The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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13 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY JUNE 16 1917 OR EASTERN TROOPS AU Kinds of Property Offerings Real Estate Directory Real Estate in Springfield Real Estate in Springfield Real Estate in Springfield Real Estate in Springfield Country Resorts Mass an Tours and Excursions ELLIS TITLE SPRINGIELD CONVEYANCING CO REAL ESTATE BOARD Service Through Co operation1 I GOOD THINGS TO EAT SELL OR LEASE GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE HOME BULLETIN AUTO INN MASS 1 1 or cottage us an Address $16000 CO Burnt 17 Bal jy Real Estate arms Musical Instruments Hillside IS Northampton 14 5700 MONSON MASS Address Owner 15 Ideal vacation SOUTH PARK TERRACE Resorts Vermont HOME OWN A Resorts Connecticut ST Real Estate in the Country Resorts Maine OR SALE inest location Automobiles for Hire Resort Property Auction Sales or Sale A PRACTICALLY NEW ON Whole nr part 98 ORANGE STREET Charlotte Hammond can 11 nt of nm nt Ream Summer Boarders Wanted Railroads 3 miles 1 room little Mass Auction Sales 498 NORTH MAIN STREET Real Estate Agents PALMER MASS Estab 1892 AT AUCTION EDW MURPHY CO Tuesday June 19th 2 Experienced REAL ESTATE 1217 feet and ha an Responsible Special Notices MORTGAGES 27 acres woods trout brook new house Price $2500 WKKSI tnln Dependable appraisals lights rooms ui 28 RUTLEDGE AVE ADVERTISE IN THE a AT AUCTION RECREATION Thursday June 21 12 Noon NUMBER a The Republican COTTAGE HOUSE tn 19 PALM STREET June 17 10 a tn Time BUY THIS ARM AT AUCTION Thursday June 21 1 1 10 hend fl fc Physicians and Specialists member Box 3G ITh ate Souter 6 dally I HARTDROBOAI ygaj or the summer from Springfield very desirable home on easy price you would have to pay 10 10 1000 4500 5500 5500 Long Sjngle OR SALE 92 Marengo Park 10 room house A homey place Blair St Brau mon I Only of you home 4X004000 large eont Columbia Delaware and New Jersey at Petersburg Va Cor Main and Bridge Sts Choice 10 room residence in splendid condition near Dartmouth Terrace See me at once $500 and 5xl 1 50x100 5Oxt no 50xlvo Smith St Mill St Acushnet Ave 150 and Oxioo 50xloo 50x100 $6700 6500 7000 6000 ate baths splendid fiOl course nis bathing and other attrnetions DWIGHT WINTER Auctioneers OPPOSITE OREST PARK 15 Stlo Business Real Estate "07 Main WALLACE 30 Lyman Street Tel River 5350 or 8 room living a TWO AMILY AND THREE AMILY Edie Ij Hamblen SIS Main St John TV Crane Co £83 Main St Hubbard Leonard Inc NS Bridge St COLLINS INN he Home of the Chicken Hall Eluck Westfield Mass hourly to Sts 60x100 5Ux2'V 50x125 50X100 50x149 41X10S 48x SO 50x100 Examines and Certi fies Titles Draws Deeds and Mortgages Protects all parties in Real Estate Transac tions' 500 MAIN ST wagon0 coast Unexcelled RESIDENCES AND SINGLE HOUSES 7700 7500 7200 6400 6SOO 5600 5 mo 6 SOO TO a 1150 RESORTS CAMPS COTTAGES MOHAWK INN RIVERDALE STREET uller Bldg OR SALE AT A BARGAIN Apple Blossom Time in Becket Country Never Looked Better Come and See for Yourself What Part You Can Buy for a Little Money TWO TENEMENT HOUSE Pendleton Av Worthington Edgemont St lorence St Oak St Marlon St Hanco*ck St THE HIGHLAND HOUSE 80 PAGE 01 ILLUSTRiP The most popular Inn on the Boston Post Hoad NORTH WILBRAHAM MASS JOSEPH HARTT Prop nr pn rt irti lar np Co Agent New DWIGHT WINTER Auctioneers 15 14 If you are looking for a moderate priced home you cannot do better than attend this sale as the owner is very anxious to dispose of the same Only $500 down DWIGHT WINTER Auctioneers Hartford and Middletown Illi ont of State st Hartford at 400 Idiofioiil Mass: to 2 million heml'icl ash and other or particulars address Bov 13! i tiold Mass arm for sale: 4" aciog good grs land till: top suitable fm nr TWO TENEMENT HOUSE spot 1500 feet abote bca leel for Booklet I) 310RAN Proprietor 50x126 50x112 50x100 S4X150 When You Need an Appraisal of Real Estate Consult Any Member of the Springfield Real Estate Board 20 acres room house maple shade trees runnint all buildings barn nen houses 1 4 1 ri urt rro Iftr i i iu i i i 1 1 1 1 i zi 1 ii i i i 1 i ii i a i i Will 1 acres new house all kinds berries fruit fully 1009 cords wood a lot of timber Price $2500 Vacation Literature upon personal request at acation Bureau Counting Room SHERIDAN ROOM 411 31 ELM Tel River 4599 WHITTIER Room 314 River or Modern 11 room house garage 447 Sumner ave Tel River THE GROSVENOR RESIDENCE Every Tuesday afternoon rain or sin' i ers ami seller Sale Stable and Mead iv si tenement house all modern dill st Tel River ideal location near 2 AM1LY HOUSE $7500 Located at the Park on hardened street corner lot has 14 rooms steam heat oak floors etc Within short distance of Price $7500 With terms WM HANLON CO 310 MAIN ST HUBBARD LEONARD INC 293 BRIDGE STREET Tel Walnut 1557 This 16 room house is situated on street that is sure to increase in value as soon as Dwight street is extended south In the meantime it will make you a good home Terms easy' LORENTINE GARDENS To SETTLE ESTATE desirable corner property must be sold at once large 10 room house with extra lot fronting on the Gardens No restrictions 182 feet front just off Sumner Ave Seldom do you find such desirable property for sale at the right price Send Stomps for mailing Summer Homes 12 East Court Street SPRINGIELD MASS on the North Shore Clean Safe bathinjr boating and Excellent table Suite and i June to October HUTE I'rop Gloucester Mass COTTAGE $3800 6 rooms furnace bath gas open plumbing and over one half acre of land Near two car lines 15 ride to post office Tala students wiil join the Har vard reserve corps at Cam bridge the 2Gth it was announced yesterday The Yale contingent will bring the total enlistment of the camp to nearly 1 100 Aitlieim (S Washington Rd 16 White St 14 11 rooms open $5500 Shore Resorts Mass hedges trees The house was NORTHAMPTON AVENUE An unusually attractive 10 room house birch trimmings con servatory all the' modern appointments Large lot Nothing equals it at the' price of $5600 Let us show this to you JOHN CRANE COMPANY 289 MAIN ST Opp Post Office 160 acres locate: close to ec'jtlful rlt lage i elect ie li farm prod phouc on If you are where to spend tion Read the number of The Repub lican June 17 undecided your vaca Rec real ion 2 45 tn 1143 iu Iv Balmer at (the and connect at Ludlow hridgL iu uur PARIS HILL MAINE THE BEECHES nr emi lnvalid Elevation DOO It $300 CASH COTTAGE HOUSE AND BARN 106 REVERE STREET AT AUCTION riday June 22 12 Noon It is very seldom that you have an opportunity to buy a home with only 399 dollars Come in and get the key DWIGHT WINTER Auctioneers Just off Sumner Avenue single house electric lights fireplace slate rouf Listed at MUST BE SOLD OR TRADE irm Stafford Good bouse iql Also liO icre chestnut lol HORACE TOWNE rS7 MAIN ST Pleasant A 15 Woodside Ter 13 Rittenhouse Ter JG 2 snrincr water to quantities iruii two trouv urcuha jraiuCn an nianvea aiusi sen once nu include horse cow hens tools etc for sacrifice price of $o00 UrmiiiL' tomb: farm wib 2 horses neverjil hoj and Innl strong and for Dr Parker specialist nervous and chronic diseases 5351 Main street A ADIRONDACK ur all lover older younger of the open air and the mujpfire If jou would Hv a whih in the woods eanoeint: anl walking nnH climbing mountains oxplorinir by water way awl frail fishing and studying birds and llownrs enjoying the invigoration of ramp life with crond comrades send for the booklet on the Lotr Brown Tr Haverford Pn HAMBLEN Service Satisfaction River 2075 Edie Murphy Co Sn Main St Henry Clark 6 Worthington St Wm Hanlon Co S10 Main St or South house modern Trice $320 flown Webber 310 Main bt 25 acres wood trout brook fi rooni house Trice $1500 The lol fronts average depth of about 12S feet beau tifully drrorflfpd shrubs and flow luillt nt a great expense and is a fine example of splendid xvorknianfehip our roc ms and reception hall un first flenr 4 to bur terms at a for fin ordinary houe DWIGHT WINTER Auctioneers "Every Breeze an Ocean Breeze The ATLANTIS Hi ACRE BRIMIELD TRUCK ARM On State Road and Electric Line 22 miles from Springfield 'G mile from center of town churches and schools 8 room house good sized barn some fruit and the best of soil neekdiiys Iv Westfield f'r cn second floor finished throughout tn 1 Steam Imat and electric This is coins tn be au oppor If you have Summer Cottages or Accommo dations for Summer Guests Books sent fn Silent of Eastern Mountain nnd Boarding and Game Write GUY BAILEY Sec of State Essex Junction Vt LOTS OREST PARK 50x110 14" 57X1OO 50x150 this place rest of Patronage Will attractive terms for Writp nr cal 1 REALTY ASSOCIATES 503 Myrick Bldg Springfield Mass Shore Cottages for Rent sou in a select colony rentals $50 to $500 KunniUK water electricity tennis courts clubhouse: safe sandv beach yacht har bor fine fishing: list on reottest Jas Jay Smith Co Inc New lAtndou Conn OR SALE Central Apartment Blocks Several two three and four family houses in all parts of the city meadow and orest Park houses Act quickly ood 2 fam rQpms ou each ou third floor lot 50x150: ou of Main bargain section Ou bliceic5 luiuuv steam beat oak and plumbing with a double is a good horn' mud Wilcox 374 Main st Uarrv Webster Real Estate ir Insurance Care of rpal estate ano col lection of rents a cpecialty Loa ns nego tiated and appraising Offioe 3 Elm Opportunity to Secure IRST CLASS RESTAURANT On Easy Terms OOD STORE and RES TAURANT one door west of Broad wav Theater and opposite the new BROADWAY HOTEL now being constructed Considered to be the most unique and handsomest Res taurant in Springfield Entire furnishings and equipment modern and in good condition Best sell or lease on quick action on PHELPS til hcnllh I'li price terms niaKc Address ofllee I Dwight Ileal Ustate Insurance Rents Mortgages Justice of the Peace Notary Public Public Warehouseman 25 Harrison ae Tri River 4KS VVonasquam Lodge 'THE HOUSE inest view sandy beach fiOHnr (Zrtlf single Ttynns with bath RANK SI Annisquam Station HILL Wilbraham Rd 14 i Wilbraham Rd14 Marlboro Ave 1 4 (rum Uoiivt Square! Iv Springfield 715 a in and boury toReturning aie City Hall Worcester at G45 a and hourly to 74 SLR I IT ELI aud PALMER (rom Court Square Except as Noted) Lv Carew next car IV (These ears AND HOLYOKE Special Catering: to AUTOISTS and PARTIES Dining Rooms open 6 A tn 11 A LA CARTE SERVICE OR 31 HALL ST Cottage 10 rooms modern with barn for ten horses and sheds for autos Lot 66x105 right near Park Good for milk or express man Little money down GRANSTEIN 453 Sumner Ave Tel Walnut 631 Main st' three family Rents for $43 a month inquire Tel 3230 or GEO LAMPSON 310 Main Tel' River 4348 or 6632 or Corner iot on Longmeadow st 53x135 ft with treebelt aud fine shade will sell cheap for cash or take a mort gngn O' Morris 38 4 fettite street Tel River 4538 i'nnr opportunity to secure a uv nouse wiui floor and two finished steam heat ash finish lorence street walking sf rent one of the best built four years ash finish brasfr garage: trontf lot br sold Sen 19 acres new Bungalow open fireplace verandas grand view Price $2 590 This is just what you have been look ing for: country home three miles from Main St Springfield Mass high eleva tion beautiful view new nine room house steam heat and bath garage for two ma chines poultry bouse IS acres of land some timber and plenty of frun brokers Tel River 21 IS 'V A village farm from 1 to 20 acres of land under high state of cultiva tion as purchaser desires A beau tiful residence all modern three walk from church stores school steam and electric cars Easy terms Particulars to close up an estate Make offer Here is a very desirable home at your own price WM HANLQN CO 310 MAIN ST fishin rales MATRON CAMP WALTON 357 Main Street Springfield meet at the Wer Sti Auction Mart font of VvaI Snrinvficld Mns assortment iu the vicinity Re that my guarantee 1 1 A BIDWELT Becket Mass Telephone No 2 Cottage for rent on the shore of Take Siintipee rooin bungalow thoroughly furnished: entrance iff Smiiipce harbor running water electric lights bathroom and garage or terms and Information telephone Springfield River 175 or Ideal Location for a Club House or Summer Hotel 1000 RONT On beautiful lake house barn sheds boats garden all done wonders for money will do the HOVEY 52 Iliirh St Springfield miles emt Springfield nu: me ana marie 'luf's: 1 1 room hoUoe route: 2 outhuiidirg newf b' rscs AT AUCTION riday June 22 1 in cash will be required you can own your own Jiancinz taught thoroughly: $1 ter 121 Princeton st River JaSieS DELANEY Chircpodlst 356 Main st Room oltf 7 PASSENGER TOURING CAE AND LIMOUSINE OR HIRE (Willis Knight) PRIVATE WORK A SPECIALTY Tel River 3139 or River 1237 WHIPPLE LAKE SUNAPEE NEW HAMPSHIRE SPRINGIELD STREET RAILWAY COMPANYPhone Hirer March IS IPW form great tical On the 3d floor is a big room with splen did ventilation Steam heat oak floors shades and screens and all the other requirements besides some things you hadn't looked foi It is an uncommon house outside of considerable distinction and excellent de sign: inside it is just as attractive aud capable of fitting up as an ideal home WM DEXTER OWNER 25 ELM ST Taxi Day and f1 hour 'I'el ruun River 3 3 i Wiudruin Drvsdou sL NOTICE Credi roan for lar Boston piano tnanufaeturer has one player Piano and one upright piano hn'e been nntseseli in spi ingtield 11 sen tnese pianos for balance on 'cases fo vaMi or if desired tTncU mu is I lit Llim ux Republican Office 175 acrc farm good Housm barn quantities wood and timber rifice sale price onU $1009 $500 down 1 passenger rl Cadillac limousine Cadillac and Packard touring cars day hour or trip: hospital cases a specialty dav or night Big Garage 1 Eastern ave Tel River Court at 5 connect at laidlow and hourly Un tk 7 11 Li Aiaiii a Hu Would like to correspond with paity "b1 would take mahogany piano rase almost new into their home l'b object of purchasing later ant move it this week A Rep Office or Salo or Two family house on Wilmont street Will trade for cot tage Price $3tKX) Ashley A Third National Bank Building Tele pbone River 7lHt Andrew Jackson real estate broker 257 Main st rents loans mortgages Come in and give me a trial Tel l20 NEWYORKSI75 bTA I EKOOMS $10 St 50 anil $2 NEW Single residence on the Hill all complete and situated at 60 Rochelle st white stucco exterior 7 rooms including large living room with tapestry brick fireplace sleeping porch all floors waxed and pol ished: Smith steam boiler Congo olive sunfast Holland shades An ideal home and the price reasonable or in spection and terrfis see builder DEANE RUSH 274 MAIN ST Tel 572 Yerrall Warrincr Reni Estate In surance Mortgages 374 Main Tel River 3130 James Smith Real Estate 387 Main st Tel Walnut 1OS3 Motorists Should Visit the orget Me Not Shop and TEA ROOM WILLIAMSTOWN MASS lot' Iiinuheon Room to Kent CENTRAL 16 63x PsssysE NEW YORK BORDE AUX ePARIS Direct Route to the Continent WEEKLY DEABTUBE or all rartlculars Inquire OICE 19 State St or Ixtcnl Agents EDW MURPHY CO Iding Tel River 555 Cor Main and Bridge Sts BOYS BOARDED or permanent IS miles 60 acres of grounds and associates Good Numtier limited or and references address Cottages to rent Inquire of lounsburj Son Indian Neck Bran ford Conn or Sale or urnished bungalow in Becket Mrs lood 11 Kensington ate Sprlngfieldi Mass A few more upright and ptnyer Tnos heap for eash or easy terms must benid it once Oppfi pveninvs reason ablc offer refused 100 Broad way near Bnxidway Theater trout brook no building Must be sold at once to settle estate for entire property $1290 or wi'lscli part IGO acre farm stocked 14 head registered Holstein cattle kmLo hnrns silo: pvorvthino in rood Thane readv to LUlUillii rn mence where owner leaves off Extreme reasons make immediate sale necessary for complete faim including stock pair horses tools etc $6000 or will keep out some of the stock anyway to bring about immediate sale Terms if desired Drue store for sale at Turners alls Do ing about $12 (DO yearly business corner location in town ine chance for a young man Must lie sold to settle es tate Address Mrs La Chappelle Adm 6 Central st Turners alls Mass 1115 1215 a half hourly Returning A III nt irl tn 113 1 hourly to 615 in hoinly to 1115 in SATURDAYS SUNDAYS bnlf hourlr 1 I (from Cmirl Square) Lv 6 CO 610 a and every Di tn 1 30 ni e'ery 15 min to 0 wi min to 1130 Last car ni Screw Uuericnn Steawers Delightful Way! ntiroiiinent Bath nnd Booklet Maj Gen Bell Announces Assign ments of Cantonments Maj Gen Bell commander of the itnartment of the Last nas nounced that the troops to be drafted in his department will be assigned to divisional cantonments as follows: The metropolitan district of New York city at Yaphank I the up per part of Pennsylvania and the le maindor of New York state al Wrightstown the remainder of ennsvlvania at Annapolis Junction Md: Virginia Maryland District of Ocean Steamships 160 acre tract land considerable tillable est pasture and wood land i i rL IHUaL cl MlLV LW olui lqluuv 54 VIRGINIA ST A NEW SINGLE HOUSE 8 ROOMS On tlie first floor vestlbuled frout entrance with large eont closet spacious room with fireplace dining room light aud roomy entry: all hnma nnd i a i It fit on iu and economical to Iieat On tlie second floor are 3 fine sleeping rooms and the bathroom ample closets and a linen closet in Hall The most attractive feature of this floor is the sun room or out of door sleeping room ou the front (southwest! corner the two outsl le are praeiieunv of casem*nt windows A room ff charm unusual yet perfectly prae 1 wrunm With entail od itour is a ur BUILDING LOT Splendidlv located Amuerst St south of No 35 Price reasonable Dwight 25 Harrison Ave jleA very pleasant hom*o ou the best residence street in Ixingmeadow lot 75 bv 200 feet: steam heated seven room house with all modern conveniences living room 13'4 by 32 feet with fire place central areh and bookease $3000 cash balance on easy terms Rtv er 7476 or inquire on the premises 20 rescent road Ixuigmeadow To close an estate desirable fnr residence or apartment ck lot about 6 ft by 140 ft See Cook lc4 Stnte Resorts New Hampshire Low Rates in July PELHAM HOTEL HAMPTON BEACH BEST HOTEL LOCATION ON OCEAN OR SALE LONGMEADOW South Park Terrace Sectionnn it Hiincfllow firerdace large zxww houni wlndflW SPOtS I LU uv nm real home with many distinctive fea tures WM QUINN JR Thone River 7754 Longmeadow or New modern cottage on car line: electric lights gas bath and fur nace heat apple trees and a big strip of land if looking for a good home at a fair price see owner 1' Roberts Mulo st A a ear Bungalow Hill 32 a ni 37 a Bridge) To Rent to Small amily from lune 15 to October 1 eight room eottnge at exclusive resort on Coun Sound shore Completely furnished Modern improvements Garage tor two cars Rental $350 including milk eggs nnd vegetables from owner's plm Ad dress 1 HALL 797 Broad St Meri dcn Conn or Shore A eirnmil Nuk Branford Cnn All modom on and garage Anderson Cook Krnnford Conn Tel 1 907 then evey IS niin Last ear 12 30 a ci hm ilolvoke for Springfield at 5 tn everv 15 mtn to lW or Sale A beautifully located IGO ae ruit and dairy farm less than 1 mile end in full view of town 6 ot nuuaieu peach and apple trees a large crop in prospect A warrlner Warren Mass or 175 acre farm large portion in timber and wood orchard good bouse fireplace piazza barn and shed brook a pleasant home on state road Might trade for 2 familv or single house Address Republican Of flee Loans Wanted $5000 second mortgage tobacco farm: village limits manufac turing town Connecticut six per cent and bonus Republican Office dress econd hand upright price $7 Bierce Co Williams bld Steam Sq tn ii every 20 min to 1100 SAlTKItMS eicrv mln from to llbO io SUNDAYS first ear 640 a then same as weekdays SPRINGIELD ami HPLYOKE LINE (rom Court Square! i rv a Liu eveiy iu wm lu min to 8 bo TO 1 I uj in SUNDAYS first car same ns 40 VUU every 10 min to 900 every mln to 114 nt Last enr 1240 in SUNDAYS fir car 715 a then same as weckdnvs SR1NGIE7D nnd A EAST SIDE (THOMPSONVILLE) (rom Court Square) Lv'at 620 a nnd hourly to 10 20 tn first car 7 20 a fv Hartford for Springfield 625 8 end hourly to 10 25 Sundays first 2 a tREBOUSE POINT Lv nt 35 and hourly to 1035 1050 1135 and nt Sundays first enr 725 in Warehouse Point for Springfield nnd hourly to 11 1 Sundnvs first car 64 a ni TO HAZARDVILLE and SOMERS nt 5 50 a and hourly to 1050 Simdavs first car 650 fnr St) fl 12 fl Pl fl i1 fl and hourly to 1115 Sundays first car Sl 5 a SPRINGIELD and A PI WEST SIDE (rom Court Squnrel Lv for Suffield and Hartford at 607 a TH and hourly to 1007 (11 07 to'Suffield only) Sundays first car 0 v' Hartford for Springfield 6 17 a nnd hourly to 1017 Sundays first enr 717 8 td Lv S'tffield for Springfield at 607 a and hourly to 1207 a Sundays first oar 807 a Chances for Business or In Meriileu Conn Property in Meriden 200 ft on railroad suitable for manufacturing or mercantile Iusiness Iot 200x233 ft contains factory building 50x35 two storv and two houses nil im provements Close to business center or particulars address Garage 327 Col ny Meriden Conu RONT American plan houe modetyx pleasant and homelike table excellent: spring water 2 and 3 window rooms well fur nished Line surf bathing Best beach on coat Leaflets sent HENRY ORD 2 large water front plots covered beautiful oak trees tor sale at one bait value or $950 for both Terms to suit purchaser The plots slope from the road to Iong Island Sound adjoiu a sandy beach aud railroad station have running water etc and are in a restricted sec tion Jas Jay bmith Cu New London Conn A payment of 830 dpwu and balance years from now if you to build at once will seoure 2 magnificent water fronts near New London ine sandy bathing beach drinking water aud yacht harbor Good fishing Restricted section tt wnlk from station Jas Jay Smith Co New London Coun Mr Druggist! Excellent opportunity to rent a corner store in a very good loca tion Onlv responsible parties write to Republican Office for particulars or Rooming houses and furnished apartment one of 411 rooms a good business proposition: 5 year lease Sev eral others Sheridan Room 414 31 Elm street Tel River 4599 To Blacksmith shop established 30 years owner is retiring because of Ill ness a Donofrio 9 No Maple at lorence $50 invested in savings bank pays about $2 yearly: $50 Invested in a brood sow to be cared for by us pays about $225 yearly: booklet free Tine Ridge arm Co Vineland WM DEXTER Real Estate Houses built laud for sale ire insurance of all kinds of re liabic companies 25 Elm Bt ISKE CO NORTHAMPTON MASS Large House with annex Spacious rooms porches Quiet shady street Especially adapted to Summer quests near car line Motor parties accommodated Automobile service MRS MONTGOMERY 277 Crescent SI or Sole shore cottage at alnut Beach 23 rooms all improvements best and most up to date rooming or boarding house on the bench: newly built beauti ful location A bargain easy terms lor uortietilnrs write 1 Wilhelm Box oo Chestnut Grove nrm locali ty board and room $7 to $10 per week Vlentv of eream fruit and vegetables bath and telephone 1' Mrs 'a Shumway Williamsburg Mass Camps LOG A or Sale or 7 room bath furnace city water! about 1 mile from Watcrshnps 16 Republican Office or Sale Cheap 2 lots on Miller st near Armory 0x100 ft st ft of land price right See owner 1 Morris 584 State st Tel River 4cs or Longmeadow bungalow: Main st: modern 83800 Tel River or 2 two tenement houses good location: all modern Also room cot to sell or exchange no brokers Ad dress A 10 Republican Office or Sale On Hill 11 room single house tge and lot olxtffi Hep Office cottage Hill sec tion Price $25110: small payment down cl River after 6 Waterbury '01111 Shore cottage for sale estate: furnished Woodmont Milford terms Brice $2200 Bex Bridgeport or Sale or Rent urnished bungalow in Becket Mrs lood a ve Springfield Mass urnished coil 1 lolli minnln" WfitOP! till inn etc: 3 miiiutes to store aud post otice Tel River 3117 or Three furnished shore cot tages Mrs Conk rove Indian Neck Branford Conn Small cottage rent nt Goss Heights Huntington Mass Alice Sherman 40 1 1 i gh st Summer Cottages CAPE COD'S ELBOW EViTHV'l Especially immune from liar worries infantile paralysis Quiet restful solid eomfqyt old people renew their votttll here Living expenses less here than at home including rent Live on fish clams lobsters nnd vegetables all summer 7 to 10 room cottages fully furnished and screened: gtirnge and boat accommodations Price $20 to $3M You should know the place to appreciate it as all ads road alike 'The best people onlv satisftiction guaranteed Bring your old nnd stay until oct 1 Near railroad station post office nnd grocery store HATCH 106 Board of Trade Ride Boston Mass or East bam Mass Pbmechea Cottage or runt Iasp snln at Grove Beach Conn on highway New rk to Boston mid wiiy New Haven and New London 1000 foet from beach same from railroad station 200 from Shore Line elec new building for residence or store and lunch rooms from June to November 3oth Owner Kent oakloy Brown 2 Garden st New Haven C'ini dAKviAI' 4 Must aeil at on mahogany 'PD ut piano: used only three mouths ou bt for $350 will accept 81oo cash Has written manufacturer's guarantee Ad ores Republican office vor Pianola player with 30 rolls Price $50 ierce Co Williams ldu Stearns 8q or Second hand Milton player best wade in the city Pierce Williams Bldg Stearns bq Must move nt once into some nice home my beautiful mahogany playr piano and rolls Only used four months 1 re fer placing with party who won Id buy now or later nt saerthee Am leaiin citv an immediate reply is necessaiy Player IL Republican Office Dancing 1 eactiers DANCING PRIVATE LESSONS MISS MAY QUILTY Cooley Hotel Tel River 23S Lenox Studio 274 Worthington Dens more Tel River 4 09 McKnigbt Heal Estate 'Office Rooms 201 and 2o2 137Vs State st Tel River 5Vj SETH BARLOW Real estate and ire Insurance caring fnr property tt specialty Cor Sprier and Worthington' Tel River 1150 from in last ar 1150 nr 7 3(1 then same IRGLADE AVENUE Extra cood location and well built houo nf nine rooms Lot S0xl20 ft double in valuation in next few years or fur ther particulars apply to WILLIAM ELTHAM Aiver 'JSS or MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LDG Home or Development 5 acres with over JPOO feet street front age' 2 miles to Court Square ine build ings and location a good one I COLLESTER 244 Main St RENTS $480 PRICE $4500 All modern 2 family house (can be used as 3) tirio condition iu a ood street AT AUCTION 2 HORSES 1 DUMP CART 1 DOUBLE HARNESS WEDNESDAY JUNE 20TH AT 11 A MASSASOIT STABLES 35 Railroad Street ROBERT EOLSOM Attorney ENRY MILLER Auctioneer Auction 1)111! 19 a June 21 rain or shine 33 head horses and mues carts wagons inntor trucks bartiessei contractor's tools nnd mnrhinpry A Brazos Snn Inc Middletown (Jonn spacious Hying ry uiei'iuue uiutiij kitchen ample pantry and rear the features of a complete very compact so even with IQ IKVUP UTU oont Ui I Sumner Ave 13 147x150 $25 000 Riverview St11 60x135 1 irglade Ave10 50x150 10000 Sumner Ave 10 65x135 7300 Sumner Ave 7 7000 Eton St 9 85x100 9700 Garfield St 9 60x110 750b Dickinson St 9 50x100 7150 Itendale St 7 51x100 5200 Larkspur St 7 50x100 5 oil) Crystal Ave 7 45x115 Larkspur St 6 50x1oq 4600 Dwight Road 8 50x111 4350 White St 7 50x110 5200 CENTRAL Maple St 14 80x234 Union Si 11 52x1 1 7 15 (r Avon Place 13 50x135 12VO William St 8 65x140 8000 HILL IngcrsMl Gr 13 POyl 80 $15000 lorida St 9 79x134 12000 State St 12 60x100 8000 St James Ave 12 51x125 7200 Thompson St 13 60x115 JlooO Wilbraham Rd 10 65x115 11000 Wilbraham ltd 9 55x125 7500 Bay St 9 115x100 8500 Princeton St 12 30x125 5700 Eastern Ave 7 45x100 490 Walnut St 9 5ox 73 43'0 Crest St to 50x100 5500 Pendleton Ave 5 too Homestead Ave 75x114 4700 Phenix Ter 7 50x100 4000 Real Estate arms HARTORDBOM.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns the Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The birthplace of basketball

The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield. Today, the city of Springfield is known worldwide as the birthplace of the sport of basketball.

Who are the founding fathers of Springfield MA? ›

Historical Perspective

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Springfield, MA are White (Non-Hispanic) (28.2%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (17.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (16%), and Other (Hispanic) (11.2%).

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What was invented in Springfield? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

Which president was from Springfield? ›

For nearly 23 years, Springfield was the center of Abraham Lincoln's life – his social, legal and political world. Historian Michael Nelson wrote: Lincoln thrived in Springfield: he lived there… longer by far than in any other place.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Which founding father was born in Massachusetts? ›

On January 17, 1706, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Franklin was instrumental in the formation of the new United States – he played key roles at the Continental Congress, the Constitutional Convention, and as a diplomat to France.

What was the old name of the Springfield Armory? ›

Gun Co. of Devine, Texas, was renamed Springfield Armory, Inc. to capitalize on the name recognition.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

Why is Springfield called Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.