The Summit County Beacon from Akron, Ohio (2024)

nmmit omittj Kjtearott. i WHOLE NUMBER 1791. VOL. XXXVI NO. 19.


Mt. Veraonft Delaware B.R, A State Vormal Stbool far Ohio. From the Ohio Educational Monthly for Nov. ber. diana! On Thursday both of the Liberal IttUettljf Ifjjeacou, LAWYERS.

papers in that city, Julian's Indiana llad teal and the Democratic Herald, appear ment to ensure a great success. This achieved, we shall be in a condition to organize our final system of normal training for the State. We trust no educational plank-road arrangement hybrid scheme of pensioning private institutions; no weary waiting for dead men's wills and testaments no futile attempt to work a hundred extremities without a heart, will IU I0KFR 28th, 1872. 4 Atlomevs at Law.

The State of Ohio now enjoys the un J. OFFICE: In Hawkin's Block. ed with their obituaries in the editorial opgioeite the s. msroun. enviable distinction of being possibly the only State of the first class in the Union, Fjr the State of Ohio, for the Week tMtag November 20, 187i.

Reported for TnK Beacon by J. McC. Perkins fc Counselors-at-law and So licitors for Patents and Claims, No. 513, Seventh street, Washington, D. Ol of Music.

Akrtm, Uhi' C. D. TIBBL1. lj.vl" lv; TRATNS GOINd NORTH Vernon i column. Julian goes Southwest to teach L've Mt OBSERVANCE OF THE DAY IN AKRON.

Religious Services Private Gatherings Bneh-tel College, etc. which has made no adequate provision A. M. 1 7ax) tor the normal training ot its teachers and grow up with the country and his paper disappears entirely. The other man THE mdwaigaaJ have entrHi into iiailmiMihlp and inkt rooms in the Academy of Music, in the citv of Akron, and are now ready to ran1 art anv and all tHUriMM that may be entrust ed tolhem.

'ollcetion- promptly atlendd to. Convey am Examination of Kecords, Ac, done up with tiift-patch. Settlement of Estates and comes in our line. Ail legal business entrusted to ns will receive our careful and prompt attention. Mr.

Rinehart is also a Notary Public. We hope by strict attention to business to mi-rrit and receive a portion of public patronage. CIIAS. TUNEIIAKT. JanlVulv S.

H. 1MTK.1N. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEIt 4, 1873. Grant's official majoril3r in New Jersey is the largest ever given in the State for a candidate of any politieal party'. The aggregate Republican majority We can not agree with our earnest State come across the track of such a consum mation.

A. D. MAYO. fSB A.M lUtPJH. A-M 7:211 Millersbnrg Orrville Cliuton 4i Akron Cuy.

Falls Hu'dson Arr. RJ. WINTERS, AUmn at Law and Not lary Public. timer with iiihts. GtomT.

Klm-le. Market Akron, at- a wAdly has sold hjs property to a company, who Thanksgiving was very generally ob 8:35 10:10 Commissioner of Common Schools, in believing' "there are good reasons for this." I IM will change the journal's name and run it served in this city yesterday the stores THE DESTRUCTION OF PALA2ZCL0. without any politics. inere is such a thing as a man or a State persisting in a blunder until it II. TRAINS GOING SOUTH.

C. SAXFORD, Attoruev at Law and Sot ry Fublic. Office mr "Barnes Store. on Member of Congress is being closed, and business of every kind being suspended. Religious services were P.M begins to make its deficiency a badge of sf? iu oi saHeMBg I lie storv as 8:40 A.M.

10:03 10:45 A Tennessee letter states that the great A. is not east down by his defeat. IN THE DAItk, L've Cleveland. I 8:50 Cuv. 9:30 Arr.Akroa i 10:10 Lve Clinton 12 aW Orrville 1:15 P.M.

Told by the London Times." IS; f.w Yokk, November 20. The l.on apl 19 Tl-wtf. OODHUE BARTON. Attorneys at Law and V. Notaries Fublic.

OtSce in corner of Wood's Mock, over Barnes 4 Brother Store. X. W. SOODHt-E Ijanl X.C.BARTON. distinction.

The universal opinion of the educational world has declared that the soul of every public school system is the normal training of teachers. The reasons 8r-'7 don Times ot the 8th, has the following a account ot the hurricane in Sicily which for not accepting this universal law of 7:17 Arr Mt. Vemon Did yon ever! Well, if you want the prettiest piec of music, and words that Just tell how it is. send 3n cents for and Chorus, full music size, Kissimi in the Park, to destroyed the town of Palazzolo; "There has been no one instance of such a calam modern education are not quite creditable to our great commonwealth. The IJ DOERTOX KOHLER.

Attorneys al Law. of--Jtice over First Nation! Bank, Akron, Ohio. Applications in Bankrnt.Trv artendeci to. (The Herman lanjruage KDOERTO.N. act 1 7.

"(- J. A. KDIII KR The official vote of West Virginia in August last has just now been announced as follows: For Jacob for Camden 40,305 Jacob's majority 2,083. The total vote is 83,293. Such speed has been made in collecting the August returns that some sanguine persons expect to see the Presidential vote of West Virginia made known before Grant's second inauguration.

held at the Congregational, Methodist, Episcopal, and German Lutheran churches. At the Congregational church, on High street, there was a union meeting of the Congregational, Lutheran, Disciple, Baptist and English Reformed societies at which Rev. J. F. Fahs, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church delivered an eloquent and effective sermon to a large audience.

Rev. Carlos Smith, of the Congregational, ity within the memory of li vine man. II. Neither arc his friends. The wonder with them is how he could get so many votes with the fearful odds against him.

The Republicans look with more favor upon Johnson than they have at any time since the war, and if they would unite with the Johnson men, their coalition would secure control of the State and put an end to the power of the rebel Democracy. ST IPLES CO, Allen, Michigan. time has come when the cause of popular education in Ohio, outside a few cities. No earthquake ever caused so much de sepljwlit MASSILLOX BRANCH. NORTHWARD.

SOUTHWARD 6:42 A. Al Leave Masslllou Arrive 7:51 P.M 7:00 ilillirt 7'25 7:14 Canal Fulton 7:10 7:32 Clinton G. A. JONES. Sopeimtendent.

E. M1ZE, General Ticket Bee Hive W. B. Arndt, Nova. Corn Planter N.

Gortner, Frazeysburg. Washing Machine D. T. Hoffman, Smith ville. Can for Shipping Oi! H.

G. Porter, Dayton. Combined Threshing and Hulling Machine J. W. Smith, Bryan.

Harvester Rake W. T. Smith, Bellefon taine. Tip for preventing the Ingrowing of Toe Nails E. E.

Stedman, Ravenna. Grain Drill O.K. Patric, Springfield. Compression Clasp for Elastic Tubes W. Bunce, Oberlin.

Balanced Yalvc W. R. Dunlap, Cin-cinnatti. Clamp W. F.

Otis, New London. Bush Hammer W. 0. Peckham, Troy. Stone Axe To same person.

Stone Cutter's Chisel To same person Butter Package N. P. Adams, Cleveland. Last J. Anzer, Ashtabula.

Upright Piano Action T. Atkins and Ij. Drewer, Cincinnati. Steam Exhaust for Locomotives T. demands the serious and concentrated ef V'ORIS Attorne ys at Law.

Office over lid National Bank. Howard Street A. c. TORJS. fch 201 Js.

r. r.CBBK forts of its most determined and enlight DR. L. G. THORP ened friends to save it from decline.

It is time that the two interests that have so long blocked the wheels of common- OV1ATT. Attorney at Law Office in Iron Block. Akron. may 17.T1 HACK TO HIS OLD ROOMS struction. There are houses ruined, houses fallen to the very ground; walls cleft from end to end.

walls hanging out wards as if to rest on the adjoining houses; there are roofs wholly swept away; sunken vaults; balconies torn from their places; windows and shutters cither entirely carried oil' or hanging loose from the walls; lampposts forced from their'sockets, uproot ed trees: and this is all one sees along the northeast side of the town. Not a sinirle The Atlantic Great Western Railroad Howard Street, where he will ctmtinue todo all school reform in our State local partisan politics and private academical jealousy kinds of Dentistry in the and as cheap as the cliealH'st. Bp) 29 "i-ly. should subside in lavor ot this great and Rev. J.

P. Agenbroad, of the Baptist church assisted in the exercises. The excellent singing of a choir composed of the Lutheran and Congregational choirs KlKlt BROAD fiArfiKROI TK BCTWKm TM The Democratic correspondents in Washington seem to be fully posted upon the preparations beiniriade by the peddling politicians "of the Republican party for a war upon the President's Civil Service Reform. It is no better than we L. V.

BlRRCB. J. F. Bl'NS. A.

E. HlESTANB. BIERt'E. BTTSK IIIESTAXD, Attorney .1 Law-Master l'nhlie and Real Estate Agents. Office, cornet of Market and Malt streets, Akron, t).

(ienuan and French spoken. deciwtf. r. erxpHBtv. E.

w. rj HUMPHREY ST I' ART. Attorneys at Law and Xtrtaries Public. Akron Ohio, may lstwly Office oyer City T.ank. need of the whole people.

The three essentials of advancement for common school education in Ohio are: 1. A thorough revision of the school laws 2. An Hl'vn 1 ou, I lilt 1 LIST. combined was remarked upon by every att endance. A postal convention has leen concluded with the Province of Newfoundland, reducing the international- letter-rate between the United States and Newfoundland on and after December 1st, from 10 cents to 6 cents per half ounce, and fixing the rate for newspapers at 2 cents each, prepayment being compulsory.

Each country is to levy and collect its own postage on all other articles of print effective system of supervision 3. A state house remains in which the whole roof and windows do not require thorough repair. The streets are a mass of fragments and rubbish. Rev. W.

W. Ranisy preached an in normal school. could expect ot them, that they should join Davis, Cleveland. We are not insensible to the praise in all efforts made to maintain the corrup. The incidents of the disaster are so structive discourse in the First Methodist Episcopal church, in the morning, ou the Pipe Wrench A.

Gauntt, Chagiin H. V. rNOERSOLL. TltOS. F.

"WILDES. worthy efforts of various academical and Falls. nORMVICK LEWIS, Cleveland Brass Pipe Works, Cmw and Center CifTeland. Mannfiintarera and Dealers in Wrouifht Iron Pipe, Iron FittinKK and BraNN for Steam, Water, Ua-i and OU. Cameron Steam and Hand Pump.

All kinds of Meuru and Gus Fitting TooN cfint-tantry on hand. illy 9tv3y. tion and inefficiency in the public service that w-as a heritage of Democratic rule collegiate institutions in this direction. Machine for Sawing Shingles J. R.

INUEKSOLL WILDES. Attorneys al Law H. W. Iugersoll, Notary Public and V. claim Ageat, Office North Howard street.

A Ohhj. nuv-wly We doubtless owe it to them that our cen- strange as to be almost incredible. There was a store with hectolitres of wheat, of which nut a trace is anywhere to be seen. The books of the excise and subject "The Peace Angel at Geneva." The Alabama claims question was re Hall, Salem. to the Republican administration.

eral system of instruction, outside the cit Hub for Vehicle heels A. M. co viewed and the influences which the ies, lias not tallen below its present con bock, Toledo. President Grant followed up his promo of the land registry offices have vanished, and only their torn leaves have been found Geneva Tribunal would exert upon the Railroad Switch A. and J.


LEAVE No. 8. No. 12. Akron 4 P.

M. 7:44) A. M. AKKIVE I 5:10 8:22 8.t".i :12 Corry I a5 1:48 P. M.

Jamestown. 10 1 :35 Saiamarjca. 1 11:36 t- i Hornellsvi'l 5:48 1 1 7:25 aUmirl Biuitliaoitu 1015 New i ofK 3:80 P. M. 7:00 A.

M. Alhan 2:00 8:48 Boston 11:20 5:20 P. Al. TIME. WESTWARD i.bave No.

1. No. I Akron A. M. I P.

M. akkjvk 9:34 1 10:05 Galion 10:15 1:00 P. M. lSA.Xi I Dayt.Mi 3:40 Cincinnati. 11:00 115 A M.

I St. 7:40 A M. i 7:15 P.M. KansasCity P. M.

8:45 A.M. M. Counsellor, Notary Public and at liis old stand in Malcolm's Block. The ds' of deeds, mortgages, contracts. Pow er of attorney.

Ajc. made a speciality. Collections nro'lt amended to. nov Fort Recovery. tion of McDowell, by transferring General Hanco*ck from the command of the Department of Dakota to the compli here and there, at great distances.

In one house all the copper kitchen utensils were blown through the roof in another, bench rruit Gatherer .1. II: Coltha, Hanep. world, as furnishing a great precedent, fully set forth. A collection for the benefit of the poor was taken up. dition.

There is no reason why any of these agencies should be less effective than now; indeed, it would be well if a thorough normal department was established in every college and academy in the State. But no intelligent educator can seriously advocate the policy of the third vi'le. Feed Motor for Tobacco Cutters .1 mentary- position of Commander of the pvrSICiANS. Thanksgiving services were held at St Eiberweiser, Cincinnati. N'OTICK.

Milton P. Lantz, whose place of rewi- deuce is unknown, is hereby not Hied that Sarah B. Lantz did, on the 19th day of October, A. I. 1872.

file her petition in the office of the clerk of the Court of Common within and for the county of Summit and State of Ohio; charging aid Milton P. Lant7. ith adultery with one Bora asking that she may lie divorced from the said Milton P. Lantz and for alimony and other equitable relief. Which petition will be for hearing before said ronrtatany time after the expiration of 6 weeks from the date thereof.

CHAS. RTNKHA RT, Attomev for PUT. Akron, October 31, 1878. octSftWtt Department of the Atlantic, with head Paul's Protestant Episcopal church at es and heavy chests flew through the win. dows.

The iron bars of one balcony are to be seeu curled up one way, and those of another twisted up another way. There is a pillar of a palace which has state oi the nion relvinffupon aireneies Straw Cutter To same person. Lamp W. J. Gordon and M.W.

House, quarters at Philadelphia or New York, as he mav elect, which fact shows that the Cleveland. DR. AYTT, Physician and urieon pavs ppecl attention to lite treatment oi diseases oi WOWN-Offlci- 145 Howard Street. Residence jtH Stth Broadway. AKKwN.

U. pcpllwly Apparatus for transmitting Motion F. 11 o'clock, according to the time-honored forms. The sermon by the pastor. Rev.

R. L. Ganter, was upon the subject "The Three Emperors at Ber- President no longer bears any malice to M. LaBoiteaux, Cincinnati. been moved forward one toot without breaking, and stands up isolated, all in one piece.

There is a wall of another palace which has fallen back more than three feet without a crack. Here is a beam of Folding Hat Rack M. L. Bodlcv, in over which it lias no control for the normal training of its common-school teachers. In the first place, every college and academy represents the educational views of one man, a board of trustees, or a religious sect.

These views are often crude and crotchety, generally modified by local or sectarian ideas, unsteady, and at variance with each other. The State can wards that distinguished officer, though it is due to truth to say that General Sher (OBCRN TERRY, Vhydcian and Snrceons. -'Otflce. corner of Broadwnv and M.I1 street. Ot-tea hoar 8 to 10 A.

1 to i and evening. cinnati. in and the Council of Geneva." A hand ed matter, samples and patterns of merchandise. The United States will charge on all such matter 2 cents for each two ounces or fraction thereof. The experts sent out from San Francisco to the Arizona diamond fields concede that they found genuine diamonds aud rubies, but in each instance there was evidence that the soil had been tampered with in the crevices, and where there were no traces of the men's work they found no sort of precious stones.

Some were found in what were evidently artificial holes. The conclusion arrived at by the well-known geologist Mr. Clarence King is that the gems exist in positions where nature alone could not have placed them, and do not exist where, if the occurrence had been genuine, the inevitable laws of nature would have placed them, and finally that the fields have been salted. The other reports named corroborate King's statements. Thus ends another crazy speculation.

Wrench J. H. Strinkler, Brandon. Hand Corn Shelter G. C.

Hallard, Cleve some sum of money was collected from man proposed to him that he should do this graceful act, and continue an era of "THE D0MESTIC', Kins of Lock-SfHek one house that has thrust itselfinto another house. There is half a bedstead, the the assembled large congregation, for the land. good feeling which it is claimed the Ad Cooking Stove A. E. Chamberlain and benefit of the poor of this community.

do nothing to harmonize such a medley of Akron passengers bound Eat by Train No. 12 have no change to New York. Eastern passsuers by Train No. 8 can take Sleeping Coach to where they will find in readiness the most magnificent Drawing-ltoom Coaches in the world. Connections at Ravenna with the Cleveland and Pittsburgh road; at 3Ieadville, Union and Corn-, foe J.

B. Crowley, Cincinnati. other half of which lies no one knows where. All the tiles of one building are huddled together on one snot on the roof. ministration is inaugurating.

plans and theories into a consistent gen Any of this money remaining over, after relieving those in immediate want, will eral system, except by the dangerous ex Metallic Binding for Dash Boards for Carriages J. Curtis, Cincinnati. DR. J. H.

I'KTKKSoN. Surgeon Tentist, Office in John flood's blocJr nwij opposite tin? Empire liouse. Market Street, AJiron O. July 5wtf. HITCHco*ck.

PbytfeiB ami Surgeon. Special attention given to nervoii BuioesB attended to promptly at all hour. one door south of J. li. Bachtel, L'oion Office in Hawk Block, No.

apr lSw-tf. One of the first resolutions introduced periment ot teeing these institutions with crashed and broken up as if they had been pounded. The rafters of another build be given into the hands of the Parish Aid THE "LIGHT 4 iZtMSS ing are all bare; the tiles have llown no into the Pennsylvania Constitutional Con vent ion was one that was most needed. It was offered by a Philadelphia man and Stove Fipe Collar and Stopper 1.. Rydman, Toledo.

Lifting Jack A. Dom, Mount Healthy. Lubricating Oil G. w. Gladden Cin Society, whose object is the relief of the poor and sick.

public money. Of this there is no end and we trust the people of Ohio will never embark in this enterprise of bolstering our hundreds of needy colleges and academies with common-school funds, in the "DOMESTIC" one can see where, in a stable, on the bare ground, men are lying. Most of them are in their night dresses, having been crushed as thev were ouietlv sleeo ntr. cinnati. BOVEN A.

K. POLTZ. calls for information from the executive department as to all acts passed since vain hope of training their teachers Washing Machine J. C. Grannan, ('in IArs.

BOW EN A KOLTZ. Phypicianfl and Snr- eeons. Office. NO. 143 South I Inward street.

Their features and forms are so disfigured therein. cinnati. 185T, "granting any corporate powers to mat one can not look at them without Indeed, one creatuse of a State Normal Sulky Plow C. N. Owen, Salem.

Akron. Dr. Foli? pays Bpecml attention diseases of the Eye. the har'and the Skin. jan4wly.

EVERY any railroad companies, coal companies. me yju nepons at tamang tor rtocnestev; at img-hampton lor Albany, Springfield, Worcester, Ronton, and all points in New England. Westward bound passengers, by Train No. 1, have no change to Cincinnati, and Train No. 3 have choice oi Sleeping Coach, making connections with the Louisville Sliort Line Railroad or the Mail Steamer, for points in the South and Southwest Also, with the Ohio and Mississippi or Indianapolis and St.

Louis lines for points in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, aud the far West. For further information as to time, fare and connections, apply to the Local Agent, a-king Tickets via the ATLANTIC AND GREAT Vt ESTERS BRO.Ul-UAL'ciE ROUTE. I. D. BARTON, General Superintendent, Meadvilie, Pa.

W. B. SUATTUC, General Passenger Ticket Al-'i, Cincinnati. Cleveland Pittsbnnli Railroad. shuddering.

Their nostrils, ears and School of commanding influence, is to polarize all these diverging private efforts bv a central Dower. The State of Ohio mouths are stopped up with earth; the or companies authorized to purchase. WESTERN STAR. lease or hold land within the common Machine can afford to do what no college or acade white dust has everywhere pierced through the skin. Here is the body of a man holding close to his heart a "child, probably his own child; the skulls of both are shattered.

There are two voune men in my or private interest can establisn a normal training school which shall em B. CHASE, M. 1. W.J. I'NliERWOOn.

l. D. DMfCHASS A L'NWKRWOOD, Sargoons and I'hvstciaiif Office in new l'o-tofrice Huildin. Kot-jdehceof Dr. Chase.

W. Market St. UeHidtoce of Dr. L'uderwixHl, No. H05 S.

High St. oct H. SEGCK, Mechanical and Operative Den-el tlst. Office in Hawk Block, 206 Market pposite the Acacemv of Music. Hours from A.

M. to V. M. may -wtf The Tou and its Inhabitants The Academ) 1.1,1 body the best results achieved in all simi each other's arms, probably brothers; the chests and backs of both arc crushed. What with the Pennsylvania Centra, the Reading and a few other great companies that have been absorbing private properly for years in Pennsylvania by certain so-called legal forms, there is a vast field for thorough and needed inveti-uation here opened.

Warranted. In the German Lutheran church services were conducted. by the pastor. Rev. A.

Lotlimau. At the houses of many of many of our citizens family reunions and private sociables were held. At Buchtel College the students were treated to a good "square" Thanksgiving dinner and a round of festivities. General L. V.

generosity was responsible for the roast turkey. In the evening quite a large number of students and professors attended the concert and dance of the Liedertafel Society. A party of our young fellows visited Cleveland yesterday, to attend the entertainment of Rubeinstein at Case Hall in the evening. Notwithstanding the extreme coldness of the weather and the recent prevalence of the epizooty there were quite a number of carriages out, the occupants evidently enjoying their ride. Near them is another youth covered with blood.

He was clerk "in a Government Pastoral Change The Dorse Disease Property Transfers Coal Prospectinc. Ac. Correspondence of The IlEAcoJt.l Western Star, November 25, 1872. Perhaps most of your readers never office. He had his eye-glass still stuck in lar institutions in America and Europe.

The State that is third in population, and not second in arms or statesmanship among its sister commonwealths, has a right to the use of the highest modern results of normal training for the instructors of her youth. Here should be the place where tho ablest professors should present to our aspiring teachers the most IK TOREK 27th, lSJi. HOING SOUTH-MAIN LINE. DR. MASON CHAPMAN, (successor C.

H. Bolles) Surgical and Mechanical Dentist. Office In Hanscom'a block, Akron O. jenfl "H7 hisright eye, and was probably reading or writing when he was struck. There Olw thfsp Leadifig Points if tifWIeofi- (m Lined the DOMESTIC are some mauled past recognition others ACCOM.

45 P. SM 5:55 6:15 HARDWARE, AC. EXPRESS. 1 :55 P. M.

3:02 3:33 3N s-ao that seem unhurt and look as if they were sleeping. AVithout exaggeration one- enlarged ideas, the noblest incentives and 1. third ol the town is dismantled, and more CRANZ A CO. Dealers in Foreign and meatic Hardware, Steel. Iron.

Nails, Olass, SnddJerv Hardware.Beltiug, Ouns, Cordag-, Akron Ohio. jan It heard of this town, and those who have probably think it is a dull, country village. But the contrary is true, I assure you, and I will give you evidence of it during the winter. The town is situated than a thousand families are really without a home. About a thousand more have only one little corner of what was once STATIONS.

Cleveland. 8:45 A. M. Hudson 9:58 Ravenna I 10:30 Alliance 11 :5 WelJsvillo 1:45 I 3 20 GOING NORTH STATIONS. MAIL.

6:30 A.M. Welleville. Bav-ard 10:30 Alliance 11 Ravenna P. K. I 18:45 -Cleveland.

1 :65 Still another snub for the peddling politicians, and a characteristically quiet antl effective one. Several members of Congress antl other politicians, who are opposed to the civil service policy, have been referred to the Executive order issued last April, in which President Grant saj-s: "While the right of all persons in official positions, to take part in politics is acknowledged, and the elective fran- -MAIN LINE. EXPRESS. I A 1:45 P.M. 3:40 the nnest methods ot their protession.

Such a school would not only educate its own pupils, but every academical and collegiate normal class "in the State would at once feel its invigoratioug power. They would all be compelled, at least, to give respectful consideration to its plans and their home 10 shelter them." WHOLESALE GROCERS. The Boston Advertiser remarks that "Massachusetts is richer in candidates for the National Senate than in financial ministers," which is supposed to be meant as an emphatic hint to Mr. Bontwell to stay in the Treasury Department The Advertiser does not remember that Massachusetts can still have a financial minister through the promotion of Mr. Boutwell's efficient antl trustworthy Richardson.

Indeed, the Assistant Sccre tary's friends claim that Richardson is a much bigger man than people give him credit for being. He has those rare qualities for a public officer, courage and determination, being indifferent to all influences, as well as regardless of praise or censure; besides he has a keen disposition, quick perception, a profound judgment and a thorough knowledge of the world and the tricks of man. His record is faultless, his legal standing eminent, and he has had experience. Rather a strong array of qualifications, especially when we add to them that he is thoroughly conversant and in sympathy with the financial policy of the administration, so that his promotion would be a perfect guaranty of the continuance of the prudent course which has won such favor for President Grant's administration. in both Summit and Medina counties, tne main street being the dividing line of these two counties.

We are about two 4:53 READING OufoF THE PARTY. 1 7:25 A.M. COLLETT CARR, Wholesale Crocers and deales in Cheese, No. 185 Howard street, Akron, O. jan 3 '7 ideas.

It would be visited constantly by 6:20 7:20 10:15 Some Excellent Advice and Pertinent Examples. P. K. MVJiits. the offlcials.of every such institution.

Its superior graduates would find their way to influential and responsible positions JEWELRY, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. dUse IS regiiitletl a a high traat to be discharged by all entitled to its exercise, From the Cincinnati Commercial. The Republican leaders who strayed all over the State, and the private normal instruction would be far more valuable than at present. whether in the employment of the Government or in private life, honesty and effi away with Greeley can herea: ter have no chance or place in the Republican party. rrra size and room nuder the Arm Simplicitv, Direct Actiou.

ape of Operation: WuietneFe, no Cams or Gear Wheels. Cylindrical hardened cast steel shattle, with Lirje bobbin. Suierior Automatic Take-np. Tensions. CAN SOT BE ri'T OUT OF TJTS or Adjustment by nse.

Thi a quaiity po-sefsed bjF no other machine in thejjworld. Ort HfCno mt W'nrk. Diirabiliiy of Working farts. Simplicity having 100 less parts than nme others. Uses Silk, Linen Thread, or Glazed Cotton with facility.

Easily oiled without removing Machine only seven oiling places. ffsstlj elninnd so few pieces, and those sH larpe cleaning not often required. Cannot oil the thread, because the shuttle entirely encloses the bobbin. Has straight needle sewa heavy goods with ease. Making perfect stitch with uneven thread, in thin or thick work.

Dots not break threads, as many do. Table that cannot warp or split. Drop-leaf that nearly doubles size of table. Sw ing drawer that cannot drop or break down as others are apr to do. Castors for easily moving the machine about the room.

Gatherer that makes any fullness even between the other two pieces. Embroiderer that uses Chenile or coarse silk, making and sewing on at once. Parts interchangeable. If any part breaks, a The argument that State formal Hs. ABBEY A dealers to Watches, Fine Jewelry.

Silver Ware. Clocks and Fancy Lioods. Established in 1S30. No. ia Howard kron Ohio.

july4 T-0ni. OH. REMINGTON, dealer in Clocks, Watcli-a es, Jewelrv and Silverware. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and warranted. 18 Howard Street, Akron O.

jan T-tf. ciency, not political activity, will deter-min the tenure of office. Pittslinrgli. Ft. Wayne Chicago R.R.

OfTOBKK 27th, 1872. GOING WEST. No. 1. No, 5.

No. 7. No. 3. 4.

5. b. 10. n. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. in.

so. SL S3. 34. 25. 26.

according to the JNcw lork World. Greeley, Sumner, Trumbull, Fenton, Curtin, Schurz, Banks, Brown, Palmer and Farns-worth have hurt themselves "beyond the pale" by their participation in the anti-Grant movement. This is all a mistake. Schools can not fully supply the demand for teachers, and are, therefore, unnecessary, is a part of the general objection to higher education at public expense. Our high schools and state universities can ed There is a strong disposition in the mile from Denison and two and one-half from Wadsworth.

The cmplo3'ment of the people is mostly farming but several other branches of business are flourishing among which is a fine pump factory own ed by Henry Hungerford. This is busy-all the summer and a good part of the winter and I should judge, from the smiling appearance which the proprietor always assumes, that it is a paying concern. There is a good large tannery in town, managed by Joe Remier, where they will tan anything from a skunk's hide to that of a horse and I suppose if the epizootic continues horse hides will be plenty. We have two fine stores in town owned by W. D.

Dagane and Levi Shaffer. Both intend to beat even Akron selling goods low. Both have a good trade and I think their monthly sales would surprise some of the city merchants. There are many other objects of interest in our town but 1 will have to leave them for future reference. The Sad Result of Jumping Off a Train in Motion.

Yesterday (Thursday) morning, a gentleman named Louis Gilbert.a well-known merchant of Wadsworth, was badly hurt oy jumping from the morning express train cast on the Atlantic Great Western Railroad while the cars were running at the rate of 20 miles an hour. It seems that he has heretofore been accustomed, when coming to Akron, to jump from the train as it passed Middlebury street, but yesterday he tried to jump off at Exchange, one block south of Middlebury street. Instead of alighting upon one foot he came down to the ground upon both feet, and was thrown headlong toward a side track, where he fell, striking WHOLESALE DRUGGIST AND GROCER. 1st Ex. Mail.

Pac.Ex. Nt. Ex :KU.m 5:10" 11:25" :10p.m 37" 7i25 8:55 4:22 5:09 9:26 saw 5:40 9:55 Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention to make stringent provision against special legislation by the Assembly. A ucate only a very small portion ot our Pittsburgh Alliance Orrville Mansfield. Crestline, A.

Crestline, L. Ft. Chicago GEORGE WEIMER. Wholesale Druggist and Orocr. 213 and CIS Market street.

Akron Ohio. July -'67. If these men have at any time a disposition to take hold with the Republican party again, they can do so at their convenience. In fact, none of them have renounced Republican principles, and none 9:40 o.hXi lOatr, youth. But their graduates are found in every educational post of influence become themselves centers of light and power and, even as instructors of the people, Harrisburg correspondent of the Pittsburg Gazette in writing of this, refers to 11 :35 11:55 7:50 8:20 repay a thousand fold the expense of their HOTELS.

the laws of the States upon this matter and says: of them have accepted Democratic principles (what are they V) or joined the Democratic party. Who can prevent them own training. Even the common school can not immediately and vitally handle one half the children in any State but it The Constitution of Ohio is even more sweep-g than that ol' Illinois. It does not leave the RAILROAD HOUSE, at the Depot. Meals on time for the early trains.

July IS. J. CKANKSH.VW. I'm), r. working.or takinc side with any pours forth an army that is perpetually door open for a single exception.

It pimply pro party they please A great many men About 40 years ago S. D. Williams and who went with the Greeley movement for assailing the waste places of ignorance, superstition, and vice. GOING EAST. No.

8. No. 2. No. 6.

No. 4. Mall. Ex. Pac.Ex.

N't. Ex. Chicago H.20a.m Ft. Wayne. 12 :20p.m.

11 :15 Crestline.A 5:35 :30 8:05 Crestline, 6:50 4:40 8:25 Manstield 12M5p.m 7:21 5:10 8:55 Orrville 2:13" 0:30" 7:12" 11 :06 Alliance 4:20" 11 9:00" mttebnivh 8:10" 4:15" No. 1, daily, except Monday; Nos. 2,4, 5, 7, and 8daliy, except Sunday; Nos. 3 aud 6 daily. F.

R. MYKES, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. BARBERS. vides that all laws of a general nature, shall have a nniform operation throughout the State, S. Dennison started an academy here.

It months after it was started were joyfully new piece is easily substituted. A score more of points of superiority could be named, but to satisfy yourself examine the machine at the Sewing Machine Rooms doing the most business in Northern Ohio. Mack Brothers. 16J S. Howard One living soul, tabernacled in that was intended to give scholars a good tng taken into the Republican lines before the and the Legislature is positively forhidden from passing any special act conferring corporate WILLIAM D.

STEVENS, Barber, has removed his Barber Stoop to Smith Main street, east side of P. at O. Canal, a few rods south of Doyle A Lumber Yard and office. jan 31 T1 to jan "1 7'i. lish education.

It prospered finely for a longtime but of late years has run down considerably. The house inside is in a power. Special legislation is unknown in Ohio. election. Call the Liberals deserters if you choose political deserters can not be shot, or at least they don't stay shot.

If any mighty and magnetic manhood known on earth as Horace Mann, rejuvenated the mechanical, old-school systems of New England, and the ghost of Horace Mann keeps school in every village of the Uni The lobhy has no existence at its State Capitol; After all the loose newspaper talk about the alarming frequency of steamboat explosions of late years, it is refreshing to get at the actual facts as set forth in the annual report of Hon. Joseph Nimmo, the Supervising Inspector General of Steamboats, as finished and sent to the printer. The report shows that the number of casualties by fire, explosions and -vreck3 during the year 1871, was 65, against an average number during the three proceeding years of 94. Value of property destroyed by casualties in 1871, average value of property destroyed during the three preceding years, $4,439,622. Number of lives lost by casualties in 1871, 363; average number of AKRON, OHIO body excomniunica'es them they don't stay the integrity of the memhers of the Legislature aug27-dwly excommunicated.

They don't even ask of the State has been impeached only on rare oc MISCELLANEOUS. ted states to-day. une normal senooi in pardon on their return. As for their Arrival and Dopartnre of Mails. chances of obtaining power and leadership casions; and, to sum up, one volume of our session laws equals in bulk the product of half a dozen years legislation in Ohio.

THOMAt MILLER GEORUK THOMAS, CHARLES MILLER, II H. MILLER. nereaiter in the Kepublican party, there will be no trouble about finding them if they desire to do so. Seven years ago there was a formidable movement in the RZIELI.EY, Empire Livery. Stylish single and double turn-outs always ready.

Enniure at Hotel office. Passencers conveyed to any part ot the country at reasonable rates. CHAMBERLIN COMPANY, Millers, City and jtna Mills. Akron O. jan 7 67.

the little city of Oswego, New York, has furnished a head to the training schools of Boston and Cincinnati, and is revolutionizing our whole American system of popular instruction. One powerful normal college, generously endowed and properly located, would educate, iudirect- We have said that the consummation of R. R. TIME. poor condition while on uie outside it presents a neat appearance.

Last year some of the town people held an exhibi tion and raised enough mone3', with a a small collection, to purchase a good or gan. It appears out of place in such a building. With it the "Excelsior" choir of the town makes the meetings much more interesting. A movement lias been started once or twice to repair the academy, but as yet without success. The winter term of the high school began last Monday with 30 scholars in attendance a number of others will join this week.

Classes have been formed in algebra, higher arithmetic, Grecian histbry, analy sis. making this a very excellent the manufacturer's present plans will pre Republican party against its radical lead vent Akron from getting a general system ers and policy. We mean the Andy Johnson movement, which culminated "in the every common-scnool teacner in umo. of water works. "Fair Play" says it will we also need a fttate.

ocuooi to Philadelphia Convention. The party ex lives lost by casulties during the three his nead against the end of a tie. He was knocked senseless by the concussion, and the base of his brain was injured so badly that all hope of his recovery was abandoned until this morning, when he appears to be improving. After the accident occurred he was taken to Schaab's saloon, corner of Ex change and Summit streets and his pockets searched to find some clue to his identity. A letter was found from his sister in Pennsylvania to whom a telegram w-as immediately sent.

Before an answer was received a gentleman who happpened in recognized him as the son-in-law of Mr. Delos Smith, of this city, and his friends were accordingly notified of the occurrence and the injured man subsequently removed to his relative's house, but a few doors away. This is but one more accident to add to the already large list that have happened to those who have carelessly underrated the speed of a moving train and have undertaken to get off before it stopped, merely to save a short walk. Will it be the last, even in Akron HiiuSOfl Ladies' Seminary. not.

One statement deserves as much citement against the Johnson Republican give concentration and efficiency to our whole system of school institutions. Without it they are like limbs of a bo dy weight as the other, but what do the peo 6:30 3:45 preceding years, 377. Number of steamers inspected in 1871, 3,297 average num leaders was tremendous, and they were told, a hundred times over, that they could deprived ot its head, galvanized into M. P. M.

Tl! 11 6:15 11 4:00 4:55 4:26 4:55 5)0 never again have any place in the party. ple say with whom is the decision of the matter? Let "Fair Play" or some gentleman for him together with some gentle York throngli. in-, eluding New England! States through. eluding south west, of Cincinnati through, in-; eluding East and West Cleveland C. Mt.

V. A C. wayN 8.1 W. way south of Ra veuna.includin Phila'da Wasbingt'n: Hack arrives Wed. and -Medina departs! spasmodic action by outward application let wnat have we seen Why, during THOMAS, MILLER CO fi B0.

TII0SI Vs; SOS.) LUMBER DEALERS, BUILDING CONTRACTORS 10 rrE next term in the Seminary will commence Wednesday, September 4, 1872. For circulars apply to the Principal. MissEMILY E. MKTCAI.F. sn27vrflm school for young people to acquire a good not moved by narmonious co-uperationj the late campaign, numberless Jolm- sonized Republicans obtained nom man of our way of thinking endeavor to 6:00 6:00 6:00 ber of steamers inspected during the three preceding years, 3,170.

Number of licenses issued to pilots and engineers in 1871, average number of licenses issued to pilots and engineers during the three preceding years, 9,938. The foregoing statement to ascertain the general drift of public The same want of intelligent grasp of cen tralizing ideas and methods, that vitiates our academical labors in this direction, prevails here. Much of the instruction inations on the Grant ticket, or were leaders on the Administration side. General Dix, who presided over the Johnson Philadelphia Convention, has just been elected Governor of New York, as the Grant Republican candidate. Senator sentiment, and what report will they makc? If people are disposed to believe that the manufacturers' plan will defeat water works, it will and the responsibility will rest with the projectors of the private enterprise.

If the people show a deter given in these institutes is scattering and useless for the purpose required, even when good in itself. Miscellaneous lectures, the ventilation of educational whims, the lobbying of authors and book shows that the average uumber of casualties during the year 1871 was thirty-one Henderson, ot Missouri, who was the spe I Thurs. and Sat. Star, Thurs. and Sat Tues.

I Thurs. and Sat 11 cial object of party wrath in Johnson's time, was the Grant candidate for Gover 12! 8:00 agents, consumes tar too much ot the precious time of these institutes. The most val-. mination to go on with the works, regard per less than the average of the three preceding years, also that the average loss of property was nineteen per cent, and the average loss of life four per ElT'Onlce hour, from 7 M. to 8 P.

R. STORER, P. less of this individual scheme, we shall be nor of Missouii a fortnight ago. Thurlow Weed, who was the right hand man of Seward, who was Johnson's right hand man, came out of his retirement in the M. RAILROAD TROUBLES.

uable conductors can rarely be obtained, and often the most vital want of the assembled teachers is not even apprehended. The most efficient friends of our institutes JJ D. COI.E, UNDERTAKER keet9 constantly on hand the lar c.estand most varied assortment of Coffins and Caskets, Wooden, and Metallic, in the City. a speciality made of covered cases of all descriptions. Also a large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Shrouds and Habits.

Material for Shrouds also on hand. Special attention given to the preservation OF BODIES KEEPING THEM IN A PERFECT STATE ANY LENGTH OF TIME DESIRED. Office and Warerooms Xo. 104, Howard St. Residence Cor.

High Middlebury JanSwtf. SOUTH AKRON. only too well pleased to know it. Let us Sash, Doors Blinds, V. fc P.

Lilih know what the public opinion really is. Disagreement Between the A. and A. G. V.

B. ARPETEK, 130 MuJtKR- ry Newahk. X. is now treat best know the advantage of a central corps of normal-school professors and pupils to inspire interest and direct the efforts in these associations. Beside, the Ir.

C. O. Fulton, editor of the Baltimore American, comes out in ing pacceaffnDv CONStMPTIOy, BRONCHITIS, and all dipeaeeH ol the Throat and LtuigB, with hi8 school institute, like every temporary Door Window Frames, Mould Compound Medicated Inhalation, Concentrated agency, needs preliminary training in its own subjects. Great as its value now is, his paper with the battle-cry 'Xow for Santo Domingo." After declaring that both political parties in Ma loodt and Cough Syrup Dnrin the past ten yeare Dr. Carpenter has treat- Lit is perpetually hampered by the ignor ings.

Ac. en ana curca mousanas oi care 01 tue uoove iiani- ance, conceit, and obstinacy generated by ryland are in favor of annexation, he cent, less. At the same time it appears during the year number of steamers inspected was four per cent, greater, and the number of licenses issued to pilots and engineers was eighteen per cent, greater than the average for the three preceding years. The total loss of human life on steam vessels from all causes during the year 1871, was 363, while the average loss of life during the six preceding years was 843. If these figures have any meaning at.

all, it is that more efficient and thorough supervision is having its legitimate result in reducing the number as well as the limiting the severity of accidents. cd dLPeafeH, and has now his popecpion ceniii- caten of cure? from every part of the country. The such teaching as prevails more or less in every community. As a rule, every pro calls upon the two Republican Representatives which the State has just elected to innaiation lfl breathed tlirectly into tho Root inp; and healing over all inflamed Ptirfaces, en terine into the blood, it impart vitality as it ner meatea to every part of the system. The seneation is not unpleasant, and the first inhalation often eivcs very arciaea reuei.

pr.rtu uiarlv wiieu thor fessional class must receive a preliminary professional training before itenterson its public career. We do not rely on medical societies.or ministerial associations, or lawyers' clubs to fit men already in practice for these professions. It is equally futile to suppose that our overworked common-school teachers can take from Hiram H. Foltz Co. riSRUGE, W1G0.N AXu SIGX PALYTHC, CILDEBSAID IRYLsHKKS.

All Jobs Promptly Attended to. Shop Cor. Mill and Main Sts. jnse 14.wly-d3t. mnch diincuJty of breathing.

Under the influence of my remedies, the cough soon grows easier, the 1111:111 i-orv, huxs ii' 1 iV. uufu vaillrtnCS, 31UQ English education, llie other senooi ne-gan to-day in the country school house under the charge of Miss C. E. Heustis. The Board have recently repaired this house so that it is quite comfortable now It the parents take a proper interest In the schools this winter I see no reason why they should not take a long step forward.

Rev. S. Sechrist, at the close of hir sermon Sunday before last, stated that he intended to leave this place and charge before long. He has lived and preached here for about 9 years. Last Thursday the good people of the Star gave him a donation.

In the evening a number of young folks gathered there antl made the house seem somewhat different from a parsonage. The horse disease here is very bad, a large number of horses being sick but as yet none have died. This disease is the all-absorbing topic of conversation. It is said that when a neighbor meets you now instead of saying, "How do you do?" he says, "How isyou horsey" Thehackman's horses are sick and he has to carry the mails the best way he can. Most ot those learned in horseology agiec that if good care is taken of the horses there is no danger.

Last Thursday Mr. W. Ilanshue and Miss Laurie Billmau were united by Rev. Sechrist in he holy bands of mat rimony Friday evening the couple gave a fine A large company were present and "Al! went merry as a marriage bell." By the way, a number of marriages are in the course of preparation and ol course The Beacon's representative should receive some wedding cake. Thev have organized a good literary-society in town which meets every other Thursday night.

Next night the ones tion Resolved, That Succss is a true TcM of Merit will be discussed, Mr. Levi Nash and Dr. A. B. Campbell being the leading disputants.

Week before last Mr. C. C. Mills sold his farm to S. Young, of Massillon, at $110 an acre.

Mr. Young also bought 44 acres of he Nash farm for $4,400. He intends to open a coal bank here. Sufficient coal has been found to warrant the undertak ing with a good prospect ol success. Last Saturday Mr.

Mills sold his farming im plements at public auction. In the fore noon the sale was dull but in the after noon it livened up considerably. Rev. Sechrist also sold his effects preparatory for leaving. Mr.

Levi Nash as auctioneer is certainly a success. CLAUSUS. Congress to be ready to take the initiation in giving expression to the popular demand. Mr. Fulton says no time should now be lost in bringing the matter before Congress.

His utterance seems to foreshadow the plans of the annexationists, who, It is believed in Washington, are looking to its accomplishment through direct action in Congress. The President, strength, and health is again within his eTasn. B. L'udcr our new (inn arrangement we expeet to keep on band at all times as large and complete a ntoek of Building Material, of every description, as can be found in this City, and at price that defy Akron or Cleveland competition. Ktc.

a. iau laiiiuijr umrnn up vne most debilitated patient, proentimr to the Ptomach their weary hours of leisure sufficient time for efficient normal training. Our food all ready to be aspimilated and made Into eooa. ncn, n'aiiny hixKi. A LONDON SENSATION.

late campaign to organize the Grant forces in New York, and is now again the recognized leader of the Republican party in that State. Weed is said to be specially happy over the result of the late election, because it has brought back into power, as the regular Republican leaders, the old anti-irupuachers with whom he was associated. We could give scores of similar illustrations, all going to show that many oy the men who "were shot or- excommunicated as Republican deserters seven years ago, are now among the head managers of the party. Even the New York Times, which has lately advocated Grant with such frantic heat, was the leading Republican organ which held up the Johnson movement from first to last. The Tribune then, as Radical dictator, ex communicated the Times from the Republican party, but the Times has had its revenge in the late campaign by cx-communicat-ing the Tribune from the Republican party.

In Johnson's time Sumner shot Henderson, but now Henderson shoo's Sumner. Fenton then shot Weed, but now Weed shoots Fenton. So it goes. Probably long before the close of Grant's second term, we may see the Greeley Republicans again managing the Republican party, and shooting Morton, Conkling, Chandler, Logan, (no, not Logan, for he will join the strongest side,) and the rest of them. This doesn't look likely just now; but there is as much chance of it as there seemed to be seven years ago of the present position of the outlawed Johnson Republicans.

Our political or party history is full of examples of this sort of thing. We warn Morton, Conkling and Chandler, therefore, not to shoot too wildly in this day of their power, and to remember that by and by Schurz, Trumbull Sumner and Greeley may be in command of the executioners. system of city institute and special train The Cough Syrup is to be taken at night to alleviate the cough and enable the patient to obtain sleep. Full directions accompany each box of my remedies, which consist of ing ol teacners is seriously telling upon their health and spirits. All our institutes should be so organized as to waste it is thought, will adhere to the terms of On Inhaler; One Bottle of AHeratlre Inhalant no time on non-essentials and drive to the his message, in which he announced that he should leave the matter in the hands of the people, and that the next move A Rothschild Will Harry a Christian.

A London correspondent writes The very uppermost circles of society here are agitated by the report of the imminence of an extremly unusual and startling event. One Bottle or soothlne hehrttuice Inhalant; One Bottle of Anti Inhalant; One Bottle Concentrated Food; One Bottle of Comrh nvrun. QUfci'lWW E. RICH, Commission 3rlercliant. LATE OF STORY AND RICn.i In Flour," Crain, Seed, Dried Fruits and Faetnrj" Cheese.

35 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. Liberal Cash aih ances made on consiirrcments Send for Market Reports. jnne5-ly Price of Box containing remedies to last one month made to revive the whole subject will be practical want of the hour. But this can never be done till every institute is in the hands of trained conductors, contains a group of thoroughly educated is vitalized by connection with a central normal school. siu: twomorths three months 5.

A daughter of the Rothschilds is about to by a joint resolution, Sent to any address C. O. D. Pamphlets large list of pat ients cored sent tree. Letters be married to a poor man and this poor man is a christian! The voune lady who of lnnulrv must contain Si to insure answer.

Ad This school should be planted in one of dress, A. A. Carpenter, M. Newark, J. 8Vom the Warren Chronicle, Nov.

20. About three-fourths of a mile east of town, in Perkins' woods, the line of the Ashtabula, Youngstown Pittsburg R.R. crosses the Atlantic ond Great Western R. R. There is a difference of a foot or two in the road beds, and the changes consequent upon bringing the two lines to the same grade will be attended with about 2,000 expense, it is said.

Tne managers of the two lines do not seem to harmonize in their views of their respective obligations and duties in the matter, and as a consequence things have been lively in that "neck of woods" for several days past. On last Saturday night a force of employees belonging on the A. P. went to the vicinity of the crossing, prepared to make the change necessary on the A. G.

W. before daylight on Sunday morning. The other party learning of their intention dispatched lawyers, sheriff, constables, and a force of the rank and file to head off the game ot the party of the first part, several of the principals of whom, in order to avoid contact with the sheriff, had secreted themselves in tool boxes, and among the under brush of the woods. A noise being heard in the tool box, it was opened and somebody popped out like a rabbit and broke for the woods. In a few minutes an A.

W. locomotive arrived from Leavitts-burg, and planted itself on the disputed terrritory. One of the engineers ot the A. Y. P.

happening to step out of the woods was recognized by the sherifl, who succeeded in making due service upon him, and this lead to at least a temporary abandonment of the scheme to make the crossing. The parties will probably have to take daylight for a satisfactory solution of their little unpleasantness. Sad Case of Drowning. Yesterday (Thursday) morning, Bertie.a young son of B. F.

Wadhams, proprietor of the Mansion House, Hudson, was drowned while skating on a pond.near that village. He was with a part? of boys and suddenly leaving them started to skate across the pond, but when he had reached the center suddenly disappeared. An hour and a half was spent in dragging in the water for his body until it was found. Bertie was a bright little boy about ten years old and his loss is, a deep affliction to his. the larger cities ot the State, where it Dr.

CAjiPKNTEn'B CATARRH REMEDY will give Immediate relief, and will effect a permanent cure in from one to three months. Price of remedy The later dispatches give more gloomy news about Mr. Greeley's condition. His death may now be expected at any minute, and even if he should recover, by is thus about to break with the traditions of her family and disregard the teachings of her religion is the daughter of Sir Anthony Rothschild, and the man upon to laat one month two months S3: three could secure the indispensable advantage of an extensive department for practice. The State of Massachusetts is now suffering greatly from the narrow basis of organization and obscure location of several whom she is resolved to bestow her tor- VBALWI, tVAlsO, an CONTRACTORS tre are prepared to build aa? klad or Wood or Brirk BaildlBK complete, a.

CIIEAP a. uy otaer re. sponsible partr Cffit and li it the Itwl ef Markrt Sirfft, l. aprl5dJkw the aid of his remarkably strong constitu months $10. CANCER in all Hp forms pnccessfhlly treated.

Send for list of patients cured, to A. H. CARPENTER, M. Newark, N. J.

angS'T2dly-augTwl tune and her heart is the Hon. Mr. Yorke, a son of the Earl of Hardwicke. She tion, he can scarcely be expected to ever GENERAL UNDERTAKER. of its State Normal Schools.

Admirable as will remain a Jewess, and her husband again attain to more than a shadow of his are these institutions in the region of will continue to be at least nominally a former activity. For he has been, as we scholastic training and tertile as they are in educational theories, their practice de would always most cheerfully acknowl christian. lhe disapproval with which the aged and excellent Baronet, her father, regards the match edge, an active and useful man, in spite of the many peculiar partment is so feeble that there is no efficient test of the teaching ability of their pupils. Large numbers of young ladies are thus yearly launched upon the schools of Massachusetts with little fitness for their work. The State of Ohio can not ties that detracted from his CITIZEN'S SAVINGS A VO ASSOCIATION, 111 SOUTH HOWARH STUKET.

Straw Board Company greatness. If Mr. Bennett was the pio neer news-gatherer and the organizer of atiord to erect a pile of buildings to adorn Mill and Offlre, SIXTH WABD, AKRON. O. a country village or a clearing in the E.

STEIN K-cnER, President. WM. Bl'CHTKL, Vtw-Presldent. W. B.

RAYMOND, Sec" and Tiea woods, which shall be an educational nunnery for the merely academical and theo American journalism, Mr. Greeley has stood at the head of the honorable line of editorial writers whose thoughts and words have created and moulded public opinion. His other services, numerous though they have been, must always rank retical education of a few hundred srreen is said to be increased by his failure to discover in his prospective beau-ills any qualities, either of head or heart, which could justify or even excuse what he regards as his daughter's infatuation, but then it must be remembered that he is not in love with Yorke, and that his daughter is, and this makes all the difference in the world. The Rothschilds have long formed a sort ot a royal family of their own intermarrying only with their cousins and it is said that every possible means of persuasion havo been brought to bear in vain upon the young lady to induce her to abandon her resolve. Tho reluctant consent of her father, or rather the withholding of his positive prohibition of the marriage has at last been obtained, and the marriage, it is sa'd, will soon be celebrated? school girls.

The preliminary culture of The Cincinnati Gazette has been regarded as leaning strongly towards a. tariff for revenue, and against a protective tariff. We are gratified to learn that it is not in favor of a tariff for revenue without discrimination in favor of protection. It says: "There is a vast difference between a tariff framed from a revenue stand-point, that should discriminate in favor of American industry, and a tariff for revenue only. The party that should favor a tariff on revenue only would, in a general election, be worse beaten than the odds and ends that attempted to elect Greeley." This is sound talk, and places the Gazette right before the public.

How any American citizen can favor a tariff without a wise discrimination for the encouragement of home labor and enterprise, we cannot understand. Blade. Manufacture of all kinds of STRAW BOARD. CAPITAL, $150,000. When the Boston Coliseum, vast and lone and with all its tcsthctic memoirs walking like ghosts through its corridors, if it had any such arrangements, was brought under the auctioneer's hammer should have been as big as the one swung by Thor and the price brought should have been something incalculable; but actual ly the hammer was of ordinary size and the price was insignificant.

The building cost $250,000 to build and brought but $10,000, and even that holiest of relies, the colossal drum, was sold for $32.00, although it cost $3,500. ira pupns snouid De gained elsewhere. It3 standard for admission should be high and relentless It should be in the sense a school of methods and of practice, from which all incompetent material A Lare snpplvjol COFFINS CASKETS CONSTANTLY OX HAND. orner of Market and Hlch St. AKRON.

O. inferior to his achievements as a journal ist, and on this account, at least, he de serves the sincerest sympathies of his fel Payw interest from the date of each deposit, com pounded gemi-annnaiiy. Dfils ifl Foreign Excbn and Passage lickeU. should be weeded out. We believe it would be the best, for the present, to con low journalists in his suflerings, and will most, assnredlv be mourned bv them if Highest Anrket Price paid l'or Straw.

J. WISE, Pre. F. 8. Lewu.

S.c. norJ6-lwlr centrate on one great school ot this kind, located perhaps at Columbus, on which Pav. and Saturday HP-Open ever? Bnlnes fr. nxliigF from 5 to fi. death should be his portion.

Wie O'-ate could bestow a sufficient endow.

The Summit County Beacon from Akron, Ohio (2024)


Is Summit County the highest point in Ohio? ›

The county was formed on March 3, 1840, from portions of Medina, Portage and Stark Counties. It was named Summit County because the highest elevation on the Ohio and Erie Canal is located in the county. Ohio's location within the U.S.

What is Summit County Ohio known for? ›

Akron and Summit County are known internationally for polymer research at the University of Akron's College Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering. Summit County is home to the largest portion of Cuyahoga Valley National Park, which ranks consistently in the Top Ten Most Visited U.S. National Parks.

Where is Akron Beacon? ›

Akron Beacon Journal
The March 2, 2007 front page of the Akron Beacon Journal
TypeDaily newspaper
EditorCheryl Powell
Founded1839 (as the Summit Beacon)
Headquarters388 South Main Street Akron, Ohio US
5 more rows

Who represents Summit County Ohio? ›

State Representative Bill Roemer is currently serving his third term in the Ohio House of Representatives. He represents the 31st House District, which includes northern and western portions of Summit County.

What city in Ohio has the highest elevation? ›

Campbell Hill is, at 1,549.09 feet (472.16 m), the highest point in elevation in the U.S. state of Ohio. Campbell Hill is located within the city of Bellefontaine, 2 miles (3.2 km) northeast of downtown. Campbell Hill, Ohio, August 2013.

What are the three highest elevations in Ohio? ›

Ohio - Highest Mountains
1Campbell Hill471 m
2Mount Miserable453 m
3Bristol Ridge442 m
4Round Knob437 m
6 more rows

What is the leading cause of death in Summit County Ohio? ›

The top five causes of death in Summit County are (in order) heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, and accidental deaths. While heart disease is currently the most frequent cause of death, deaths by cancer are not far behind.

What is the nickname of Akron? ›

A long history of rubber and tire manufacturing, carried on today by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, gave Akron the nickname "Rubber Capital of the World".

Why is Akron, Ohio famous? ›

Between 1910 and 1920 the city's population tripled to more than 200,000, and Akron became known as the “rubber capital of the world” and the international or American headquarters of the far-flung giants of the rubber industry—Firestone, General Tire, Goodrich, and Goodyear; by the late 20th century, however, only ...

Where did the Akron crash? ›

Akron was destroyed in a thunderstorm off the coast of New Jersey on the morning of 4 April 1933, killing 73 of the 76 crewmen and passengers. The accident involved the greatest loss of life in any airship crash.

Who grew up in Akron? ›

List of people from Akron, Ohio
Shirley Fry IrvinAthleteBorn in Akron
Ike IsaacsMusicianBorn in Akron
Sandi JacksonPolitician
LeBron JamesAthleteBorn and raised in Akron
130 more rows

What happened to the Akron Baptist Temple? ›

With membership declining, the Akron congregation sold its 29-acre property and 363,000-square-foot buildings for $1.5 million in 2018 to the Word Church, which put the complex up for sale a year later. Akron Baptist Temple moved to Killian Road in Coventry Township and rebranded as Connect Church.

Who is the representative for Summit County, Ohio? ›

Representative Bill Roemer - District 31.

Why is it called Summit County? ›

The county got its name because of the high mountains which offer fantastic outdoor recreation in both summer and winter.

Who represents Akron in Congress? ›

Ohio's 13th congressional district
RepresentativeEmilia Sykes D–Akron
Population (2022)778,868
Median household income$65,001
Ethnicity75.7% White 13.0% Black 4.9% Two or more races 3.2% Asian 2.7% Hispanic 0.6% other
2 more rows

What is the elevation of Summit County? ›

The terrain of Summit County is basically mountainous. The highest elevation in Summit County is Grays Peak at 14,270 feet and the lowest is the North end of Green Mountain Reservoir at 7,957 feet.

What is the highest and lowest point in Ohio? ›

  • Highest point: Campbell Hill, Bellefontaine, Logan County, 1,550 feet.
  • Lowest point: Extreme southwest corner of the state at the Ohio River, 455 feet.
May 22, 2023

Which area on the map above is the highest part of Ohio? ›

The highest elevation in Ohio is 1,549 feet at Campbell Hill near Bellefontaine in Logan County; however, the relief in this area is only about 200 feet. The greatest relief, but not the highest elevation, is in Monroe County in southeastern Ohio, where hilltops rise some 400 feet above the surrounding valley bottoms.

Is the highest point or state a summit or pinnacle? ›

summit, peak, pinnacle, climax, apex, acme, culmination mean the highest point attained or attainable. summit implies the topmost level attainable. peak suggests the highest among other high points. pinnacle suggests a dizzying and often insecure height.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.