where the parameter λ1 is the required reference speed. The performance of the leader vehicle is

as follows:

z1 = [λ1 − ξ0,1] (12)

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (9)

The other vehicles in the platoon must guarantee string stability. This property of the system

ensures that the inter-vehicular spacing errors of all the vehicles remain bounded uniformly in time,

provided the initial spacing errors of all the vehicles are bounded. There are several strategies

by which it is possible to ensure the string stability of the system. In the paper string stability

is ensured by tracking the position, speed and acceleration of the preceding vehicle, and tracking

the position and speed of the leader vehicle. [26] proves the applicability of this platoon model

for control design.. The performance vector of the jth vehicle is:

zj = [εj ; εj ; εj ; ξ0,j − ξ0,1; ξ0,j − ξ0,1 +



Li]T , (13)

where Li is the distance between two vehicles and εi = ξ0,j − ξ0,j−1 is the error of tracking.

Communication between the vehicles in the platoon is a crucial point of platoon control. The

suitable intervehicle communication networks and the effects of communication delays to string

stability are found in [14, 28].

The closed-loop interconnection structure, which includes the feedback structure of the model

P and controller K, is shown in Figure 4. The control design is based on a weighting strategy. The

purpose of weighting function Wp is to define the performance specifications of the control system,

i.e., the speed of the vehicle must ensure the tracking of the reference signal with an acceptable

error. The purpose of the weighting function Wn is to reflect the sensor noise, while Ww represents

the effect of longitudinal disturbances. In the modeling an unstructured uncertainty is modeled

by connecting an unknown but bounded perturbation block (Δ) to the plant. The magnitude of

output multiplicative uncertainty is handled by the weighting function Wu.
















Figure 4: Closed-loop interconnection structure of the system

The performance signal z differs in the two cases. In case of the leader z = z1 according to

(12) and in the other vehicles z = zj according to (13). For the leader vehicle the measured

signals are the speed and the acceleration of the vehicle, while the follower vehicles also require

the speed, position and acceleration information about the preceding and leader vehicles. The

reference signal R is the required reference speed λ1 at the leader vehicle, while for the follower

vehicles R vector contains the speed and position of the leader and the preceding vehicles and the

acceleration of the preceding one.

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4.2 Stability analysis of the closed-loop system

The computation of λ depends on speed ξ0 and acceleration ξ0 of the vehicle and exogenous signals.

The speed of the vehicle is considered at the computation of the reference speed signal, which is

a feedback in the closed-loop system. The result of reference signal computation influences the

stability of the controlled system.

Since the relationship between the vehicle parameters and λ is rather complex, a simplification

is used in the analysis. In the following a transfer function Nj is introduced. It represents the

relationship between momentary speed ξ0,j and its reference λj . This model with an autoregressive

structure (ARX) is identified, see [15]:

yj(q) =Bj(q)

Aj(q)uj(q) + e(q) (14)

where B(q)/A(q) is the discrete-time model of the continuous system Nj , y(q) and u(q) are discrete

signals, which are sampled from λj(t) and ξ0,j(t), while e(q) is white noise. According to (7), it is

possible to formulate a SIMO system with input λ1 and outputs ξ0,j , j ∈ [1, n]:

Gpl =[G1 G2 . . . Gn


The illustration of the controlled systems is shown in Figure 5. Then (11) is rearranged in a

matrix form as:

λ1 =


∏j−1k=1 Gk)


∏j−1k=1 Gk)2

= Gλξ (16)

where Gλ = (GΠGTΠ)−1(GΠN) and ξ =

[ξ0,1 . . . ξ0,n

]Twith GΠ =

[1 G1 G1 ∙ G2 . . .

∏n−1k=1 Gk)


and N = diag(N1; N2 . . . Nn). Gfilter is a low-pass filter, which smoothes λ1 reference signal. Note

this function must be used because the necessary measurements for the computation of λ1 are

sampled. Gfilter is also constant.


N 1

N 2

N n



¯λ 1

˙ξ 0,1

˙ξ 0,2

˙ξ 0,n optim



λ 1

λ 2

λ n





Figure 5: Closed-loop system of platoon control

The stability of the closed-loop system can be analyzed by the Small gain theorem [29]:

‖GfilterGλ‖‖Gpl‖ < 1 (17)

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(17) shows that the stability of the closed-loop system depends on the infinite norms of Gpl, Gλ,

Gfilter. Since these factors depend on dynamics and controllers of vehicles, infinite norm (17)

depends on N , which is identified, see (14).

If (17) is not guaranteed by λ1(k), then it is overwritten by λ1(k − 1), which is computed in

step k − 1. It means the reference signal is constant. Note this analysis is relevant mainly in

practice, when λ > ξ0, i.e., the vehicle is accelerating, e.g., before an uphill section or when a

speed limit is lifted.

4.3 Implementation of the controller

In the paper, the purpose of the control design is to calculate the necessary longitudinal control

force. The paper focuses on this high-level controller K, which calculates positive and negative

forces as well, therefore the traction and braking system are also actuated. It is assumed that there

is another controller which is able to track the control force as a required force. This low-level

Electronic Control Unit (ECU) transforms the longitudinal force into a real physical parameter

of the actuator. The design of this low-level ECU may use more specific techniques that fit the

specific nonlinear properties of the actuator. Figure 6 shows the architecture of the low-level ECU

used in each vehicle.


engine rev









wheel speed


gear position

electric valves:open/closed Wheel-brakes

pressure Torque







Figure 6: Architecture of the low-level controller

The engine-management system and fuel-injection system have their own controllers, thus in

the realization of the low-level controller only the torque-rev-load characteristics of the engine are

necessary. In this case the rev of the engine is measured, the required torque is computed from the

longitudinal force of the high-level controller, thus the throttle is determined by an interpolation

step using a look-up table. The position of the transmission is determined by logic functions, thus

it depends on the fuel consumption and the maximal rev of the engine. The pressures on the

brake cylinders of the wheels increase in case of braking. The necessary braking pressure for the

required braking force is computed from the ratios of the hydraulic/pneumatic parts.

5 Simulation results

In this section a transportational route with real data is analyzed. The terrain characteristics and

geographical information are those of the A8 German motorway between Ulm and Stuttgart in

a 90 km long section. The motorway A8 runs across the Alps in South-Germany and connects

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (12)

Luxembourg with Austria, therefore it is one of the most important East-West transit routes.

The chosen road section, especially the Swabian part contains uphill sections, in which the energy

consumption of the platoon is critical. Publicly accessible up-to-date geographical/navigational

databases and visualization programs, such as Google Earth and Google Maps, are used for the

experiment. The platoon in the simulation contains four members, each of which is a 3500 kg

light commercial vehicle (LCV). The recommended maximum speed on the motorway is 130 km/h

but the road section also contains speed limits (e.g. 50 km/h or 80 km/h). The length of the

predicted road horizon is 500 m, which is divided into 10 points.

Figure 7(a) shows the altitude of the road section along the way. In this simulation two

different controllers are compared. Controller 1 is a conventional platoon controller, which ignores

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90200







Station (km)





Ulm Stuttgart

(a) Altitude

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900






Station (km)




ng (



(b) Energy saving of the platoon

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9040






Station (km)


ed (



LeaderFourthSpeed limit

(c) Speed using Controller 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9040






Station (km)


ed (



LeaderFourthSpeed limit

(d) Speed using Controller 2

0 20 40 60 80 90-4000








Station (km)


ce (


Controller 1Controller 2

(e) Longitudinal force of the leader

0 20 40 60 80 90-4000








Station (km)


ce (


Controller 1Controller 2

(f) Longitudinal force of the fourth vehicle

Figure 7: Real data motorway simulation

the road information, while Controller 2 is the proposed platoon controller, which considers the

road conditions such as the inclinations and speed limits. Figure 7(c) illustrates the speed values

of leader and the fourth vehicle of the platoon using Controller 1. It tracks the predefined speed

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (13)

limits as accurately as possible and the tracking error is minimal. Controller 2 modifies the speed

values considering speed limits and road inclinations simultaneously according to the optimal

requirement, see Figure 7(d). For example, at 31 km of the road there is a speed limit, therefore

the vehicles must be decelerated to 80 km/h. Controller 1 reduces the speed abruptly, while

Controller 2 reduces the speed within a longer distance exploiting the adhesion of the road. In

another example at 34 km of the road there is a downhill section after an uphill one. Controller

2 reduces the speed before the top of the section, because the vehicles are going to accelerate

on the downhill slope. The longitudinal control forces of the leader and the fourth vehicle are

presented in Figure 7(e) and Figure 7(f). The high-precision tracking of the predefined speeds in

the conventional platoon control system often requires extremely high forces with abrupt changes

in the signals. Since the proposed method calculates the longitudinal forces in advance based

on the road inclinations and speed limits the truck is able to travel along the road with smaller


As a result of the road conditions less energy is required during the journey in the proposed

control method, see Figure 7(b). It is shown that the saved energies are different at the platoon, in

the case of leader it is 14%, while in the fourth vehicle it is almost 20%. The overall energy saving

of the platoon is 16%, which can be divided into brake actuation saving (88%) and powertrain

actuation saving (12%). Fuel consumption can also be evaluated using the following simple equa-

tion: V = E/(ηLhρfuel), where E is control energy, η is the efficiency of the powertrain system, Lh

is heating value and ρfuel is the density of gasoline. This approximation results in 5 .9 l reduction

in fuel consumption in the 90 km length section. Since in the method the speed of the vehicle may

be below the permitted maximum for the given section and accelerations/decelerations are carried

out more slowly and gradually than in the conventional method the duration of the journey is

expected to be longer. However, this difference is only 2 minutes. Therefore the increase in travel

time is 3.9%.

The stability of the platoon system is analyzed using equation (17). Figure 8 shows the

calculated norm of the closed platoon system. The value of the norm is below the upper bound

1, which guarantees the stability of the system by exploiting the Small gain theorem.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900






Station (km)



Figure 8: Stability norm of the platoon

6 Conclusion

The paper has proposed a control design method for a platoon system. The controlled system

incorporates the brake and the traction forces. The method takes into consideration safe travel

Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon ...· Optimized speed profile design of a vehicle platoon considering road inclinations Bala´zs N´emeth and P´eter Ga´spa´r - [PDF Document] (14)

by using the string stability theorem and the knowledge of the inclinations of the road along the

route of the platoon and the compulsory speed limits. By choosing the speed of the platoon fitting

in with the inclinations of the road the number of unnecessary accelerations and brakings, i.e.,

the activations of the traction and brake systems, can be reduced. An H∞-based control design is

proposed for the leader and the members of the platoon. The controller is able to perform speed

tracking, minimizes the actuator forces, thus reduces fuel consumption. The analysis of the string

stability of the platoon is also performed in the control design. In a real data simulation example

it is shown that the proposed method is able to save energy compared to conventional platoon



The research was supported by the Hungarian National Office for Research and Technology

through the project ”Innovation of distributed driver assistance systems for a commercial vehicles

platform” (TECH 08 2/2-2008-0088).


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