The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

a I THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 6, 1949 PAGE FOUR The Daily Progress Catered at the Published at Charlottesville, 1802, Matter TELEPHONE Office News and Caltoria! MATTO BY LIMITS Me WELL. OUTSIDE MAIL, PER Months Three Months One Meath MEMBER ON TILE MONDAY, CARRIES WITHIN CITY UR BI ROUTE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Virstata Other Mates 14.00 01.00 .10 AMUCIATED PREM JUNK Painless Economy Only Apparently impressed by the loud noises about economy which haye been emanating from the halls of Congress, and particularly by the recent action of the House of Representatives la cutting 000,000 from Its personal budget for next year, the Veterans Administration bas been curtailing its so-called "contact" services for war veterans. A VA contact office, It may be explained, is 4 deid office, apart from a hospital or other facility, at whlch veterans may obtain information as to their rights under the various laws which have been passed for their benefit. The Veterans tion has ordered the elimination of many such ofAces throughout the country, including some la Vir. ginia, and staff reductions at others, including the one in Charlottesville.

Its action means a saving of public funds but it also means that many vets" erans will be put to Inconvenience, delay and personal expense in learning their status in respect to, bospitalization, disability payments, vocational training or other benefits. Among the Virginia offices slated for, tion are those at Winchester, home town of Representative Burr Harrison, and Staunton, also la his district, and although he ranks as one of the most stalwart economy advocates la Congress, he doesn't, like this kind of economy. He has written a letter of protest to Veterans Administrator Carl R. Gray, la which he expreases confidence that "It was not the intent of Congress to curtall the ity of the veteran, particularly the disabled veteran, to ascertain his rights to disability, payments, to vocational training or other benefts under the laws enacted by the Congress." He continued; "A Congress which has just voted 000,000 for able-bodied veterans should not be presumed to have stinted at the expense of disabled veterans and those who have acquired rights under Public Law 16." And he went on to express his regret that the House of Representatives had trimmed the Veterans Administration's personnel budget and to voice the hope that the Senate would restore the 000 cut. We are insuficiently informed as to the need for the VA offices slated for elimination to express an opinion as to the merits of the position taken by Congressman Harrison.

But his protest affords an: excellent Mustration- of the difficulty of cutting Government expenditures. Too many members of Congress are for economy la general but against it la particular. That la, they can readily no the need of cutting Government expenditures, but they can't the justification for cuts which affect their own constituents. And because It la dimcult to do much economizing without adversely affecting the intereats of the constituents of numerous Congressmen, very little economizing is accomplished. We won't get very far in cutting Government expenditures no long as our Congressmen and the people they represent are willing only to support painless cuta.

That kind of cutting Just doesn't go deep enough to do much good. X-Raying Defense Obvious need for tighter control over the bud. get practices of the arnied services was stated in no uncertain terms more than a month ago by er President Hoover to members of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Mr. Hoover's testimony, which charged waste, extravagance and lack of planning, brought hurt sounds from top men in the three services, notably Kenneth Royall, who was then Secretary of the Army.

Mr. Hoover had enough facts and figures to make mady of the charges stick. Ferdinand Eberstadt, banker and wartime gov. ernment official, has given the committee a blueprint for an overhaul of military budgeting 'which he estimates will save $1,500,000 annually or $10 for every man, woman and child in the country. Mr.

Eberstadt proposes to streamline the services accounting methods and most Important, 'to bring the budget under, civilian To do so he wants to see several new jobs created, including chief comptroller, who will report directly to the Secretary of Defense, and one comptroller each for the Army, Nary and Air Force. This trio would I be responsible to their military chiefs of staff, who in turn would taubmit their annual budgets to the scrutiny of the chief comptroller before sending them along to the Secretary of. Defense. Mr. Eberstadt's ideas have an imposing list of backers, including Mr.

Hoover, the Bureau of the Budget, the Treasury Department and Defense Secretary Johnson. More backers should fall in line as the sweeping significance of the proposals becomes more clear. Perhaps the day la coming when high riding service fund requests, understandable Mr. Hoover put it only to the will be a thing of the past. A job shortage always changes.

lary loafers into -unfortunate victima 6 41. Clayton Finds Business Dull; PX Probe Has VA Worried -By Peter Edson WASHINGTON, June 6 -INTA) -Former Us of State WIll Clayton is back in ton, wondering about taklas another government job, Clayton had to retire trots government service because the strain on him was too great He was advised to take it caster. He went back to his Anderson -Clayton office la but found that la his absence the compant had learned to run with out him He bad nothing to Finding private business too dull, be came back to where all the eitement la. VA le Worried Veteran's Administration officials are worried lest congressmen fume vet hospital canteens with Army post exchange really under Investigation Capital Hill VA officials point out that their canteens are operated strictly for the benefit of their. hospital patienta.

Visitors may bus cigarets for their own poo but that's about the limit. VA canteens won't take special orders, for veterans. That's ens of the worst abuses of Army PX stores and it leads to 1 most eriticiam from private merchants. Patrons of the service, canteene COR order pensive Items like air conditioning untie, and ret them at considerable even though they are not carried as regular PX stask. Internal Combustion American Farm Bureau then has inside Political fight as Its bands.

Allan B. Kline, farmer and banker, was elected A. F. B. F.

president in the expectation that Northern Republi. cans would be In control la laston for the next yeara Re turn of the Truman administration and a Democratie Congress has malted 1a movement have Southern Democrat head up the Farm Bureau agala. Big and tary O'Neal, sow retired to his cotton plantation, was president of the Farm Bureau all through the Roosevelt Kline got pretty rough treatment recently from the House Agriculture Come mitten, after hie testimony against the farm plan That's other lasue on which officers and small farmer members of the Farm Bureau are split. Hay Try Braansa Secretary of Agriculture Charles farm. plan may not be so dead as generally believed House Agriculture Commitics la considering bill to try out the Brandan plas next year on four.

perishables- milk, pork and potatoes. This would he eaten sion of the Department of Agriculture's original proposal to try out the Brennan pisa on pork. cludias potatoes would definitely put the Department of Agriculture the spot, as keeping up potato price levels is already the most operation the present program. Reliable Authority" Digest" now quotes Earl of National Associa: the of Manufacturers an, thority on the effectiveness of some New Deal legislation. A 1041 speech of Bunting's predicting that there would no serious.

depression, has been dus up by the Democrats to prove their point It quotes the A M. macutive baving or proved suck things Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Social Security and the economie stabilization program in. reneral. Here are sample quotes: "Stacks are not rocketing past the moon they did la 1920. Our banks are liquid today an they were trosen 1920.

We bare $7,000,000,000 In unemployment funds, to cushion against and halt any plunge like 1010. We are armed with better. weapons which were' not. available In 1020. Sati No.

Trouble Big question Insiders were ins when strong man Louls son became Secretary of Delanse was whether be could muzzle Air Secretary W. Stuart Under' Forrestal, Symington took the case for his glamorous Air Force direct to Congress, the press and the publie, far, there has would so over Johnson's head to ladication that ty minston set what he wants, and the two are on good terms. Washington Daybook Young FDR's. Victory Proves Minority Voting Blocs A Myth By Tris, Cattle owned property, tended to, vote tor' WASHINGTON, June glamorous young Congressman and white haired Senator can tell the world one ancient political dogma sheer bunk. They Are lin D.

Roosevelt Jr. and Michi. COP Homer The rule la voters vote torather minority blocs, CatheNca, Jews, Polish Americans, etc. Major parties have spent- millions of dollars wooing mil-styled. mie sority leaders, But this rule phony bad check In New York's Soth District, poly got area, and ta Detroit.

The very day young Roosevelt aft his the Democratio National Commit. tee make was it mying the Irish augustly be wouldn't coulda't rote tor anyone divorce, the Jews would ballot for one of their race. That the way turned out! But more detailed study shewing up the old axiom election may of Detroit, ward by ward, in Senator Fergusoa's It shows without any question, the Senator's shrewd assistant, Oll ver J. Domplerre, points out. "Peo ple don't.

vote by religious, racta! population groups. They vote by level." la the 1944 election, Senator Jason made big pitch! for the large Negro and la Detroit. (The city has huge population of voters who trace their immediate ancestry le Po land, Russian Ukraine Huagery. and Belgium.) Ferguson 100 per cent record on civil rights, and he labored mightily to open the Immigration rates to political refugees from Europe. An influential save Senator big newspaper, The Detroit bulld up.

His managers spent heary sugar on the minerity blocs. But when the votes were count ed, the very wards where his pain labored the most to bring In Negro and foreign- blocs the Senator from 0 pet. cent of the vote. These were low wards. the Polish wards, Ferguson and his assistants howled -about "the selling out of Poland at Tale la the Ukratalaa cry was against the Ukraine by Moscow.

All these lines rot great cheera, But the sult was no votes. As one of son's assistants commented, "That was all very interesting. but voters are primarily concerned with the of their pocket Looks." The Detroit map bunts another legend that union labor rotes solidly. Ferguson countiag on his opponent carrying labor areas by per cent. Instead, the 100 per cent pro-labor Democrat ed only from 50 te 70 per cent.

careful re-check by Ferguson' manager revealed that regularly employed, high paid workers, who 9 P. 'Never Mind About Breathing. This Is For 5 1 THE DOCTOR SAYS Hay Fever Period Depends On Sensitivity To Different Pollens By Lavia Jordan, M. The time when: omptoms of bay lever develop in septible person depends what polleas he os the is sensitive to A few people develop from the early pollinating trees. Many more do not, have much trouble' any June early July when the grasses begin to pollimate, The worst dimculty comes about the middle of August when ragweed and its relatives begin to abed pollen.

The Brat thing which everyone should know about their hay fever, or rhinitis what it comes from. particular pollen-er several of them -la at fault. the offending substance can almost ware be discovered by skin The various pollens are colletted, scratched on the akin and reddening will occur. la those people who are sensitive. Many of the pollens are of can he made up into solutions and Jected under the akin to produce gradual lessening of sensitivity.

This method followed larly for grass hay fever and fall, or ragweed, bay Party Treatment Wise, person who has special senaluvity to pollen not to wait- until the last minute to do something about It. It tikes several weeks or months to complish much la the way of decreasing sensitivity to pollens. Although temporary rellet, of symptoms may be obtained with Dew drugs, the effect is not the same as the injections which are aimed at decreasing' the sensitive rellet can be offered to bay lever sufferers DOW than ever before, It is not 'only possible to rive the pollen Injection or shots, but when these are only partially successful, further relief wual-. ly possible with one of the comparatively new drugs, of which there are nOW many breads on the market. These drugs should not be taken of them make people sleepy and without doctor's a a advice.

Some this has been the cause of some serious accidents. Their encacy varies in different persona. QUESTION: Can a last beart be fatal? Mine la continuously around -100 bests minute. ANSWER: A moderately heart, such described, without any other signs of heart discase or bodily disability would not Itself be WE, THE WOMEN Is It Wise To Let A Husband Shift For Himself In Summer? By. Ruth Millett Should a wife turn her husband into a "summer bachelor?" That is is it a wise move for.

wife to take the children to the lake, the mountains, the seashore or just home to Mama for the aummer, leaving her busband to lead bachelor existence in the city? Writes a wife who la trying to make up her mind on the subject: "I'd planned to spend the rammer months with relatives who have home in Wyoming. It would be perfect place for our two children, and it would much easier for me than sweltering in the eity. My husband saye we can but of my friends has advised me against it. What do you think?" I think your friend la right, and that any woman who voluntarily turns her husband into summer bachelor just so that she and the children can escape city summer is foolish, indeed. It might work out all right, of course.

But don't overlook what sometimes happens to the summer bachelor. He gets bored. He rets He begins to feel sorry for having to sweat it out in the city all summer supporting a family who are enjoying themselves and sending him postcards about how much fun they are having. Can Jutity Going Out Himself Once he starts to feel sorry for' himself, be can justity anything be wants to do to have a little fun himself. A summer bachelor doesn't hare te look far to find companionship.

Often doesn't have to ro out of 1 his own office to find tt. It's strange how many girls who wouldn't think of going out married man if his wife is white 1 The Nation TodayCongress Talks Economy Better Than It Votes It By James Maries 20- YEARS AGO TODAY: June 4, 1919 Harry Lannalgan, veteran coach 'of track and basketball at the University, resigned from the position he has held for 25 seasons. He came to the University la 1906 from Cornell, and during his Brats year bere organised the Are ball team 'in the South. His track! teams throughout the 25-year period, bare been able to give close petition to the best la the nation. Two men trained by Lannigan, James A Rector and Henry Cumming, have represented the United States la the Olympics.

Mrs. Etta Walker, wife of Attorney R. C. Walker, died at a local hospital. She was born in Salem, N.

C. daughter of J. L. and 8. C.

Atkins Tyler. She survived by. three children, Margaret, nor and Robert C. Walker, Jr. -During the month of May the temperature about normal, while the rainfall was only 3.15- inches.

The highest temperature was 90 degrees and the lowest 41. The following marriage licenses were issued from the office of the County Clerk yesterday: Nathanial P. Harlow, Alberem Merchant Mary M. Jones, and Roy B. well, of Doylesville, and Virgie M.

Morris, of Mt. Fair. Would Believe By Laird Beggiand Undoubtedly John James Audubon of bird fame said more thas that, when, upon ing from a trip, he found that 300 of his finest PAINTINGS abowing more than 1,000 birds, had been eaten by RATS. Fortunately for us, however, Audubon didn't give up la disgust but started in again and inside of 1 YEARS had replace ed all of the paintings. A LENGTHY SUBJECT.

Ing home the bacon in Cambridge, England, used to be one thing, but bringing home BUTTER wAS something else again, for bridge La one' place in the world where butter was sold not by the pound but by the YARD! For turles buttermen of Cambridge ROLLED and sold their butter la yard lengths. So They Say The public never had taste (in music) only appetite They'll Listen to anything just as they'll eat anything. however illcooked. -8r Thomas Beecham, conductor, London Philharmon'e, Orchestra. We can suppress it (rising tionalistlo spirit In by running it underground, can watch it quietly to see If the' better forces in German Can prevent its growth before we take action.

I think the latter course more advisable. -Gen. Lucius American Military Governor a la Germany, Maybe Its WASHINGTON, June my but you what can't always up: members of make and what they do. Take Economy, for of dace cutting January Government they're ten Tm Now t's June. They've beginning to wonder not they'll Nobody's cut at all this year.

talked more than the Senators, But they came to doing something the line voted almost all the to spend more the House. Example; For the Treasury and Pad the Senate, 250,600 more. Labor Department and Security the A $196,033,180 more. Senate, $2, 07 2 Agriculture the DepartmentSenate, OF $21,961,170 more. River, Waterway Budget Cord velopment-House, harbors: and 2 1 Senate, $751,440,609, ot more.

Justice and partments-House, Senate, $884,04 10; Senate $671,782,281, a cut by 1 of where This last one has the only to run the Government the Senate, in voting year, voted less than the Since both houses came different none of the la Anal. houses now must compromise on their and probably will agree about midway between House destres At one point Senator 1 linots Democrat, challed. other Senators to make their constant talk about He was drowned out with against him. This was 0.0 the 7 the Senate was going to vote 1 River, harbors and water velopment. That's a favorite Item bers of Congress every means money spent back districts where the bometala see It.

Billion For Senator Tydings, Maryland he octat, says be 1s disturbed to a Government's big expense. He suggested that Congress its own salary by Ave per a That suggestion la. ridiculous by Senater Bridge Hampshire Republican -and the leaders of the economy but he says Congress la session till it Ands cutting Government expenses In the midst of the talk about economy, the How last week approved for war veterans. The fact that veterans an numerous and can be big In elections may have had to do with the give them a pension. But If this House approved sion bill becomes law -it can? 1 less the Senate also approveserament experts figure it the Government $65 billion ever 1 next 50 years.

But on the same day the okayed the pension has bill, large Committee--which over what the House can the hesitated about letting bill come to a vote. This more billions. Meanwhile, House menten still toying with the Ides of prat themselves $3,000 year atre more like telephone calls and ton clerks and $500 additional things crama Ferguson. P. Right now, the Republican and Democratic national commit.

no are fighting like two jealous over foreca-language presa. A big Midwestern Repubilcan who owns the Staats a German language paper, has been telling other editors their revenue will he 'boosted much as they are dem cold to the He has 'been setting series of meetings between the Richard Walsh- head the COP foreign language division; and Republican advertisers. One editor came to the Democratic National Committee across the street and mid, "How turn them dows MEOW Women' aren't caly who throw catty marks at 15 paces. It's also great sport in Congress, this shows. John McCormack, the grey House leader, was proclaiming nobly about "ble boys." McCormack grandly, "We Democrats always do the right thing." Clare "No Pockets" Republican chortled, right.

thing in the wrong returned McCormack sweetly, "Well, of course, of one thing I'm certain. knee bill was roing through the other day although wasn't on the floor. You were on the Noot, and didn't know it was going through." Touchel JUST FOLKS By Edgar 4. Guest The other fellows head stayed bowed Though there was, loveliness to view. GOLFERS SHOULDN'T LOOK UP the dogwood; white and red, The cardinal upon the bough, My rival never raised his head.

No time for beauty he'd allow. The while we rolfed I saw cloud Call slowly on a sea of blue, 0 1 said: "It la a riorious day And there are splendid scenes to see" Not once he'd let his vision stray. His heart was set on beating mo saw the beauty, near and far. The other fellow missed it all He'd rather shoot each hole In. par.

He kept his eye upon the ball ing for him in their vine-covered cottage in the suburbs will go out with him if she knows bis wife has sone off and left him to shift for himself for the summer. The, reason behind that attitude is that the wife is asking for trouble. And she is, too. So if you abandon your busband for the summer can expect only one of two things--that he'll mope around home alone, not knowing what to do with himself. Or that he'll quickly And come way to spend his evenings The drat la rather bard on him.

And the second you won't like. It's really as that. Today's Birthday THOMAS MANN. born June 1875, la Lubeck, Germany, son of senator. This famous author Joyed a privileged boyhood, but annoyed his teachers.

His drat poem was published before he left school at 10 to enter a fire insurance alice. Publication of two short stories couraged him to quit his job and he attended the University of nich. His "Buddenbrooks" was published in 1900 (1924 in America) and sold thore than a million copies. "The Magic Mountain" 11927). made him a best seller in America.

Although he bad defended Germany in World War 1, he was exiled by Hitter. He had won the 1929 Nobel Prime for literature and applied for naturalization papers in the U. 10 years later. He Conalders "Joseph and His his best book. The American' people lost an.

average of $171,000 a year to of counterst bills from 1933 to la greyhound racing -Yes. The sport sport? hound racing is at least A ing. sand The years older custom originated then Erypt The ancient Cora Gelds raced with. their Hild bare as greybounds The fastest speed of more thes greyhounds an Age a bout over 525-yard Q-Do Rible namesdominate? A--The Puritans ther had for baptizing the names Custom has changed are the chosen. shorter But names Bible names those tres dominate over sources.

"Battle Q-What was the Kegs? A--In 1778. the American a number turned them inte of keg with and attaching firing these cape ed the Delaware, hoping doscas of down the river the Goat Britiab ships at The kegs exploded sink any ships. -Which planet sun? nearest 00 A- Mercury r..

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.